PS3 ends production

Press F to pay respects to the worst gen 8 console

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Good Riddance


thats not the Wii


It was a pretty lame console. The PS4 has akready surpassed it and that's saying something because the PS4 is pretty underwhelming.

Still, it gave me my weeb fix, so it has some value in my heart.

Ended on a high note and outlasted the WiiU kek


The worst gen 8 console can only be the 360. 54.2% failure rate

Fat PS3s actually have a hugher fail rate.

Model 1 PS3s have an even worse fail rate. They're like 80% dead now.

Do you mean Gen 7? Gen 8 is the generation we're in right now.

Spiderstation 3 models were even worse


Are you calling me a faggot?

>worst gen 8 console
That's not the Wii/Wii U.
PS3 lasted longer than the Wii and the Wii U combined. If I had to pick between the PS3 and both the Wii and Wii U I would pick the PS3 hands down. Free online and shit tons of great games. Get an early model PS3 and you can play PS2 games too, letting you play even more awesome games. The Wii is notorious for being a shovelware console, it is *THE* shovelware console.

only if not taken care of properly aka dusty as fuck, left on the carpet or glass table, and airflow barely exists.

I don't know, do you suck dicks?

Is this version playable? Never got a PS4 since it only has Bloodborne and I'm slightly interested in P5.

mostly because of people never replaced the cheap thermal paste sony used. the paste dries up and it ends up making the RSX and CELL so hot that the solder on them melts.

Nintendicksuckers are such dickless bitchassniggas that they will never ever not be passive-aggressive like women and nu-male libshit cucks.

>to the worst gen 8 console
The WiiU already ended production months ago

You do realize that PS3 and Xbox 360 were 7th gen consoles? We are currently living the 8th gen, and bordering the 9th.

Finally, PS3 ended up being a huge success.

Teh Cell will live on in my heart.

P5 started and was a PS3 exclusive for most of its life span, and it looks like something that could be ran on a PS2 with smart enough porting team.

If you're fine with 720p at ~30fps (which IMO is more than plenty for a turn-based JRPG), then there's no reason to avoid the PS3 version.

the only real differences between ps4 and ps3 versions are that ps4 is 1080p and load screens go by 2 seconds faster

Yes, but it's scarse af and not even available in some countries.

terrible load time

added like 10 hours to my playthrough i'm sure

PS4 version is also 30 FPS and it can't be unlocked. No Pro or Boost Mode support either.

>mfw PS3 prices skyrocket from now on
I'll never play El Shaddai, will I?

load times are terrible if you play straight from the bluray disc, but loading from the hard drive is just as fast as PS4 (they both use the same 5400RPM HDD)

>2 extra seconds
whoa momma shitpost harder
Read and be mad

be glad that we already have a working, yet faaar from perfect PS3 emulator available. Give it a few years, and it'll potentially become as good as PCSX2 has become in past couple years.

Sounds good, I'll pick it up after I spend enough time in Disgaea 5 to feel satisfied.

emulating each SPU on the CELL is a lot more difficult than emulating a emotion engine PS2 chip. in the next 5 years, playable framerates for PS3 emulation will only be achievable if you have a $500 intel CPU. not even taking into account the amount of software glitches present trying to accurately emulate every SPU without skipping a beat

considering we're living times where 12 core CPUs are already available for generic consumers, at notably higher clockspeeds than what Cell ran at, potentially with hyperthreading as a bonus, I wouldn't be surprised if we got a first emulator version that'd result 100% playspeed at native res, and hardware to run it as well, in just another 3-5 years.

