Post these things, I don't know what they're called
One of these threads
>I don't know what they're called
Don't know if that's a joke, but thanks anyway for bumping the thread, dood
That's literally what they're called. Look it up or lurk more.
lurk more retard
Why don't we make some of our own?
>Post an vidya screenshot (preferably featuring faces and lots of text)
>Make a Kornheiser out of others images
Fucking newfaggot.
Very nice my dude, have a (you)
cheers but I didn't make it, just an example from a thread long ago to get the ball rolling
either way, that was pretty good.
So what does everyone use to make these? I usually use paint because I can't into anything else.
paint usually suffices yeah, just some cropping and zooming
Am I doing it right?
>I don't know what they're called
>Don't know if that's a joke
How's this, then?