Hey Zeldafags

Hey Zeldafags,
Do you like her?

>Least Zelda character has the most personality
Makes you think.

No, not really.
Don't care for Linkle either.

No but I like her other half.


not really

Saria is the best.

>people are jerking off at fish princess/prince, gerudo women, birds, Hylian princess, and even Link(girl(male))
>implying they have time to fap to her

No, but I like Cia, who at least pretends she can fit in. Pop idol over there can't even manage that.

no, but cia is perfection so it balances out

>Generic Rikku anime character is back w blue hair

Why do people like this crap

She reminds me of that anime girl that's popular right now

I do. She was a cool way to explain where the triforce of courage goes when Ganondorf doesn't have it, and I liked that for once it was the good side that was the fragment of the original character instead of the typical "bad side gone rogue"

This one?

Literally Nintendo's Miku.

>Nintendo's Miku

Cia is better in every way.

Oh shit, is this from that FExSMT game? Was initially interested until it was more akin to Persona and cringey. I'm a weeb, but lost all interest.

no the blue haired crazy one

But you said the popular one.

Fine then the unpopular one

your post makes us think you're a fucking douchebag is all