Let's have another Elder Scrolls: VI thread
Which province will we get?
Will they bring back RPG-elements or furhter dumb it down?
Will anything be hinted at during E3?
Let's have another Elder Scrolls: VI thread
Which province will we get?
Will they bring back RPG-elements or furhter dumb it down?
Will anything be hinted at during E3?
Hammerfell for maximum kangz
Its gonna get dumbed down. Name one bethesda release that hasnt been a step down from its previous entries? p.s new vegas doesnt count
I agree. It's probably in their best interest considering the worlds politcal state right now. As long as they include some Yokudan lore i wont even be mad
Hammerfell or the Elven Provicenses cause thalmor
You cant dumb it down anymore
All hail Sithis!
>fallout 4 with maces
no thanks...
New Vegas is different though, it wasnt developed by bethesda.
I think it will be further dumbed down but i will probably still play it since liking elder scrolls lore is like being in an abusive relationship
I think they will try something more ambitious and move to akavir. ESO will unfortunately be the only place to get future tamriel content.
it will be a moba and a card game with cash shop for slut skins
Akavir sounds dope and all but please Todd, don't abandon Tamriel...
All i wanted to see in ESO was the Akaviri and cyrodillic mixed culture and the Taesci potentate still kicking. But, no Zenimax had to go the pleb route like Oblivion.
Absolutely zero info this E3, I guarantee you. You have no clue how horrendously FO4 fucked up Bethesda. They dedicated every last resource into that game for like 4 or 5 fucking years. TES VI development is so far behind don't expect even a whisper
But FO4 sold well with normies and got "good" reviews.
How would it fuck them up?
Either High Rock or Hammerfell again. Elves never ever.
Oblivion 2: Now with nibeneans and colovians
hol up
i'm playing it right now
>But FO4 sold well
Not well enough. They had a big profit margin for it that it didn't reach. For the suits, that's a failure and a sign to pull out anymore support.
here is my 2 cents about TES 6: look up about it online and youll learn its not coming until 2021 at the very earliest, which means moving on from thinking about it is for the best. If it's 'hinted at E3' then Einstein was wrong and space doesn't bend around mass.
you have no idea what youre talking about.
FO4 sold well but the feedback forces them to change the formula to the extent which we will discover when they release a new game.
It fucked them up as in it took 100% of their resources for half a decade meaning NOTHING else got done. Historically they've been able to work on TES in the last couple years of fallout development to give like a 2 year gap between games. Now they're not putting out a TES or FO game for like 5 years
>space doesn't bend around mass
That is true though. Electromagnetism and nuclear forces are much stronger than gravity.
If you think gravity is the most important one then you have been fooled, and should look more into scientific studies (phys.org is a good starting point).
It's gonna be the most generic, medieval rendering of High Rock imaginable I bet, to cash in on the boner for knights the last couple of years.
Settlements from FO4 might make an appearance as a fortification/castle system, so you they can be equally lazy about making cities.
No shouts mean we might see magic get custom spells again and some semblance of actual spell diversity.
There will probably be Thalmor in it.
You would probably be some kind of King Arthur figure.
>increased season pass price
>while there was no information of what the DLC's are
>no more expansions after Nuka world
Yeah no. Its not a financial failure but it failed to meet their pre-release projected profit margin.
It's going to be Morrowind for the nostalgia value.
It depends on what was is in the vogue right now in fantasy fiction. Morrowind was Drizz't, Oblivion was LOTR to the point they hired Boromir as Martin and Skyrim was Game of Thrones.
Its so plausible it hurts.
I want black marsh
so the game will be about us, a transdisabled queer who fight against the evil elder scroll litteraly_hitler.jpeg for the good of everyone using the ancient magic of tolerance, it'll feature a special DLC when we play as antifas, there will be a new kind of khajjit who'd be people in furrsuit. Also everyone will be muslims, except for those damn nazis
It would be a real damn shame if that happened. But if it combines the best aspects of all of the previous TES games while improving the quality of the writing, then I couldn't care less about what setting they place it in.
