Games Sup Forums doesn't like

Games Sup Forums doesn't like


so pic unrelated then

The original was great, the remake is crap and edmund keeps balancing everything fun out



Why would somebody actually play that instead of watching 5000 episode of Northernlion is beyond me

I bet you also think watching Northernlion fucking your girlfriend is better than fucking her yourself

Shhhhh he only pretends to actually like games

>not watching northernlion play isaac while playing isaac yourself
>not watching northernlion fuck his gf while you fuck yours

Your favorite game ;)

I didn't like the original Isaac and have no idea why I pirated Rebirth, but I'm glad I did because I love it

Vanilla Rebirth was the best experience. The add-ons only added more shit items to pollute the item pool and Fatmund couldn't stand people enjoying broken item combos. He kept adding annoying shit like pic related.

To be fair, only little kids will like this game.

Northernlion is boring

But that's wrong you retard

That's because it's artificial difficulty the game


the original did hard mode properly tbf

enemies got new, harder attack patterns rather than just gaining health or whatever


Sup Forums doesn't like games

Sup Forums likes bitching about games

So whatever happened to Antibirth since the drama?

everyone dropped the game

Hard mode fortunately is not more health, it's lesser chance for hearts and bigger chance for champion enemies. Not like it's much better but still

I don't understand how they fucked up hard mode so much in rebirth because eternal mode in the original was fucking good and a proper endgame

You must be fucking high, Eternal Mode is widely regarded as shit tier. Turning every enemy into a bullet sponge is terrible

they got new attack patterns though, it made the game feel very fresh after years of the same

You know it's true


>Eternal Mode is widely regarded as shit tier.

The only complaints I've seen is that it's too hard, which kind of defeats the purpose

>canada joke
>reference to upcoming con / event
>"building up backlog for youtube" vs twitch
>sports reference
>decade old musical reference
>not a won run yet

There, I saved you the trouble

>on console

jesus h christ NO. THANK YOU.

ISAAC...and his mother

To be fair, Afterbirth and + added many quality of life changes, buffs and fun items to the game.
Returning to vanilla Rebirth on Vita felt like crap

Most of the people I've heard from seem to like Rebirth. It's the fact that steakfuck's expansions just dilute the item pool further while adding in more annoying mechanics and then he expects us to worship his cock for the effort that bugs us about it.

I started playing Isaac for the first time on Switch. Didn't like it at first but now I have over 30 hours.