It's actually SJWs and IGN editors who made the petition

surprise, surprise

Other urls found in this thread: chapo&src=typd FC5_KEYART_1495563526-1.jpg/type/op/

>SJW's falseflagging to push an agenda
Can't make this shit up

who is that cutie bride on the right?

that's not proof
fuck off you goobergate scum

>some peeps say gamergate did it
>this is somehow evidence for falseflagging

Falseflags happen on both sides
I just think it's hilarious that someone managed to capture the alt rights initial butthurt over this game in one petition.
10+ threads going on at once about this shit the day the picture came out of just alt righties crying is totally worth the mockery it is getting.
You guys choose the hill to die on, now you're dying on it boohoo.
alt right BTFO

you may as well say reddit, nobody on Sup Forums is "alt-right"

What petition? Background please

Haven't been here since the election huh?

>It was viral marketing
>This is a surprise

Didn't even click the link already know he is a faggot.
That your twitter op? Fuck off back to cripplechan.

well said sister! FITE THE MASSAGENISTS!

Sigh. It doesn't come out for months yet. And there's already round-the-clock threads on Sup Forums. I shit you not there's been like 10 in the last hour. I know because I have been here refreshing the catalog constantly for that time. And I did the same for most of the weekend, and it was like that then, too. It's repulsive and reprehensible.

>here's a twitter link
>now look at this fb link
>literally fucking nothing
you fuckers are grasping at straws huh

get memed son

>Sup Forums is all one person like me the super faggot

Well they took half a day off when the threads started dying out, and then they came back with that petition.

sorry OP but gamergate lost and Sup Forums is now home to the kind of people who non ironically say that "gone home" is not a bad game

>if you are not part of this pathetic group of crybabies you must be part of this other one.

It's quite pathetic.
What if i told you Kotaku can write whatever the fuck they want and I just won't read it?

>Goobergate damage controlling

>It doesn't come out for months yet.
But preorder are already opened. And that far ahead, a lot will just forget about it for long before refund, if they even do.

These posts were made minutes apart: at this guy's profile. Obvious /leftypol/ (followed by @AnarchoBro96 who is actually alright but follows a lot of really obnoxious people with insane views, then again so do I) and not even the "idpol is bad" type but the "unironically has pronouns in bio" type.

>Russian-American; Marxist De-Leonist; Transhumanist; Anime Egoist; He/Him; Gamer for Feminism and Socialism; Guillotine Left;

People like this are posting on Sup Forums and fitting in with gay memes now

That said I'm not sure if he wrote it; Reddit doesn't have time stamps, but this post on the Chapo Trap House (socialist podcast) subreddit might have been made earlier in which case yeah, it's still a leftist false flag

It's likely he found it there seeing as recently became a fan of the podcast chapo&src=typd

So yeah I don't think it's Ubi marketers, it's Chapo faggots who don't realize doing shit like this gives free advertising to giant faceless evil corporations WHICH THEY AS SOCIALISTS SHOULD BE AGAINST. Lo and behold Ubi are using it to boost sales.
this bullshit

not caring is half of what's needed to become a cuckold

How could anyone doubt the validity of that petition? I mean just look at these gems.
the continued rejection of romantic partners when they find out our hobby,
appropriation of our culture
In these times, you must understand that there might be some violent repurcussions if you intend to follow through with your pointless criticism.
In the words of Boltair
Even if you insist on making the villains American Christians, consider mixing the races a bit to not target white people exclusively
Wouldn’t want to be thought as one of those hypocrite feminists, right?
Follow one of more of these and this game will be saved from PC hell and multicultural development.

It's painfully obvious that it was done by Sup Forums and then they attempted to shift the blame on
>le shareblue bogeymen ess gayy dablus

who gives a toss
fuck off with your political bullshit

As someone who actually goes to Sup Forums, it's painfully obvious to me it was written by someone who doesn't go to Sup Forums pretending to be someone who does

Neo Sup Forums will defend it because, lmao, Sup Forumstards are so stupid!!

>It's painfully obvious that it was done by Sup Forums
it's painfully obvious to anyone even vaguely aware of their culture that they don't write shit like

>It's painfully obvious that it was done by Sup Forums and then they attempted to shift the blame on
Storm Weenies and /r/The_Donald would never admit it, but you are right.

Hello fellow user of Sup Forums's video games board. It looks like you have entered a VIRAL MARKETING thread.
Do not worry we will sort this out right quick!

