Have you guys ever met a person who plays video games all day every day but never improves?
Have you guys ever met a person who plays video games all day every day but never improves?
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At night in the mirror.
Every self proclaimed gamer I met irl.
99% of people who play mobas
>4k games
>under 2k mmr
Holy shit what the fuck
People that just can't get good at fighting games, aka pot monsters. They're great for shitting on irl.
>literally me at fighting games
When I was in college I played Smash Bros., SF Alpha 2, and some other fighting games with a group of friends almost every night for years, and there was one guy in our group who could not stop playing like a retard, no matter how many times he played.
Like, picking Meta Knight and tornado'ing himself off the stage, or doing his up+B on the edge of the stage. For like 2+ years. It was baffling.
You mean a scrub?
he paid to get boosted to 3.5k or something at one point
didn't last long
Me but only for fighting games, I don't get it, people do the most random shit and I'm still dicksucking-trench-tier leagued after 700 hours of gametime
Man I've always known I liked girls, but Soul Calibur 3-4 was when I really discovered how much I like them.
yes, me
I have a trans friend that is like it. She was diagnosed with cancer, so she just sits at home and play videogames on government money. The only game I'd say she's good at is ARK, because she's willing to timesink.
I know a guy who plays a ton of TCGs and tabletop games and spends most of the week in my local gaming store, but I can usually beat him a week after I learn the rules.
Not vidya, but he's that type of person I guess.
I have a work Facebook equivalent where all my coworkers can shitpost instead of working. There is a huge multi thousand people gamer page.
It is some of the most casual shit ever, but even not immune to some of the culture. You can tell the Sup Forums from the herd, but everyone eats up latest releases with the barest, basest levels of understanding. Dark Souls is hard. We should hate Call of Duty but who is getting it? For Honor servers are back up!
There are also turbo-men that play early access survival games one after the other. They'd take a sick day to feed their clan's dinosaurs.
But yeah, my friend's list is inundated with lifelong ... friends in the 35-45 bracket. I'm the kinda guy who won Playerunknown's Battlegrounds on his third go, but some of these guys play longer and harder without return.
Ah well.
this, after playing mobas for years i still do stupid shit i know i shouldnt, like pushing too far or chasing into bushes.
That's because MOBA skillcap is actually pretty low. You need to learn to last hit(and not in everyone) and then just know the game, what to pick, synergies and so on. You don't need skill, actually just knowledge.
My roommate is like that. He cannot play Dark Souls or Bloodborne because the games are too hard.
He quit Fallout 4 because the game was too hard.
He's 28 and only plays Smash Bros. Wii U and Overwatch(console version)
damn, this. started just playing single player games because of it.
>Quitting fallout 4 because it's too hard
isn't there an arrow that points you were to go?
>be teenager
>fucking suck at fighting games
>learn about frame data ,safe/unsafe moves,pokes
>improve massively as an adult
so why the fuck cant i get past platinum in overwatch?! i thought fps's where suppose to be easier.
1) Overwatch is really team based
2) You can't "learn" fps. You can just practice aim until you get good, but there is actually "a nature limit".
I had a friend who put in 1000+ hours into csgo and still was shit. Never once saw him clutch.
My Dad
I am better at shooting games than any other genre - and it isn't because I practice heaps or have really good aim.
I just ... get them. Maybe a childhood of playing Hide and Seek helps me to predict human behaviours?
I have one mate with better aim, but he chimps out and puts himself in Rambo situations under pressure instead of taking the smart option, which he'll only see in hindsight.
So here is a practical example you can use. You are playing a sniper guy, and get shot or shot at. You don't know where the shooter is but you have a gun of your own? Do you:
A) Peek out from the window you just got shot from, without healing up, reckoning that you are a better shot and can scan an entire battleground, pinpoint a shooter and shoot them faster than it takes them to simply follow up?
B) Look out a new window on the other side of the building and shoot people who haven't seen you yet?
And here is a bonus add-on to B. Performing B for long enough typically makes the original shooter bored. If you visibly continue to keep killing and ignoring them they'll drop their vigilance and'll let you have a squiz back at them. After a few minutes though, use your judgement.
post more taco you fuck