4 year old niece visits

>4 year old niece visits
>I'm her homie
>I'm playing morrowind on my laptop in livingroom when niece and her parents show up
>she jumps on me and says crazy kid shit about "completers" and what I'm doing
>she is instantly pumped up when I she sees I'm playing vidya
>let her hold down W key and tell me what to do while I control the mouse
>constantly telling me to summon skeletim friend
>loses her shit every time we encounter a creature
>read books with her and teach her how to read a few words
>having fun
>somehow two hours pass
>she is obsessed
>her parents tell her its time to go
>she fights back and says she has to stay to be with skeletim and fight ants
>I close laptop and tell her we can play next week
>she runs to bathroom, slams the door and cries cuz can't play morrowind any anymore
>incomprehensible yelling about potions and picking flowers
>she comes out eventually and tell her we can play skeletim game again in a few days
>she walks to the car telling parents about floating jellyfish and swords all excited

Morrowind thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>5 year old cousin sees me playing pokemon ruby on my DS
>becomes entranced by it
>spends the next 7 years of his life swirling down a hole of mobile vidya and autism
>his entire life revolves around tablet, phone, nintendo games, mandatory school, and father-linving-through-his-son piano recitals
>literally nofriends
Morrowind fucking sucks. The story and setting is beautiful and the characters well established, but I didn't grow up on it thus I have no nostalgia to consider it the best game ever

You think exposing addicting games to youngsters is a bad thing? I'm worried I have might have made her an autist by her first game being a slow burn, ugly, word heavy lorefest open world thing. Idk. I think that's better than mobile p2w type games.

and then you fucked her right?

that's cute :3

>in car with 4 year old nephew
>he's doing annoying kid things
>give him my smartphone and let him play angry birds
>quiet the whole 4 hour trip

Fucking magic.

You should teach her about grown up kissing next.

This is how parents raise their kids now.

Y'all need to go away. We are talking about the magic of video games here

What books did you read?


you are part of the problem

Not my kid, not my problem.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you had me in tears

>"Hey cousin, how are we missing this monster when it clearly looks like we're hitting it?"

>Babysitting my 4 year old niece
>playing a little bloodborne
>she sees a werewolf
>kill it user kill it KILL IT
>she hits at the controller and makes the character throw a molotov
>HA HA HA look at it burn

I don't know if I should be aww cute or worried if some cats will be going missing soon

And the moral of the story is, "Pokemon ruins your life."

>Playing Morrowind on my laptop
>6 year old cousin watches behind me
>"Hey that looks like minecraft"


>a kid is raised by a flock of digital parrots
truly a generation of modern era Mowgli

behead that infidel

>things that never happened

Fuck off OP

good job at ruining poor kid's future

this isn't true but it's pretty adorable anyways

Morrowfags BTFO!



Angry birds be redpilled though

That's nice and all but reddit will appreciate this more. You can't be upvoted here, sorry.

>13 year old friend of my younger brother is home
>i just started a new bloodborne run, doing upper cathedral
>"oh is that the blood game?"
>"this game fucking sucks dude, my brother is a master at videogames and he can't even beat the first level"
>i just say "whatever"
>later on, go kill one reborn and head to mensis
>he watched the intro boss cutscene
>"oh dude that cutscene was so fucking cool"
>"I totally gotta play this game now"
>keeps asking me how many cutscenes there are and which one is my favorite
Is this the average PS4 user personified? Is the movie game meme truly real?

so what you're really saying

is that she sat on your lap


Can we get to the part when you rub your dick against her litte vaggo?


You're a kid to me too faggot since I'm 33. When I was a kid it was a gameboy I could hardly see in the back seat of a saturn. Don't act smug and entitled, you were the exact same little shit as the rest of us.

no i wasn't, my mom always have been buying me various interesting books and encyclopedias to read, my cousin sister improvisingly has been performing one person shadow theater, whilst telling the story - we had a crapton of activities outside. Don't project your shitty reality on every single person you see.

gb2 senile home gramps you clearly don't remember shit

adorable but i still cant go back

yeah, the largest portions of people who play games are just in it for the ending and cutscenes. Playing the game is a burden to them. I think the industry needs MORE movie games, like one a month, in different styles and themes. This will keep normies happy with what they have, and out of niche genres

A bunch and I don't remember all of them, but her favorite was The 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 14

She's a 4 year old, she was on my lap, my back, the top of the couch, oddly stretched over various things. Still somehow had eyes glued to laptop tho.

I am sorry. Someday you'll have a Lil girl to play around with too. Its surprisingly fulfilling

>encouraging anons to kidnap little girls
You'll regret it when they decide your niece is the "lil girl" they want to play around with.

I love cutscenes in Souls games


u ruined that kids life

OP here

For some reason she thought paper was cheese. There would be blank paper on a table and she would tell me to give the 'cheese' to the monster person (agonian)

Her mom n dad were Leary at first when they heard swords and fighting was in the game but they watched us play for a minute and I guess the graphics and sword mechanics were so silly looking to them that they were like ohh this isn't violent and scary.

Years ago a different little cousin girl of mine played DOA with me. Later her mom asked me what we were playing cuz cousin was giggling about panty shots and bouncing boobs. Never play DOA with a little girl

>Sermon 14
She truly has a patrician taste

nice story faggot

go kys

>not playing Manhunt with your neighbors 2 year old child

Get on my level

>You think exposing addicting games to youngsters is a bad thing?

Exposing anyone to truly addicting games is a bad thing. But it's important to distinguish. Morrowind is a solid game. It isn't encouraging people to steal credit cards and dump their wages to play an ingame slot machine.

>Vivec lay with Molag Bal for eighty days and eight, though headless.
>The King of Rape had become necessary and therefore troubled for the rest of time.
>They took their spears out and compared them. Vivec bit new words onto the King of Rape's so that it might give more than ruin to the uninitiated. This has since become a forbidden ritual, though people still practice it in secret.
>Here is why: The Velothi and demons and monsters that were watching all took out their own spears. There was much biting and the earth became wet.

>Family comes to visit with 4 year old niece
>She eventually gets bored
>Load up demo of Minecraft on my old iPad 2
>She can't really figure it out but wants me to build her a house
>Completely hooked
This shit was my undoing because every time I see her it's "Can I play Minecraft pleeeease"

dude shut the fuck up
its obnoxious

While we were playing she would accidentally push the jump button while walking down a steep hill and the damage noise would make her laugh. She also thought cliff racers were dinosaurs and friendly and flew to you just to say hi and flap around. Her biggest enemies were the friendly scribs, but thought diseased kagoutis were lovable like dogs. So cute

>9 year old nephew visits
>I'm playing Yoshi's Island when he barges into my room one day
>"Wow this looks gay, can we play Call of Duty?"

Where did it all go so wrong?


Better get him playing Arma 3 or RTS.
As my spiritual leader used to say, "CoD is gay asf, my nigga".


I just picked some highlights, the whole thing is fucked up and can be read here:

I love TES lore