>launches a year late
>sounds like a jet engine
>heats up so much you can LITERALLY cook eggs on it
>highest fail rate of any console in history
>no removable HDD
>the fucking sixaxis
>problems listed above are so insane that Sony had to redesign the console
>"rumble is a last generation feature"
>ran multiplats so incredinky poorly that they might as well not have been on the console at all
>headlined the cinematic revolution with games like Uncharted, Heavy Rain, and TLOU, which to this day has had immense negative effects on game development with devs prioritizing narrative over difficulty or replayability
>all those data breaches and online outages
>the most sold back to retail console in history, to the extent that sony had to fudge the sales numbers by combining them with PSP, Vita, and PS2 sales, meaning to this day we have no idea hoe many PS3s were sold, onky that it's less than reported
>colossal profit loss for sony computer entertainment, by far underperforming the other competitors in net profit

Good. Fucking. Riddance.
I've been a Playstation person since the 90s and this was a big mistake. Luckily Sony has turned things around and Playstation is now the undisputed king again, but I'd be nothing more than a braindead biased fanboy if I pretended the PS3 wasn't the dark era for playstation. Yeah, it had a decent jap library, but even there it faltered compared to what came nefore and after. And while free online was nice, the performance was so abhorrantly terrible in comparison to 360 that, much like playing multiplats on PS3, there was next to no point.
I don't believe in selling consoles, but this was the closest I ever came.

Very accurate but also fair.

Spot on

This so much.
Scorpio is making the same mistakes as the PS3 did. It's harder to develop for but technically more powerful at the expense of being more expensive.

It will be a major failure for microsoft and outside of exclusives (also on Windows 10 lol), the games will all look just as good on PS4 Pro, maybe better.

>>heats up so much you can LITERALLY cook eggs on it
Meme lies, 80 degrees is not enough to cook eggs properly.

>no removable HDD
Blatant fucking lie.

>the fucking sixaxis
What exactly was the problem other than lack of rumble? It was literally a wireless Dual Shock 2 with bettter L2/R2 buttons.

>highest fail rate of any console in history
That would be X360

More lies, only the Japanese and US launch Fat models had backwards compatiblity, all post-launch and all EU Fat models didn't have it as an attempt to cut costs thanks to Sony being jews.

>"rumble is a last generation feature"
PR damage control from those retards because they lost the patent, eventually they forked out money to the owners of the patent and brought it back.

>ran multiplats so incredinky poorly that they might as well not have been on the console at all
Only in the first 3 years, after that PS3 became leader in terms of multiplats.

Everything else is perfectly accurate though.

t. Idort

lasted longer then the shitbox please mix me

Don't forget that Sony promised the PS3 was supposed to last 10 years. Not only did the PS4 crush that plan, but I'm willing to bet they kept the PS3 on life support for the last few years just so they wouldn't look like liars.

It's not a matter of hardware power, the modern Intel skylakes have more than enough power to run circles around PS3. The problem is accurate software emulation. PS3 was already difficult to develop natively for it with 100 man development teams, now imagine emulating it with a crew of only 3 people.

>tfw haven't bought one because is kinda expensive where I live

I mean, a fucking faggot was selling his, second hand, one controller, already hacked for 250$

Bitch what the fuck

>I'd be nothing more than a braindead biased fanboy if I pretended the PS3 wasn't the dark era for playstation.
>Luckily Sony has turned things around and Playstation is now the undisputed king again,
Don't worry you are still braindead fanboy.

Looks like the switch is the only Gen 7 console left.

How much do you want to bet that Sony picked Cell specifically to make developers less likely to port their exclusives to X360 and PC later down the line?
And also to prevent emulation (which succeeded, no proper emulation within PS3's lifetime).

well the 3ds is below 5th gen graphic-wise

You have to be deluded to think that PS4 and PC didn't completely obliterate Xbone and WiiU.

Friendly reminder that the 60Gig backwards compatible PS3 is unequivocally the greatest console ever made

How was the PS3 the "leader in terms of multiplats" later exactly?

