All Stars? All stars of what? these characters aren't related to each other.
Is it just a pick n mix?
All Stars? All stars of what? these characters aren't related to each other
gibe card pls
>aren't related
Koei-Tecmo IPs. It's the Smash Brothers of musous.
I'm a big idiot
All good.
I kinda want to get it as a means to get into some of the other KT IPs I've not played.
>Honoka will never breastfeed you
i wonder how much effort is required in making these games
They've actually given the characters some unique battle animations and attacks, though after a while they all start to look the same. Other than that, very little. Which is why they're able to churn these types of games out yearly, sometimes more than 1 per year.
That William "Prepare to die!" was a bit weird.
it was a different time.
Isn't that Warriors Orochi though
Nah, that's just 2 franchises crossing over. This is literally "We have all these IPs, lets throw some iconic characters into a musou game."
In a way, except this one doesn't add everyone, more like the stands out or whatever. 150+ characters was a bit much
Might be stretching it there. Although I feel bad for recognising Opoona.
Nobunaga Cat is gonna be my main
google Roy12. Make sure you download the meshes too.
To be fair they started sticking characters from their other IPs in Orochi 3.
God damnit, I want to uinstall this shit but I can't. My HS folder is already 40GB of tits and ass, please halp.
A few dozen janky models + animations, a few uninspired sceneries, outsourcing filler-ific BGM and slapping it all together in the same old system.
share your cards
I don't think much effort is required since most of the work has already been done. Just use the models and animations from the characters respective game and port it over to mousu.
It's just like ctrl+c and ctrl+v a few assets, put it in the oven and it's done! That's how these dirty japs work. I'm very smart.
Who are the 3 furries?
I cant believe they put Rio in
>they seriously thought their IPs are iconic enough to warrant a company-wide crossover title
literally who is the target market
musoufags are waiting for DW9, and gustfags/otomefags don't give a shit about musou and tecmofags probably fucking hate musou
WO4 died for this
It comes out in fucking August? What is taking so long?
Is it out in Japan already?
You're not a real musoufag if you don't play the musous, user.
I'm currently playing Spirit of Sanada and it's fucking great.
sometimes even musoufags get tired of their shit
>whatever the fuck that hybrid shit was that no one asked for
>Chronicles 3
>all within four years
fuck you koei
Then I don't know what you want, really.
An entire company isn't going to cater to a single person like you, you know.
>Marie Rose
>Wang Yuanji
>Zhou Cang
>all those literal who otome game characters
Just make a new Warriors Orochi and throw William and some Toukiden characters in it next time KT.
>tecmofags probably fucking hate musou
That doesn't stop the games from catering to them. Musou is 1/3 for tecmofags now, 1/3 for Sengoku Basara fans and 1/3 for actual musou fans. I really long for a game with a cast like the PS2 era musou games. I wish they'd just remaster Warriors Orochi 1 & 2 and put them on Steam.
>a cast like the PS2 era musou games
>PS2 era
are you fucking serious
you must be in denial if you think they're going to go that far backwards holy shit