Tfw you fell for the Nier meme and funded a Globalist shill

>tfw you fell for the Nier meme and funded a Globalist shill


Keep your autistic political faggotry in your containment subreddit, fuckin' yank.

here is the writer

"she" is probably just twisting his words

or it's all just a troll or made up

The extent you Tarofags will go to defend him is hilarious.

Don't do this, this reminds me of you guys desperately trying to prove that Persona 5 is a redpilled right-wing nationalist game

He didnt actually say anything though with that response.
To use a food analogy that Sup Forums loves, Its like they asked him if he likes pineapple on his pizza, and he went on to talk about how pineapple juice helps your semen taste better but the high sugar content makes it dangerous for some diabetics.

Fuck off tarofag, enjoy getting cucked by globalism.

>represented by
you do realize that the choice of words does not actually imply his opinions to one side or another on the matter
he is just talking about those events embodying the attitude change you easily triggered fuck

the trends he's talking about are also tied to the entirity of the SJW movement about hurt fucking feelings, the examples he listed to ''''her'''' just happen to be representative of the counter-counter-culture that sjw/ social liberalism created

Please fuck off back to /pol then. His statement is clearly indifferent to the issue. You just want to find a game and excuse to shitpost. Not Sup Forums related.

It's like you fags actively look for new ways to be angry at videogames.

And the irony is real,
>changes from "reason to emotion"
>OP gets triggered as fuck and hurt feelings because someone mentioned Trump
get a grip you cuck

there's literally nothing wrong with globalism

nationalism is so XX century

DidnĀ“t want to buy this game because Denuvo but now I have to.

He's 100% right though. Kill yourself Sup Forumstard.

This, a global goverment under the same flag and laws is the innevitable next step in human civilization, wheter people like it or not.

Oh man, I forgot people were doing that shit lol. Despite the fact that the charismatic nationalist is a giant murdering piece of shit.

Explains why his game sucks ass. Nier faggots will defend this webm.

I dont get where he is supporting globalism in OP's pic, if its even legit. He is just listing events that happened that have caused made the public stir. He isnt even picking sides.

>guy is realizing how old he is talking about how everyone reacts with emotions towards the changing world

Sup Forums confirmed for not reading. There's no indication of him supporting globalism, you scared twat.

this is the worst game ever made

>reason to emotion
>objective to subjective

yes, exactly, the SJWs

>Muh Trump
>Muh globalists
>Muh Europa
>Muh white genocide
>Wtf I hate Taro now

God, you Sup Forumsfags are pathetic.

Globalism is literally one of the best things humans have ever done. We've gained so much from being more directly tied to each other, and it acts as a preventative measure against war. How is any of globalism a bad thing? All I've ever heard anyone say on the subject is some crazy shit about the jews.

I don't care about this particular issue but I don't see why this and similarly politically vidya related threads deserve 1.) to be on Sup Forums 2.) to endure the barrage of triggered SJWs who shit them up arguing that's where they belong.

If we're going to ban tertiary issues then there ought to be no e-celeb faggotry allowed, either.

Reminder to hide and ignore threads you don't like and to not be a pussy.

>tfw it's over for you and shilling on Sup Forums is all you can do

Sup Forums wasn't the one that brought up Trump

This is exactly what happened to the greeks and romans, dirty moors came to invade and the SJWs at the time who loved getting their wives fucked by the moors helped them invade because they will sick of the evil trump they had.

Now its happening again.

You seem like a reasonable person. Tell me why you hate globalism.

subhuman non-whites do not belong in european countries

Yup, but Sup Forums is full of NEETs who think they're smarter and more educated than they really are, so they can't see this. They just feel lonely, isolated, and unhappy without really knowing why, and so, in absence of any other signifiers of identity, they attach themselves to the only "groups" that can't kick them out for being fucking nerds: their nationality and their race. Because of this, they see any examples of things outside of these signifiers, or any attempts to change these signifiers, as a personal attack. They lack their own personality and ideals, and so they have completely invested their being into being white/American/male. Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.

trump was elected and UK left the EU exactly because they were emotionally manipulated, the same way that Hillary tried to get elected and UK was pressured into staying in the EU by trying to emotionally manipulate people

so he isn't wrong

Critically acclaimed, 88 on Metacritic, and over 1 mil sales

Is this what Sup Forums calls false flagging? Are you taking me on a ruse cruise?


>Sup Forums is white

you've clearly never been there overly offended tranny

>How is any of globalism a bad thing?

Are you seriously asking why a very particular and very small group of people being in charge of an entire global infrastructure is a bad thing?

Since this thread clearly just exists for a bunch of libtards to endlessly shit on Sup Forums like this faggot this thread is utterly pointless.

If you honestly are looking for a genuine reason as to why globalism may not be the best idea then I suggest you get the fuck off Sup Forums.

404 argument not found

Not an argument.

Globalism has had a net positive on the world and lifted over 1 billion people out of extreme poverty.

The only people it hurts are the bottom 10% of developed economies who can't or won't learn the new skills required to adapt.

>Taro calls out the SJWs for putting emotions over logic and common sense
>SJWs on Sup Forums get mad

^^^^^^^^^^Either real SJWs or Sup Forums shitposter falseflagging as usual, you can now leave this thread to sage or enjoy some monster girl rollan' game

What sort of disgusting kike piece of shit shill would post this on Sup Forums? Honestly, you must be so fucking desperate

let's roll out

fuck this thread

What the fuck? I'm agreeing with what he said. I'm calling out Sup Forums faggots who think it's Globalism somehow.

Economists barely share any consensus.

>Societies benefit most from free trade
Is one of the only things 99% of economists agree on.

I'll take the bait


>there's literally nothing wrong with globalism because current year

I have a hard time believing people like this actually exist.

>free trade means you must import muslims en masse that blow up 8 year old girls and replace the native population reducing the national IQ by 20 points

Just like the kalergi plan laid out

Reminder that globalism was what destroyed rome.


rollan for a cute mon!

I mean yea that's true if you're retarded. If you're smart enough to grasp basic sentence structure and assuming the tranny author isn't a lying faggot, he's clearly saying that Trump and Brexit was a switch from reason to emotion and objective to subjective which is hilarious because all the emotional and subjective garbage happening before is what caused both events.

This is why Macron won