
>better controller
>better online
>better "free" games

The xbone is unionically better

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Yeah but does it have little big planet?

No, but it has GOOD exclusives

yes, but still no gaem.

>actually giving things people want
>sonyggas keep complaining but they already bought a ps4 so sony already won

Nobody plays tekken on Xbox

look again man, those PS4 exclusives sold way better. Even Uncharte: The Nathan Drake collection way down at No. 14 sold more then Halo 5 guardians at No. 5 on Xbone

but it's going to have more people than steam

worse hardware
>better controller
has way more input lag when used on the Xbox One
>better online
>better "free" games
If you want to play 360 shit, I guess so

there are 2x as many ps4s as xboxs so any game selling better on ps4 isn't indicative of anything other than that, it's just more likely to happen.

The netflix box has games?

>better online
it's not though. there was a study that showed xbox live was a more reliable service compared to playstation. fewer drops and more consistent connection. i mean are we choosing to forget that PS3 networks were hacked and downed for 3 weeks while credit card information was leaked.

>has way more input lag when used on the Xbox One
The xbone controller is the "go to" pc controller. (last gen it was 360)

I do

wtf kind of logic is that "It more likely to happen" do you just go to game stores and buy games at random?

People buy games they think will be good. Whether they base that on word of mouth, game reviews or whatever they have to have a reason beyond "Well hell I own the system that plays it, guess I'll buy the game"

And pointing out the shitty sales of the system your shilling for does not help your argument.

Not him but are you fucking retarded?

Do you think the version of gta or cod on ps4 is better, or just solld better because more people own the ps4?

Those are good games that got good reviews so that does nothing to disprove my point. I didn't say the number of consoles sold wont effect game sales, I said game quality affects it much more.

>game quality affects it much more
Meanwhile cod/gta sold slightly over twice as much on the ps4, which just happens to have sold slightly over twice as well as the xbox.

Makes u think

Better Free games my ass. They were good at first but it looks like M$ is only handing out the cheapest shit no one wants to play now. And that new game supcription service? All of them are games that were free with gold and I own them all already. Waste of money

>Mad Max
>Free with gold

What month was that user because I'm pretty sure that never happened. I download all of the free games

>Xbone is now the superior console by far
>It doesn't matter because Sony has better exclusives
It hurts Xbros

That's my point, they never did.
Game Pass is worth alone just for those games.

>better exclusives
Opinion. PS4 can have a hundred exclusives and i still won't care as long as Halo and GoW are on xbox.

>Forza 5
>Halo 5
>Dead Rising 3
All garbage

>no weeb games at all
>only dudebro and artsy fartsy games
Why would anyone, besides Americans, even bother with this console?

I must say though, the One S is a beautiful console, prettier than the PS4 and the controller is really comfortable.

t. pajeet shill

low b8. Who the fuck wants to play gears of war 10 and halo 69

I love my xbone. It's a pretty good compliment to my PC. Also the free dev mode is sweet for playing emulators and Kodi

I dunno user, maybe people who likes those games?


Its crazy how Microsoft is actually the good guys this time around, with stuff like cross platform play and being able to play the same games you bought for Xbone on Windows. Shame its even more underpowered than PS4.


The Xbox is a Ameriburger embarrassment. Leave consoles to Nippon. Western games are fine, but all the decisions made by Western companies regarding consoles are embarrassing. I'd rather not waste my time with something targeted at Americans.

>I love my xbone. It's a pretty good compliment to my PC

Leave him alone, Xbots are mentally stunted you know that.

Jesus Christ who is that? She's perfect. Kind of looks like a hotter Christina Ricci.

Wow you're so mean.


The only good exclusive I got out of my xbone was Sunset Overdrive. Shit thread.

Now now, go back to playing Halo sweetie. Don't wanna give yourself a headache by thinking too hard.

>its a sonybros act like they play anthing other than cod episode

>go back to playing Halo sweetie
Okay? Sounds like a good and fun time, thanks user!

>everyone who hates xbawx is a sonyggur

I game on PC.

>the mental state of xbots

its that bioshock infinite cosplay girl
try googling that

>I game on PC.
I doubt it, Xbots and PCfags sleep on the same bed nowadays.

wait did they remove the filter
pcbro sonybro nintenbro xbot

Right, it works fine on PC but on Xbox One it has significant input lag. It has something to do with the way the Xbox One works.