playing japanese "games"

> playing japanese "games"


Other urls found in this thread:

Saved to my weeb hate folder

>using Fallout 3 as an example of a good story

with all it's many flaws it's still better than anything the japanese came up with

This. Japs can't make games for shit.

Great pic btw, need more OC BTFOing Sup Forums's most hated genre, the J"""""""RPG"""""""

> Sup Forums's most hated genre

unfortunately Sup Forums is Sup Forums - video games for a very long time now. check the catalog

This is a really ironic picture because the message was inversed.


Reminder that Japshit is a blight on gaming, and the West will soon reclaim the vidya throne like they deserve

>b-b-but I like both!
Too bad centrist cuck.

The weebs will be purged in due time. Don't worry, it will get better when Japs release another blunder like FFXV. Then our kind will reign supreme on this board.

I agree Anachronox is underrated but god tier? Fuck off

>false RPGs
Here's a nice bottle of bleach as a reward for your post.

Better than anything the Japs have made.

Thread in a nutshell

yes. gems like ME: andromeda and dragon age: cisquisition will reign supreme on an anime image sharing forum.

>overrated western trash rpg
>no Souls
yea fuck off.

Dark Souls has more attention put into its design than any western trash of the past two decades

Pic is kinda ruined by not being arsed to pick characters that actually all look the same.

Anime is reddit as fuck

you sound like a faggot

>Grown men watching girl cartoons.

Even worse than JRPGs.


This is literally an anime website you autistic fuck

>western """games"""


The only reddit here is weebs invading our board and shilling false RPGs with no customizability or open world, which may as well be glorified VNs.

Pic related, Japshit will die soon.

>dishonored 2 in shit tier
it's actually pretty good

What's wrong with watching girl cartoons? They're cute as fuck.

Meanwhile western games are more focused on shoving political messages down your throat

Fuck off

Literally the same logic used by Nintailures when defending their baby games.

Name one.

what is with the influx of insecure ironic teenagers acting like retarded newfags.

nothing is more cringe than kids pretending they have mature tastes complaining about cringe things.

go pretend to be adult somewhere else.


>Don't make fun of my cringe cartoons


the fact that you're saving this old ass image for the first time in 2017 shows how new you are

Mass Effect: Andromeda

>Name one.
I don't need to name one

There are literally dozens of awful walking simulators that the west has made and are forgotten about after a month.

It goes against everything that games should be.

Uh oh, the weebs are coming, I can smell them from here

disliking anime isn't even about having a mature taste, it's not even about having a normal taste it's about not because an abortion of a human being

>I'm 15 and pretend to have more mature tastes than people on an anime imageboard: the post

Reminder that most of the Western industry hates Japshit.

This. Japshit is complete reddit cringe from top to bottom and must be exiled.

>imagine being so mad about japanese stuff you start to sperg out and samefag out of control

Kill yourselves

"why do people post anime on an anime imageboard"

LMAO stay mad virgin weeb

>Oh fuck, just got blown the fuck out. Better tell them to kill themselves, that'll show em!


>talentless people hate talented ones

you don't say

Back to you nigger

How come you aren't talking about games anymore?

I find it funny how you didn't respond to the Dark Souls comments, it's like you can't refute that the series beats the fuck out of anything the west shits out.

>playing cringe games and watching cringe shows
Back to plebbit, weebcuck.

Too late, they already invaded. They truly are a cancer.

>weeb literally ran out of arguments so he starts alerting out

Well said, brother. Japshit hate is common sense yet redditors ignore it. Why? Why?

>talentless hacks spouting opinions
okay bud


it says Sup Forums - VIDEOGAMES

That because dark souls is a western series retard

you need to take a break from this site, my friend

You're the invader

You're the embodiment of everything that damages Sup Forums

>only some of the most important people on the western industry speaking
Okay weeb.

You said it bro.

Weebs are literally subhuman sheep. It's unsurprising they stoop this low.

Japan in general was a mistake. We are here to purge weebs from our board.

alt clicked that shit so hard

>An orphan boy turned sports superstar is transported a thousand years into the future, after a giant monster attacked his city, and his old guardian helped him escape. The boy now has to adjust to a world in which he is no one, where everything but fragments of his own culture is present, and fight questions of insanity and reality, and where a corrupt theocracy lulls its people into primitive technophobic tribes in order to atone for the sins of humanity, which have manifested themselves as the monster that attacked his city. The boy sets out with a summoner capable of defeating the monster and her guardians, and must battle his own existential nightmare and love, as they progress through the summoner's journey to train and defeat the monster.