>100 degree machine
*boils your eggs*

the first few years of ps3 was nightmare for sony. luckily it started thriving while other consoles were at their dying moments, and managed to rack up a nice library of games that aren't only forgetable memeshit

The Fat PS3s are far an away worse in terms of fail rate than even the model 1 360 "core" consoles. They did tend to last longer before burning out, but far far more of them burned out.
Technically there is a removable HDD but it's a headache compared to tge 360 external one. I'll still side with you though because the 360 HDD was useless on any console that wasnt the "home" console due to locking down all content when seperated.
The sixaxis was a cheaply made cash in on the wii mote hype. It recieved negatove attention the minute it was reveled. There's a reason they dropped it.
They should have been honest with the rumble patent instead of lying to literally everyone.
Dropping backwards compatibility in any way, shape, or form is an immense negative in comparison to competitors. In fact, it's one of the only good things the Xbone has going for it over the PS4 and has kept many last gen games that are next to dead on PS3 populated on the xbox servers. It's actually been so profitable for Microsoft that they are doubling down on it with scorpio.
By 2010ish Sony had some games that were comparable in multiplat performance but the vast majority still lagged behind. Bethesda for instance had to consistantly delay their DLC plans for games like skyrim due to unplayable frame rates. And don't even get me started on bayonetta.

This. Even online multiplayer is free.

Multiplats were better on PS3 is what I meant.
Even Rockstar who struggled initially eventually made blatantly better PS3 versions with their multiplats as evident by LA Noire.

So Sup Forums, any last words to say to this trio?

It wasn't. That guy is full of it.
There were a few rare games like dark souls where it had a slightly more consistant frame rate, but it was still worse in most games by the time the Wii U launched.

10 years later and the ps3 still get releases tho

>Even Rockstar who struggled initially eventually made blatantly better PS3 versions with their multiplats
You can stop lying any time now.

The PS3 was a multiplat disaster. Period.
Yes, there were exceptions. There's somw games the X1 plays better than the PS4 for instance. Those are called exceptions.

They all have had better lives than their successors so far.

I'll miss the 360 the most and even then it's a C- at best

The 360 was probably the best of the three in that gen, the Wii blew it's load far too early and the PS3 was overpriced.

360 was a reasonable price and had a pretty good game library.


What is the best way to play to play PS2 on modern televisions? I mean something that only has HDMI and Displayport inputs.

I was thinking of getting a backward compatible PS3 (I own MOST of the games I want to play) but I heard they die all the time and run at like 90 degrees.

I was considering an adapter or some kind but apparently the lower end ones can introduce heavy input lag and also they drop signal sometimes. But if I did get it working I could play ANY PS2 game. I have many iso's on my PS2's internal drive.

I have an HTPC, but its kind of old and the processor is awful. PS2 emulation is still kind of a trainwreck but a good amount of games run fine. Maybe build a new one of those with a beefy processor.

How would you handle this situation?

360 game nights were great.

I appreciated the free online sony had but it was so bad a lot of the time that it ended up being too frusterating.

PS3 was the best of the lot, you idiots.
RIP, you magnificent beast.

They're terrible, loud, and almost all dead.

Just get a ps2 slim.

You were shit. Garbage framerates. Garbage hardware on every single one of them.

Overdone and overpriced shit games.

Casualization to the max. Shit online services.

A terrible generation. A truly terrible fucking generation that finally put gaming firmly in the 'mainstream' and made it all that much worse.

We had a few gems, but it was such an overwhelming torrent of pure fucking shit it was incredible.

It was so bad we had to turn to portable consoles. Before, portables were used due to their portability, but the sheer cost of making a videogame on the 7th gen made it fucking impossible to innovate. So, the lower requirements and ease of development on the portables... naturally lead to revolution for them.

That's how shit the 7th gen was.

It seemed to really depend on the game. This is all anecdotal but it seemed like first party games ran the best.

Had some good jap games, but too many negatives.

>Technically there is a removable HDD but it's a headache compared to tge 360 external one. I'll still side with you though because the 360 HDD was useless on any console that wasnt the "home" console due to locking down all content when seperated.
Legit, how is it a headache? You pop the bar on the side that says HDD, unscrew 2 screws, take out the rail, replace HDD, slide the rail back in, screw back the 2 screws, pop the bar in, done.

No idea about Fat failure rate since I swapped my launch EU Fat model for a 320GB Slim later down the line and it's been serving me well ever since.

