
These are the people translating your favorite video games.

One of them used to frequent Sup Forums around 2010

>come to Sup Forums
>post neofags

they seem ok

would bang the chick


Maybe you'll like her comic as well, then. It's called Assigned Male.

>3 Nu Male glasses + beard combo

>One of them used to frequent Sup Forums around 2010
I just hope it wasn't this guy.
That dude's twitter is a complete trainwreck.

The crazy thing is is that 8-4 is one of the better localizers. Compare FE Echoes to Treehouse's Fates.


Virtue signaling. He's showing "unity" with the sickos by doing what they do

I had a good chuckle

Maybe hes making fun of trannys?

>feit means fat in Norwegian
The irony

>chick is wearing chiker
>all the guys are nu-male cucks

Yep, looks like a typical modern gaming related group of people

Well if this doesnt put the jojo fanbase to shame i dont know what will

Still better than Treehouse.

"What?" sums that dude's twitter up pretty well
>supports Mighty No9 community manager Dina's attempt to grab patreon money for nothing
>a bunch of retweets from a furry about safe spaces
>constant retweets of anti-white rhetoric

As if thats up for discussion for you, you fat hairy fuck ahahaha

>spend a year learning Japanese
>no need to deal with Western censored "translations"
>can make money from teaching Jap
>can make money from neckbeards by translating Jap shit
>can play and read all kinds of shit that's not available in English

I'd love to see what everyone who makes posts this looks like.

Ask your mom, she got a good look at me last night.

>You wouldn't believe it, honey some overweight, acne riddled 30 year old leered at me while I was picking up some milk last night.

Sorry user, you're not the right color. She only dates KINGS

fucking rekt

>your mom calling you honey

inbred detected

So what you're saying is that I have a chance?

>his parents never showed him any affection
this is why you dont fit in anywhere, honey



>these are the people translating your favorite video games

Which games? They don't sound familiar to me

what drives a person to come to Sup Forums to defend these objectively shit companies? do you journey here from tumblr/reddit in an attempt to convert poor misguided neckbeards into the light?

I do not understand what other reason you have for being on this board

They're contracted out to do stuff for Nintendo when they want a slightly less shitty job than Treehouse.

I wonder how many of them are pedophiles.

>being this assblasted over getting BTFO

weeabooism is a mental illness

I'm not even that guy, but I am legitimately asking a question

Translators have been a problem for a long time. A bunch of them originated from the SA forums for some reason. I don't know of a translation team that isn't filled with faggots.

No one cares about 8-4, looks like somebody just got all ticked off about use of the term "nu-male"

I wasn't the other guy either but the dude wasn't even defending the company, just poking fun at some faggot making fun of other peoples looks when they're probably pretty ugly as well

>4kids was just out to make money from kids and families
>Modern localization companies censor because they find the content "problematic" regardless of who it's aimed at

I've read war stories from old 4kids workers. They didn't like what they had to edit, especially the people who had to redraw things.

maybe I used the wrong subject in my question, why do people try to defend 'nu-males' when they are objectively sad and retarded

Nier automata's was fine

People don't like seeing self-hatred

Is that the girl whos only contribution is that she mentions she plays Overwatch every episode?

Even retards get offended when you call them retards

I'm glad they all decide to put their pronouns in their bio now, its a great way to identify and ignore them.

Why don't you learn jap if you don't like the idea of these people translating your games

They did a damn good job with Fire Emblem Echoes.

I guess my core question is, Why are diluted SJWs here to begin with.

Most 'nu-males' seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. There's nothing pathetic about being socially well-adjusted and successful.

Probably for attention

They're fighting for a better world.

>5 dudes
really gets my noggin joggin