That what all the elder Scrolls are since morrowind
General relativity states spacetime bends around mass.
Stronger forces aren't even relevant to the point I was making, but you're free to elaborate as I'm clearly missing the point of your comment.
how is morrowind full of SJW shit?
Can anyone help me out and post fan art of all TES races drawn with colored pencils and the main color of which was red?
So surely you can provide a reliable source that validates that without any uncertainty left, right?
Since when does a game need to sell bad for a publisher (not a dev) to revise their DLC system?
Mer and their stupid cult are white suprematists and men with Lorkhan are progressists.
You're in Sup Forums. This is the only place where the most stupid human beings are free and confident to rebrand racism by calling any frame of a video game that contains people of color as part of a SJW conspiracy plotted by liberal publishers, while providing 0 evidence.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. It's likely but not 100%. After Skyrim they don't have to pander to the lowest common denominator in order to be successful. They could fill the game's cases with anthrax and it would still sell like hotcakes.
Besides how do you dumb down Skyrim even more?
>But FO4 sold well with normies
The base game definitely sold well but a lot of people complained about the season pass. I wouldn't be surprised if the sales of the DLC weren't that good.
Its all right there in front of you if you're not retarded.
that's really in your mind, the only thing i could think of was the twin lantern and eventually the house Hlaalu (because houses are actually inspired of real politic ideology)
i guess so, sometimes it's accurate but i do believe morrowind is too old for any kind of real world influence in it
whats retarded is assuming something without definitive evidence.
but this is Sup Forums which means that is likely a new concept to you.
Well its been on sale for 60% off a couple of times.
But the Dunmer weren't demonized in Morrowind. It was simply "Here's this race, the are racist, xenophobic and have slaves because that's what they do. The end". The game didn't go out of its way to tell you that the Dunmer were monsters or something.
I bet you want to play that game with your wife's son on his brand new PS4 you bought for him.
You can take the current merchandising of the game as evidence on itself as with the DLC's frequent more than 50% off sales. I'd "assume" you can do that. But it seems you're one of those people that have to be reminded that the sky is right on top of you.
Wow. Its like the game written way before today's retarded political climate.
Did someone say spear?
I'm not the one that claimed that Morrowind was full of "SJW shit".
Neither are Oblivion and arguably Skyrim for that matter.
It's normal for games to go on sale after a while. Often.
I think that if you knew business enough to deduce what you're claiming, you'd not be so quick to assume a random person on the internet would be as knowledgeable as you are, which makes your case even less convincing.
You're gonna have to explain more than just "they do 50% off over a year after the game came out and they raised the price of their first ever season pass"
Which province will we get?
Lands of argonians seem to habe a sic lore
Will they bring back RPG-elements or furhter dumb it down?
dumbing it down, on the plusside we might get an actual combat system this time around
Will anything be hinted at during E3
not until the mmo dlc comes out and the wii v3 version
1-2 years until new gen comes out so they can milk skyrim one final time until moving on
>Which province will we get?
Dinduland or Midget tree forest
>Will they bring back RPG-elements
>or furhter dumb it down?
>Will anything be hinted at during E3?
Nothing during the panel. Journalists will probably ask Todd about it and he'll say that it's either not in development or it's in a very early stage. We'll get a teaser trailer at E£ 2018.
If it's not in mainland Morrowind/the border of Black Marsh involving the Dunmer/Argonian war I literally do not give a fuck.
Chances are it's going to be Valenwood or Black Marsh
Let's say you could completely decide whats in the next installment of TES, how would your perfect Elder Scrolls VI look like?
I want Black Marsh. It sounds cool, it might be interesting and Argonians are chill. And you can get high on hist sap.
Elsweyr but Bethesda would probably ruin it. I'd be fine with Hammerfell too. I like deserts.
It'd be cooler to combine Valenwood and Elsewyr. More variety, plus they're small regions so it makes sense. Then again, working with a very small region would mean that it'd have to be comparatively detailed, but they wouldn't bother.
what do you think is going to happen to skyrim like the great war fucked cyrodill
Fallout 4 on PS4 alone sold nearly as much as New Vegas all together.