>The sixaxis was a cheaply made cash in on the wii mote hype. It recieved negatove attention the minute it was reveled. There's a reason they dropped it.
It's LITERALLY no different in build quality than Dual Shock 2. I literally had both consoles at the time and it was the same fucking controller minus different L2/R2 buttons and the gyro motion gimmick. So to say it's cheaply made is to also say that PS1 and PS2 controllers are cheaply made.

Sure they were jewish as fuck with rumble, I already said it and it pissed me off back then.

Backwards compatibility on PS3 wasn't possible due to architectural change so that's understandable, the way it worked in initial models is because the entire original PS2 hardware was inside which is why PS3 was "Fat" to begin with.
Microsoft kept their x86 PC architecture for all consoles so they're in a better position than Sony.

LA Noire came after RDR, moron. And the PS3 version is VASTLY superior. Stable 30 FPS, X360 barely handles 24. Full dynamic shadows, X360 has low res dithered shadows, PS3 has Ambient Occlussion, X360 has none. Seriously do your research before you shitpost. Every single multiplat after 2009 was better on PS3 barring maybe some exceptions that I'm not even aware of. I literally have both consoles still plugged to my TV too, faggot.

Aye, it was the best for game nights. The PS3's only advantage was the free online but that wasn't enough to redeem it.

Wii - C-
PS3 - D+
360 - B-

I have plenty of PS2's. I'm kind of a collector of all sizes and colors.

My problem was playing them on a modern TV that doesnt' have composite or component inputs.


Still better than gen 2, 5, and 8, though 8 might catch and pass it if Sony keeps up with these good jap games on PS4 and if the scorpio and switch pan out well.

A lot riding on this E3


You are dissapontments to your predeccessors

Real king is back, baby.

>it's literally no different build quality than DUALSHOCK 2
thanks for proving my point

just get a upscaler like a framemeister?

Well the Wii plays gamecube games and the OG Xbox is a piece of shit so idk about that buddy

>Better than gen 5
I'm not sure about that one.

RDR plays better on 360
You're really gonna make the case that LA Noire is anywhere near comparable to RDR? Nobody even likes that movie game.
360 did most multiplats better. Sorry.

>Well the Wii plays gamecube games
And my PC can do both, your point?

You ruined everything. RIP in piss.

DESU I wait for the day PCSX2 becomes as accessible as Dolphin.

You guys can whine more, I'm still enjoying Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5, DeS, Persona, SMT, Ico/SOTC, etc....

You were acting as if PS2 and PS4 both have better controllers, which is why I said that's blatantly false. Heck, Dual Shock 4 is even cheaper build quality.

Shitpost harder and ignore the post some more. The context here is that multiplats WERE better on X360 for the first 3 years or so, but after that multiplats ran equal or better on PS3 you dense fanboy retard. Seriously go spew some more buzzwords like "le movies xDDD".


>outlived the Wii, the 360 AND the Wii U

It's just butthurt Xbronies and Nintentoddlers.

maybe you're right user

at least buying a Wii and homebrewing it is still the cheapest way to play gamecube games

That's nostalgia at work.
Gen 5 is a collective fuck up. The transition to 3D seemed great to us as kids thay were easily impressed, but if we take off the glasses most of it is meh at best.

The N64 has onky a select few memerable games and most of them are either collectathons or completely overrated shit like goldeneye. Seriously, play goldeneye again. Yeah...

Then you have the PS1 which is literally shovelware trash: the console. No user, Spyro, MGS, and Legend of Dragoon are not very good.

Ironically the saturn was the best of the bunch.

I can get a CRT for free or almost free. Look on ebay, people are just giving them away near me.

Excatly, dualshocks all have terrible build quality

>buying a new system just to play games of an old one
My first mistake was to expect a semblance of intelligence from people who bought a Wii


>They're terrible, loud, and almost all dead.
Mine is awesome, not loud unless I jam it into cramped TV stand shelf, and very much alife.

Pretty much this.
It wasn't a "bad" console, but overall couldn't compete with the 360, particularly on the multiplat front.

Still worth it for infamous and LBP tho.