>Fallout 3
>You're a boy and your dad literally caused your entire social circle of friends to panic and kill each other, so you escape to learn that he wants to complete a machine that purifies water, but fails and dies because of some evil organization run by a computer that self-destructs if you tell logically to it and then you go fix the water purifier but you have to die while doing so because of radiation damage even when you have a mutant who is immune to it with you because it's your destiny but hold up your death got retconned and now you go on some shitty DLC nightmare.

Why didn't you respond to my Dark Souls comment?


Imagine being a grown “man” and not only watching anime but defending it too

JRPGs were a mistake.

This site isn't your safe space weebcuck

If you love japshit so much why don't you just consume it like the sheep you are instead of shitposting on an online message board? Just fuck off and let us discuss objectively superior games.

Yes "cringe." Japshit is cringe incarnate.

Pic related sums up modern Sup Forums.

>Just fuck off and let us discuss objectively superior games.
Japan makes the superior games.

They made the most influential games.

Imagine being a teenager boy spending your time pretending to be mature and looking down on other people because of what they enjoy

How red is your head right now? You've been posting non-stop and you haven't given a single valid reason as to why japanese games suck, what's wrong with you

Kill weebs erryday nigga

They have always been. Literally false RPGs that have brainwashed the masses into ignoring the REAL role playing games.

Fucking this. Anyone who likes japshit needs to be gassed.

>they are all teenagers who sved the world

also cherry pick much, where is demon souls in that graph?

>saved to weeb hate folder

I bet you're a shut in virgin that insults other people to hide your insecurity.

Both jrpg and wrpg are absolute dogshit, I pity anyone who plays those genres, when the genre was evolved, perfected and transcended by the god tier genre known as Soulsborne.


God bless Miyazaki for saving gaming and re-igniting my passion for gaming, Umbasa.

Uh, are you shitting on Little Tiny Girl's Magic and Slightly Suggestive Adventures XII: Rebellion Returns? Care to say that shit to my face?

>the west
>society always destroyed so that killing everything is cool

I mean, I come on a board everyday and deal with people who complain about which shiny ad box is better. So, I feel pretty good.


Why weebs doesn't get treated the same way furfags and bronies do?

They are just as cancerous as them if not even more.

I look down on them because I'm a better person than every weeb subhuman

This is correct though, Soulsborne are the only RPGs with fantastic gameplay to boot


I will continue to play Japanese games until the west does something interesting. last time I cared about western games was gears 3
fucking yawn

If Todd Howard and Phil Fish think something then it must be correct

The series is a big berserk reference
>attention to detail
fucking laughable, Miyazaki just sprinkles in shit he thinks is cool without giving a shit about the bigger picture, everything is handwaved with "le time is le convoluted in lordran"

Sure you are user. Is that what you tell yourself every day when you get up and shitpost on Sup Forums?


The last western game I played was Doom based on a recommendation.

Turns out it was just a shallow FPS with no real attention paid to level or game design.

I wish Sup Forums had unique ID's so samefagging shitposters like OP could be mocked like the scum they are.



>ITT: retards falling for low effort bait like always

> the last time i cared about western games was when a game with only gameplay and no story came out


JRPGs certainly have more interesting combat than WRPGs

>Westcucks using images they don't even understand

This is a politics website my friend

Why does nobody call weebs out on being legit pedos?

Cant wait for the normies to try and damage control this.

east vs west threads surely are the new console war retardation.

Because apparently its cool to be a pedophile now also waifu xD


You all know that a lot of western games wouldn't exist or be nearly as "good" without japanese games right? Resident Evil 4 essentially created an entire generation of games trying to be like it.

It's a mystery.

This is every fucking Jap shit game in a nutshell.

Ugh, I KNOW, right? They need to get some taste and play Panty Quest MLCXVIIII!

>I will continue to eat shit until the west panders to me
Never ever bitch.

Now post the centrist cuck version so we can laugh at both.

Lol get fucked weeb.

This. It's a legitimate issue I see nobody bring up? Probably another case of Japshit controlling gaming MSM. Just like Neokikeshitendo did with Cuck of the Shilled reviews.

Did a japanese old man raped your future woman, killed your dogs, family and poisoned your crops guys?

This isn't your safe space faggot

Only on My Little Politics: Shitposting is Magic. Return to your shithole and stat there.

This website was founded on girl cartoons you fucking idiot.