For the hundredth time, we won't get TES 6 this decade. Witcher 3 showed what is possible technically and completely fucked Bethesda.
>every door is a loading screen
>moving vehicles are hats
>physics break above 60 fps
It's unacceptable in our post-witcher industry.
You better buy my new game when it comes out, user.
this guy gets it
Sure Todd. I'll preorder it too.
>a card game
Where have you been the last year?.
Thanks, user. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to program Khajiit titty jiggle physics.
>ESO trashes everyone's impressions of each unseen province
>expecting a new main series game any time soon
They won't even hint at a new game until they're done burying ESO and everyone's ready to get ripped off again.
Nobody plays that.
I've never even knew it existed.
I like it...
Possible ES:6 e3 pic leaked?
"The Khajiit hail from a distant land called Elsweyr, bordered on the north by Cyrodiil and the south by the glistening blue waters of the sea. Elsweyr is an arid land of deserts and rocky canyons, where the sun shines warmly, always. There are cities so ancient, the sands have swallowed them whole. But now I will say no more, for I miss my home greatly."
Kind of suspicious that of all things Ri'saad could have mentioned about Elsweyr, he chooses to mention ancient underground cities, which has been the main dungeon mechanic for the last three main elder scrolls games.
Didn't know Hunter games are in TES universe.
You are proving my point.
i love that game actually. I play it daily.
I remember some anons saying they wanted High Rock because it had interesting political relations they'd like to see. Do they forget who writes these games?
I would like to see TES branch out in genre a little before the next big title release. I think a single player narrative in black marsh would be cool. Maybe from the perspective of an Argonian being birthed from the hist and being raised all the way into the Oblivion crisis and joining the An-Xileel.
I mean it's obvious Bethesda is already dabbling in it, granted ESO and TES:L are clear cash grabs, they're wanting to broaden the genre more than they have with fallout. I think a title with heavy narrative could do the series some good. They did pretty with dishonored, why not apply similar mechanics to it?
It'll be valenwood, but I wish they would do blackmarsh.
It'll be dumbed down just as bad as skyrim or fallout 4 easily. If there isn't a voice acted protagonist I might actually buy it.
Nothing for E3.
I found it pretty boring. It feels like it has very few interesting cards. The few cool ones are incredibly rare.
Summerset Isles
Official release was 3 months ago and it's already dead. Bethesda put zero marketing into it. They have infinite money but refuse to drop even 1 million on this for advertising. Really tells you how much hope they have for it to succeed against Hearthstone and Gwent.
>doubting bethesda's ability to dumb it down
Isn't it developed by Zenimax? It has the same terrible art design as ESO.
Elder Scrolls without random dragons falling from the sky? They might as well quit now and start working on Fallout 5.
No, it's developed by Direwolf Digital who also make Eternal. Bethesda is only the publisher.
It's kinda sad because if there's something Bethesda does well is concept art.
If they had their artists work on the cards it could have been really cool.
100% gonna be hammerfell
Some needed changes
>Pirates should do pirate things dynamically, i.e based on their AI and not just because the player triggered an event by entering the area
>The world should level around the player more, it's not fair or fun to meet an enemy with more health or better gear than the player.
>There's currently so many magic schools that it just complicates things, they should be reduced. We really only need two schools, Good and Bad (damage & healing)
>It can be hard to remember the NPCs because there's just soo many of them in the towns/cities. They should reduce the number of NPCs in settlements and instead add more bandits to caves to make up for it.
>Racial/gender bias could be reduced, if a player plays as a Redguard, Khajiit, Argonian or female they could get extra stats at the start for checking their privilege
No idea what you are talking about. Card art is a non-issue and quite beautiful in fact. More pressing issues are UI design and animations.
That guy's a retard for saying FO4 flopped but The Witcher 3 did have an impact on TES6 and its future design.
>>The world should level around the player more, it's not fair or fun to meet an enemy with more health or better gear than the player.
this post is bait
what do all the colours mean?
Idk what but the dwarve will certainly play a huge role in it