Sonic Mania

>Sonic CD style intro

Other urls found in this thread:


>1, 2, 3, K, M
>That subtle jab at Sonic 4

>Stardust speedway
Hell yes


Someone please edit "& Knuckles" in this.

Well, it was a fools hope wanting Quartz Quadrant, it was obvious they would go with Stardust Speedway

>no ***& Knuckles

>Green Hill Zone
>Studiopolis Zone
>?? Sonic 2 Zone*
>Mirage Saloon Zone
>?? Sonic 3 Zone*
>New Cathedral Zone
>Flying Battery Zone
>Stardust Speedway Zone

*Devs said all the classic games were going to be represented, and were treating 3 and K separately

whacha think of the zone list so far?

That art reminds my of that 90s Sonic movie strange isn't it

Did they get Tyson Hesse to do the animation/art for that? Certainly looks like his work.

that looks wonderful

It's him.

Well yeah because his design in that movie was based entirely off of his design in CD

It's over. Sega won 2017.


>tfw this is going to review and perform way better than sonic forces

>tfw classic sonic becomes sonic's official face and philosophy again.

Holy shit guys. What if this makes sonic not shit again?

This makes me happy

>tyson hesse animation
Hell yes

My dick would melt if there are cutscenes in between stages with art and animation of this quality

I like it, Stardust speedway and Flying battery are solid picks.
I hope they put Hydrocity as the Sonic 3 zone

if only.

But yeah, no hope is allowed in a world where "Sonic : The OC Creator" game exists.

>meanwhile at sonic forces

Why, Sonic Team.

Looks amazing and I don't give a flying fuck about Sonic.
This also could've been the case with Prism, Nintendo needs to die or get almost there.

How can they be so self-aware?

>Trash compactor squeezing you in+the old laser from the original stage mixed together
What a cool twist.

Stardust Speedway is like the Green Hill of Sonic CD so i'd like to see another pick if possible
Flying Battery would be my second pick right behind Lava Reef so i'm fine with it, although it does look a little tame as of now

The simple fact that Sonic Forces allows you to make your own OC pretty much guarantees that it will outsell Mania.

Sonic's classic design is so timeless. It's the modern one that's stuck in the 90's.


> Yu may know everything I'm going to do, but that means I know everything you're going to

Some Stor Wors shit right here

Mania's digital only anyway, it's not like we'll have any way of knowing

The music makes me feel like there's still hope for Sonic

>no chuckling


>sonic not shit again
this meme needs to stop
the last good sonic game was fire and ice
I really hate this sonic sucks hivemind

It looks so damn artificial.

You should get a bucket ready because that's official.

Mystic Cave and Hydrocity Zone for the Sonic 2 & 3 stages pls

The Past version yes

Yes it was, the past version no less.

>Sup Forums unironically thinks that anyone wants to buy some oldschool 2D Sonic game outside of autistic fans

>dat animation
>Stardust Speedway

>>Sup Forums unironically thinks that anyone wants to buy some Sonic game outside of autistic fans

Someone make a man a webm of that Chuckling in this trailer.

I thought it said "This Autist"

It's been utter shit since ShTH, at least Heroes was passable.


>Stardust Speedway is like the Green Hill of Sonic CD

I've never read a more stupid post. Palm Tree Panic is the GHZ of sonic CD

they're not just putting in Stardust Speedway, they're putting in PAST stardust

>another time travel plot

t. Boostbabby

How can't sega acknowledge how much more likeable these 3 fucks than whatever sonic has become is beyond me.

They're timeless.

He means that it's overused.

>each Act is a different time period, 1 is Past, 2 is Future
>boss fight is racing Metal Sonic

Please please please let the music for the Acts be a remix of both the American and Japanese Bad Future themes.

If you're not hyped for this you must hate videogames very much.
have this my friend. I know you like it because of its music. That's my all time fav Sonic music as well.

People keep saying this, but I haven't seen anyone who's actually excited about it themselves.

In general, I think people are overestimating how well that will go over. A lot of people who are the type of people who make Sonic OCs are very very picky about how they like their Sonic, and anything that goes against their headcanon isn't well received.

>stardust fucking speedway

august 15th can't come soon enough

When it comes to being re-used multiple times, Stardust Speedway is the one that is used around

I feel like they deserve a preorder just for the excellent nostalgia blowjob, webm related.

Is there any chance this gets a physical release?

Should I show you the 2D/3D Mario sales comparison? Or would that be too cruel of an insult to your lack of intelligence and taste?

This is the closest we'll ever get to SEGA acknowledging the OVA's existence.

>black knight

>time trials
do you know what that means right?
there will be zone segmentsw you race for the shortest time

>you can't be both it's only one or the other
I'm looking up for both

Really? Never particularly cared for classic Knuckles or Tails, and always kind of disliked their group dynamic as a trio.

Now I have to go play sonic cd

I already preordered. And it's less than $20? How can I even say no?


Looks good.

Also a painful reminder that we'll never get the last issue of Mega Drive, but still looks great anyway.

Should I show you the Mario and Sonic sales comparisons?

>hand sonic to a new dev team
>makes the best looking sonic game in decades

Sonic Team needs to commit seppuku already.


Can't wait for it

Too bad Forces has that OC mode that will probably make it sell more

But now fuck it, Mania looks like the game I was waiting since 20 years


Tyson Hesse did that gorgeous animation and Hyper Potions did the music:

>It has animations

>dat animation
>dat music
I'm not that big of a sonic fan but my dick is diamonds now

>stardust speedway
Holy shit fuck ye-


Personally these would be my picks for the retro Zones besides Green hill.

Sonic 2: Metropolis
Sonic 3: Ice Cap
Sonic & Knuckles: Lava Reef
Sonic CD: Wacky Workbench

>only 20€

Ice Cap won't be the same without Hard Times though

What? We'll finally have a song for the past is good quality

I think they're great. 3 Different basic personalities and colors, and lighthearted tone without cheesy oneliners nor tryhard backstories. Just platforming and beating the baddie at the end.

Aren't Angel Island, Hydrocity, and Marble Garden the only zones from 3 that they could actually include because of music copyrights or something?

>Wacky Workbench

I'd rather have Collision Chaos or Metallic Madness.

>Eggrobo flings the rocket launcher backwards and Heavy Gunner catches it.

That dude does great work, it's nice to see him working on official sonic stuff after working on fan material in the past.

Let's hope mania sells well so that Sega can let the next game be even better.

Man, Tyson is like a god with Sonic stuff.


Seriously, fuck Sonic 4. Mania is the real deal.


>It almost comes out on my birthday, just like all those years ago on the Genesis

I'm going to cry.

It's good.
Let's slap in there mystic cave and hydrocity and they won the internet.

Sega's aversion was that they didn't own it. Buxler said to GT he'd be happy to work with Sega again since he owns the song rights. I could see them working something out.

Carnival Night and Launch Base were certainly Jackon's work though and Sega ain't gonna touch those.

See, this is what happens when you let people who LOVE something work on it.


Why does everyone always want Ice Cap? It's so boring

>Carnival Night and Launch Base were certainly Jackon's work though and Sega ain't gonna touch those.
I'm glad to hear that. Fuck both of those Zones.


>that new Stardust Speedway Past
No fucking way.