ITT: Game of the Year contenders so far
dude it's gonna be BotW
this will be the only year Sony has more goty contenders than us
cherish it Sonybros
If Zelda actually gets best story, then all is lost.
Botw chances are as slim as GR2s. Both are near 0.
>this faggot will be watching video game awards for the foreseeable future instead of playing games
>Literally who
Sorry Sega
Every video game outlet is going to give it to Breath of the Wild, no other game even has a chance due to the hype that game carries.
GOTY awards are garbage anyways, BotW is overrated just like most games that come out these days.
Worst game of the year of all time? My pick is either Witcher 3 or MGS4. Maybe Fallout 4 but atleast I finished that one.
Almost every single game that comes out comes to mind.
Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock Infinite are probably my picks for that though, both games are utterly fucking atrocious, it actually made me physically ill attempting to play them.
You may be joking about being physically ill, but I honestly got motion sickness from playing Dishonored. I'm sure it's a great game but I cannot play it, I don't know why that is and don't know of anyone else experiences that in video games.
fuck it. nier automata.
Yakuza 0 for me. No other game has that charm this year. I'm starting to get into the other games and wished I started playing this series sooner
Why even show that game when we all know that it will be BotW
My personal choice is NieR but lets all be real here. It will be BotW
In the case of ME2 the game is so fucking atrocious and such an insult to the first game that I get a little sick thinking about it.
Horizon: Zero Dawn obviously. One of the greatest stories of our generation to be honest.
>720p 25fps
nope lol
my man.
was it really THAT good? i may pick it up on sale
BotW or Nier is good for me
Yes the gif I found in google images happened to be from tumblr, I didn't rename it because I didn't think there would be anyone dumb enough for it to rustle their jimmies. Yet again Sup Forums proves me wrong.
Horizon is actually a great game and some aspects of the story/setting are interesting, but the combat is just bad.
Having no invincibility frames on the roll makes it almost unplayable.
It's LITERALLY going to be this (or zelda) unless RDR2 gets released.
Is GT2 significantly better than the first one? I bought Remaster in the last Golden Week and I was so disappointed with it. The combat was very boring with no depth. Just smash square and occasionally do the special abilities to wipe almost every enemy on screen. Didnt like the aesthetics too. It looked like pic related for the majority of the time I played it. It was either all red or green.
Exploration was weak too. You have this massive world and you can go anywhere but the only things to find are gems to upgrade your abilities so you can get more gems faster. Only things I enjoyed were the story, characters and challenges.
Yakuza 0. I unironically believe it's the only game worth buying a PS4 for outside of Bloodborne and Yakuza 6.
mah kyoudai
RDR2 was already pushed back to 2018.
>guy reads Battle Royale
>makes a game based on it
why did it take this long?
whzat game is this?
persona 5 is a 2016 game tho
How does RE7 compare to REmake and 2?
>all that weeb shit
Gravity Waifus 2
Well I'm gonna put my bets on PUBG (tm) then. It and zelda are undeniably the most popular things released this year, and I can't see anything else getting close.
Gravity Rush 2. Is incredibly boring and easy and only waifu faggots will tell you its good. Dont listen to them.
Is Nier better?
For me, the best parts of the game were the verticality and gameplay. The level design of the second gravity rush has the original area from the first game, plus another area about triple the size, vertically about 5 times the size with the exception of the world pillar.
The story is okay, bad if you don't do the "After the Credits" sequence which adds about 4-5 more hours to the game and despite a shitty cliffhanger, is genuinely better than the base story.
For me a big sell was the art design, very rarely was it red or green like your pic, instead it was like pic related for the majority of the time. The characters are pretty well developed but static throughout the game.
Conversely, The gameplay is a lot more dynamic with the new gravity styles, switching between them in combat makes combat a lot more satisfying and there's a higher skill ceiling. That being said, the combat still has some to be desired.
Overall I would consider it Gravity Rush 1 with an expansion that adds about 3 times more content than the base game, more dynamic combat, and much more gorgeous looking game. And again I love the verticality of it much more than the first.
Much better.
Isnt Nier the same in terms of Waifu faggots will tell you its good
Objectively game of the year is Nier:Automata.
