Anyone hyped for the new update today? Monarch reign for titanfall 2? Also what is ur main titan and why? P.s. have a good day :^D
Anyone hyped for the new update today? Monarch reign for titanfall 2? Also what is ur main titan and why? P.s...
I am hyped, me
Legion main because I've gotten scorch to g20
I haven't played in a while, and this update is definitely hype enough to bring me back in for some more.
No main, but Ronin and Scorch are my boys.
I am hyped af. I main Ronin, cause I love to go close and personel, most players can't handle a near Ronin.
>Another qt Titan girl
Can't wait
> P.s. have a good day :^D
If you're gonna have a TF thread please don't shitpost you massive faggot.
oh shit theyre adding a new titan. whats this ones deal?
I heard Monarch won't be playable in multiplayer only Frontier defense. Is this true? If so then fuck this dlc.
Also prime Ronins execution looks awful in the trailer. I hope they polished it more.
She has several abilities you can choose from such as more HP/melee damage/sprint speed or shield regeneration/giving shields to allies, lock on missiles etc.
That rumour is bullshit, she's available in multiplayer.
Literally no, monarch is coming out in a few hours and respawn hasn't even mentioned FD yet
It's kind of lame to be honest. It's just a Titan that slowly gets stronger the longer it's alive. It gets a slight damage increase, speed boost, lame stuff like that. The execution looks fucking awesome though.
Certainly no scorch or ronin.
Well I hope it's wrong. She certainly looks cool. Kind of reminds me of BT actually.
Scorch, Ion, and Ronin are the 3 I play the most. I mostly just mix it up whenever I feel like it. Probably gonna pick up Monarch after release since Ion's laser shots are being nerfed
Any idea when it will be released?
I'm so glad respawn didn't abandon this game after it flopped. It's a fucking crime what happened to this game.
She gets way more interesting mechanics than that, dude.
She has options such as literally giving allied Titans shields, having arc rounds on her machine gun that wreck shields on enemy Titans, her unguided missiles can be turned into a better version of Tones by adding a lock-on, her counter-smoke can be increased in AOE and damage.
It's the BT chassis. Her Lv3 chassis upgrade also gives her the end-game BT look that makes her way more tanky.
I wish Ronin wasn't the nothin' personel titan, cause he's probably the most fun to use.
Monarch looks great though, will probably be an alt main if it's just BT's main kit from the campaign.
What do you think of Ronin prime?
Monarch upgrades.
hmm not sure what to make of that yet. guess ill have to give monarch a few spins and try and get a feel for her gameplay
>Ion's laser shots are being nerfed
fucking why? are people complaining about ion being OP or something? i dont understand the problem, he seems well balanced to me. splitter gun lacks a punch that the laser shot makes up for with much higher precision required
Literally right now, we're all updating at /tfg/ as I type this.
This, she actually reminds me of a Warhammer HQ Unit with their Wargear upgrades
Super hyped, though I'm currently playing R6: Siege, so I won't be playing again for a few weeks.
I main Legion, though I've recently been playing Ronin a bit. It's certainly an experience going from the slowest and toughest titan to the fastest and weakest.
I'll definitely give Monarch ago when I return.
Im not tho....
Nice I main ion amd use the energy refuel thing so I can spam lazer shot lol. But fr tho Ive been wanting a vanguard titan class
Oh fuck a new titan today?
Revving up origin
Can anyone upload general_english_patch_5.mstr to filehosting?