>Viral Marketing?
Yes, my good user. This board is under attack by people being paid by Ubisoft to stir shit, create controversy, and shitpost in an attempt to garner free advertising and media coverage. Advertising is, as you surely know, against the rules of this site. It is also generally regarded here as a dirty trick publishers pull when they want easy money without having to make a good game. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
-First appearance of the petition on Sup Forums only had a few signatures.
-Before the petition the threads were dying thanks to anons like yourself telling the marketeers to fuck off however Ubisoft took a day off to devise this petition and came back in full force.
-Multiple media outlets reported on this controversy before the petition had any substantial number of signatures.
-Most of the posts are low-quality and have the intent to bait
-In addition the marketeers seem keen on making the discussion about politics on Sup Forums which is OFF TOPIC
**********1 out of 2**********

This retard is still using the exact same spacing. Same GamerGhazi faggot who comes into these threads and reposts the same "epic cringe" Deviantart Gamergate pictures every single time and tries to derail threads.

Getting upset over everything is really not good for your health. But I'm your wife will stop having Deray come fuck her if you get that kotaku writer fired for his problematic wrongthink or whatever.

**********2 out of 2**********
>Oh golly gee, user! Thanks for telling me about this but what can I do?
Oh that is very simply my friend! You just have to:
-Report Far Cry 5 threads
-Hide Far Cry 5 threads
-If you really feel the need to post, don't. But if you do use sage in the options field.
-Remember anyone talking about SJWs, Sup Forums, politics, the petition is a UBISOFT MARKETEER
-Anyone not calling out the thread and other posters as marketing is either a newfag who doesn't remember the marketing campaigns of years past or is a marketeer themselves. ASSUME THEY ARE MARKETING.
-This should only last until the game releases and this shitstorm blows over. It's sad that a game has to be off-limits for discussion on a video games board until well after release but thats the rub.
-Stay vigilant.

And now I have a message for the viral marketeers:
Stop viral marketing. Advertising is against the rules and politics is off topic on Sup Forums. Go home and be a family man.


>they use the word c.uck and post Trump meme, that means they are legit Alt-Righters

Useful retard.

>Crossed dog Look at how fucking pathetic these people are. He's been doing this for YEARS with the same posting style.

So yeah there really are people with agendas samefagging to shift the culture of this place.

>Far cry 5 petition was actually a leftist false-flag that turned into a marketing scheme
you can't make this shit up

The game will probably be decent, since it has Far Cry 3 as a model. If the artists want to make it a political thing by making the enemies an American cult, so be it. It isn't like their cartoonish ideas are anything close to reality anyway.

right, most war games
left, one game, alt righties literally incapable of shutting up

>tl;dr shitty stale copypasta



It will probably bomb so it really is insignificant.

Can you please link to that site set to display all threads with OP's FC5 image?

I wouldn't be surprised if Ubisoft is trolling and shilling to get both sides riled up for free publicity.

They have the biggest history shilling on Sup Forums of anyone. All the way back to when we still called it viral or guerilla marketing. FC5_KEYART_1495563526-1.jpg/type/op/

OP is the only one who posted it.

>So yeah there really are people with agendas samefagging to shift the culture of this place.
Nothing wrong with that.

At least give me credit, user. I wrote it up earlier today. It may be tl;dr but it isn't stale.

>complains about people having "le bogeymanns"

>De Dunald and StormCucks boogeyman

The state of ya

>nothing wrong with shilling
t. Shill

>lmao i have copypasted it in a text file this means it's not copypasta

>It's Sup Forums!!!!
Evidence of obvious falseflag surfaces
>It's Sup Forums falsefalseflag!!!!!

Dang. I wish we could see every thread that used the same basic image. There would be hundreds fo them.


The actual Gamergate fags who are fags but not actually the way the leftist false flaggers see it: praising the game for not actually being a white people murdering simulator & laughing at some idiots on Neogaf who are complaining that not all the bad guys are white

I fucking hate having to defend KiA cuz they're massive fags but I hate the people forcing this shit much more

I don't care about muuh "actually we are alt-lite I have a black friend bullshit"
Sup Forums couldn't contain their autism in one board so now all the media presented Sup Forums as a Protrump white nationalist LARPing grounds and the retards all flocked here and thought it was the samr site.
You'd be amazed how shocked some of these posters are to find out they share a board with people who don't give a shit about female or black protags/white Christian villians, Hillary, Johnson or Bernie supporters etc.

as long as you are aware those threads are just for marketing

>ad hom
As long as it hurts the #1 reddit newfag attractor (Sup Forums) i'm all for it, no matter what.

Is the guy in the front the singer from Blue October?

At least vary your spacing you complete and utter fucking moron

can you prove it's Sup Forums
I bet you you can't

It's mostly a massive Ubisoft shilling scheme. Remember when we were flooded with borderlands threads that were often identical? The hype for watch dogs out of no where even though it was edgey: the game? They're getting better all the time.