VGA will let GOTY to BotW, its pretty obvious.
It's an improvement in every way but try the expert course in the demo to mess with the different styles
t.didn't play it
Nier's combat is shit
>Mash Square combat
>Invisible wall open world
>Open a menu to heal
Its gameplay is pretty much FFXV which was definitely not GOTY last year.
Literally worse than GR1
Try something harder than Normal please.
Yes. Tarofags are notoriously autistic and the combat in his games are regarded as either meh or shit. When it came out most people thought it was alright and called it a 7.5 but now there are people overrating and underrating the games for replies
Are we talking about the awards? Cause you shouldn't give a shit about them after fucking MGSV won best OST
Breath of the wild really
P5 was pretty good, but it felt really really draggy towards the end, and reminded me too much of P4
If you take out the waifus in Nier you still have a great game with great combat system. If you take out the Waifus in Gravity Rush nobody would play it.
BotW so far, having played all relevant games.
I disagree
There are demos for both games so try those
Yeah, GOTY awards are retarded, but it's interesting to see what everyone's personal picks are.
Original Sin 2 isn't out yet, that's literally the only thing the West has to offer.
Speak for yourself. The characters in GR are great and not because they're waifu bait, which they're barely to begin with
I thought there were iframes and I was just a shit. There definitely are when you're dodging projectiles, most notably the ravager's laser attack.
It used to be an arma mod,.much like DayZ and made by the same guy. Expect support to be dropped within the year.
Haven't played Yakuza 0 yet, hope it's good
>What is intuitive gameplay unlike any other game
At least get a single webm like that Horizon shill.
That's a 2015 game
>actual high school weeb shit
What the fuck.
Kat stinks so she can't be waifu bait. Unless you're stinky too.
The combat is passable, it's cookie cutter platinum press square to kill with bullet hell and dodging is overpowered
I would be amazed if it won
GR2 is my GOTY and I give zero fucks about waifus nor do I even really find any of the characters in GR2 particularly attractive.
BotW, my dude. Near 200 hours of straight bliss already.
>There are people here who unironically think any Japanese game has a snowball's chance in hell of winning American GOTYs
>5 and 6 that low
Get this nigga a body bag
I've just bought Gravity Rush 2, never played the first and I'm looking forward to this.
How is it?
>nor do I even really find any of the characters in GR2 particularly attractive.
Wow what a faggot.
AI chan hosting the GOTY awards ceremony when?
I mean, what has a shot otherwise? Prey?
>1. Nier Automata
Opinion discarded.
I don't follow GOTY awards, are you fucking serious? MGSV, the game with maybe one good track, got best OST in a year with both Bloodborne, the Witcher 3, and (gonna get lynched for saying this) Undertale?
Prey desu.
Its fun but shallow as fuck
Wholesome Canadian games like Mass Effect.
Graphics don't make a game dick head!
Persona is pretty much the Elder Scrolls of JRPGs at this point, it'll win something.
In what way?
Not a chance, even western journos destroyed that game. Didnt help that it released in the shade of BotW either, only made that game feel more impressive
>terrible costume
>huge forehead
>acts like a 14 year old girl
>sub-100 IQ
Shitskins cant be cute.
Prey for people with tastes.
Nier for people with less tastes that prefer weeb games.
BoTW for children and manchildren.
If not GOTY then OST of the year Automata definitely deserved.
Lots of fun. Funnest movement in years. Lunar mode a best
It's May. Fuck off.
>Sup Forums now hates kat
I see neogaf took over. What a shame
>200 hours collecting korok seeds and clearing samey shrines
seriously, how are you not bored yet?
Prey is for people with absolutely no standarts in gaming.
1.Persona 5
2.Dragon Quest 8 on 3DS
GR2 is my GOTY so far. I didn't like NieR's open world, quest based design. I didn't like BotW's combat, open world, or Shine/Tower design. And I'm too scared to keep playing RE7.
Possible contenders to knock GR2 off are FFXIV Stormblood and Splatoon 2.
>Game with less than 0 marketing and only people who actively visit Sup Forums or youtube knows of its existence wins
Nothing personal, kid