Sage and move on. It's nothing but shills and useful idiots.

I mean feel free to search the archives, buddy. I'm not going to bother. But the way you feel the need to respond to my posts with your twitter replies and butthurt makes me believe you get paid by a certain French multinational video game publisher.

>I'm OK with shilling as long as it get muh ebil Sup Forums boogeyman
Yeah you need to stop posting on Sup Forums. You're giving people cancer.

It was obvious from the beginning

This is the cheapest and easiest way to do marketing. You guys are doing their job for free

A Chapo guy started it, though maybe Ubi are using it for marketing after all.

I don't think Borderlands was actually shilled here because game journos didn't pay much attention to Sup Forums in the pre-Anita days. But now it's likely.

>Evidence of obvious falseflag surfaces
>a random ass twitter post pointing to a random ass goybook post
If this is what passes for evidence nowadays i'll swear to god i'll give up and lobotomize myself

you are really fucking pathetic that you get so triggered over and invisble boogieman that you have to make up storys of them even caring about video games.

God Sup Forums is so fucking pathetic now a days Jesus Christ

Pretty much this. Remember when Christians protested EA because of Dante's Inferno and then "WHOOPS!" turns out they were actually actors hired by EA? This is how marketing works now. You make it look like one group of people hate a game in order to make people who hate them want to buy it out of spite. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if IGN or some other game site did indeed make that petition. There's too many jabs at what those people perceive "gamers" to be for it to be genuine.

because I got it from google images
even forbes isn't buying this shit

I thought EA is the biggest shill on Sup Forums?

Prove what's Sup Forums the alt-right invasion? Honestly i don't even blame them fully. Sup Forums was always a board to be laughed at. But it's mostly the r/The_Donald and other reddit faggots the media sent here when they caricaturized the whole site as Sup Forums. But yes. It's Sup Forums Sup Forums and othet boards weren't cuckposting and invading twitter with politics shit
I don't know where this "reddit" spacing meme came from. But it's supposed to be when they double space every line you get to disregard their entire post amd scream reddit boogeyman. Not Me and those other people you linked.

>no proof that Sup Forums is the one that did it
>but you have no proofe Sup Forums made it

>You're giving people cancer.
As long as some Sup Forumscuck gets it too i'm happy

more like you gaymergayte retards post the same shit everyday so of course people respond in the same way every time

No one has outdone Ubi this year, with For Honor, WD2, and now FC5

Not even actiblizz with OW

Obviously this person does not belong on Sup Forums because he has something against GG.

OP is a retard and should have posted mombot's big tweet chain with a lot of evidence

Nah, I remember it going on, before Sup Forums got all cucky with that massive influx of redditors from both sides of gamergate. They even had a gun in the pre-sequal called viral marketer. They were basically thumbing their nose at us.

Sooo... Sup Forums was right? again

>/sg/ still triggered King roach was knocked down a peg

It's like no-one has seen the character trailers. Two of them are salt-of-the-earth rednecks who most definitely voted Trump and one is the sort of deus vult based nigger that r/the_donald wanks to every night before bed.

>wants Sup Forums to get cancer
>by shilling on Sup Forums
Wew, reaching retard levels that aren't possible for this dimension.

Goobergaffers get out

Also for the record I'm fully aware Mombot can be very annoying in a uniquely GGey way with the "pretending to be a Japanese housewife" shit and other stuff along with sometimes acting like an anti-SJW 9volt. But he is good at digging shit up and clearing stuff up from translating stuff from Japanese and I'm not gonna keep myself from linking legit research because of who it came from.

As usual

wtf is this thread doing on Sup Forums

fuck off r/thedonald we don't care you get triggered

Tumblr newfaggots get out.

go to cripplechan if you want goobergate shit. you're retardedness is a blight on this board. le big bad evil sjw out tyo gtet da whyat man oh noes

Mombot's a woman

this is the actual damage control

Your post makes no sense both grammatically and syntactically .
Lay off the drugs for 5 seconds and rephrase it

You actually deny people had any reason to be upset on the gamer's end of GG? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Man, I wish we could talk about games without some pointless shit being brought up that'll be forgotten about in a month.

There are no girls on the internet, user

>wtf is this thread doing on Sup Forums
As ubishit, their viral marketing team is in overdrive.

Remember when based moot banished all you faggots to cripplechan? Yeah Hiro never said you could come back. So fuck off back there.

And yet a bunch of faggots on Sup Forums were still insistent on promoting/defending/signing it because "muh reverse racism"


>this thread

Is there a publisher more desperate than Ubisoft?

Ubishills working for that paycheck, as usual.