Is there still hope for the Miyazaki to make a good game after das3 shitfest?
Is there still hope for the Miyazaki to make a good game after das3 shitfest?
Since Dark Souls 3 isn't bad, in fact, it's my favorite Dark Souls game, I'd say yes he can make a good game.
Why would I care about some shitty CoD yearly rehash?
It has some pretty significant issues.
It's not really bad but it's just passable even if it is very presentable.
He didn't make DS3 though. Bloodborne was his last so I'd say yeah, there's a good chance.
>Dark Souls 3 was bad
le contrarian Sup Forums opinion man strikes again
>He didn't make DS3 though
He did
DS3 was full of his favorite shit like angels, dudes in armor with swords and generally style over substance
Dark souls 3 was almost as good as BB, even better in some regards. Still not as good as Dark Souls 1.
BB was great
DaS3 was boring and uninspired
Best bossfights though
>implying anything directed by Miyazaki is good
Nigga, From Software hasn't had a solid IP since King's Field. Souls is just a dumbed down successor for today's casual generation.
The more I play DS3 the more I love it
The more I play DS2 the more I hate it
Why is this
Your taste is shit
You're not falling for memes
youre just a pelb
there is literally nothing wrong with style over substance in vidya
I dont understand how people can say miyazaki is a hack because of das3. The dude clearly never wanted to do shitty sequels, but he basically had to after the backlash from 2. He didnt give a shit about das3. It was a loveless labor.
Miyazaki has made DeS, DaS, and BB. Unless youre some kind of edgy contrarian, all of these games have been some of the absolute best in recent years. Hes a good director. He just didnt want to work on shitth forced sequel cash-in bullshit that namco bandai ordered.
DaS1 was shitty.
half just DeS references, half unfinished maps
Youre not an insane contrarian trying to argue that a game with something like adp in it is good. Thank you user for not being shit.
>Any good after des
Is it a new meme?
>Is there still hope for the Tanimura to make a good game after das2 shitfest?
fixed you, Jamal
Dark Souls 3 was good.
All the Souls games are good in fact, you faggots tend to be so critical on them it's unfair.
No, your brain has some pretty significant issues. Tasteless faggot
my sides
You're the only right guy itt among indian edgy contrarian manchilds
Moew like your brain, subhuman filth
The only people who hate on DaS3 are:
- nostalgia cucked sons of whores who should be tortured to death irl.
- shitposters / trolls
Objective high IQ ranking:
God bless Miyazaki, God bless From Software, Umbasa.
dark souls 3 is bad, but very good on other aspects.
I liked playing with Sunlight Sword or with Anris sword. Getting a katana so fast is also cool. Game let´s you do new builds very fast with giving you a good weapon for that.
The lore was finally fixed with the dlc. Eventhough bb fastness is stupid for a souls game it still felt better than das2. Anything else is bad.
>Dark Souls 2 comes out
>everyone hates it
>not even angry, just disappointed at how unfinished it feels.
>Dark Souls 3 comes out
>months in, everyone loves it
>wait after the months for all the contrarian fags to come out
>all the sudden Dark Souls 2 is an underrated gem and Dark Souls 3 is complete trash.
and then there's these fags shitting on a game that was Sup Forums's darling for over a year until the garbage PC port came out.
I blame these kids, le ebin minecraft playing trolls from reddit whose parents bought them a gaming PC.
>half des references, half unfinished maps
All of the games have their issues, and DaS especially suffers from both a rushed development time and the want to reclaim demons souls in a way after sony gave them the boot. However, calling it bad is a stretch. World design is goat, and almost everything about AotA is perfect. It was the first game in the series to shift away from tbe hub style of demons, but unfortunatley the only game to get that shift right. DaS is no where near as high in quality as something like bb, but its unique world design adds a lot in terms of atmosphere and variety, and it was at least a general improvement over DeS (though its highs never quite reach the best parts of that game, like latria)
Can't agree, sorry. DS3 is better.
the ONLY thing wrong with dark souls 2 was the whole Soul Memory bullshit. if Soul Memory was never implemented, people would have never bitched about that game and it would be hailed as one of the greatest sequels
>a general improvement over DeS
das kidsare inane
>and then there's these fags shitting on a game that was Sup Forums's darling for over a year
Wow, so you escaped reality into your fantasy world?
People called das for being uninspired compared to the des since it's release
As I said before these are some indian poorfags with shitty pcs who can't enjoy DS3. But even then they can't understand DS>DS2 which makes em even more retarded
I never played DS2 but thank god you posted about that, I googled "soul memory ds3" and finally found out why I have been unable to find other players online on my SL1 character since a few days ago.
>and then there's these fags shitting on a game that was Sup Forums's darling for over a year until the garbage PC port came out.
Fuck off retard.
Stay delusional, kid
there is literally nothing wrong with style over substance in all aspects of life
>Same retard who keeps saying that bloodborne was better than das3
Just shut up already
I'd have to want to play the game with other people for Soul Memory to matter to me. Only reason I ever summoned other players was to clear the occasional tag team bosses.
It was tho.
How so?
DaS3 was uninspired garbage, without anything good about it
Same can be said for DaS or DeS if you take off the nostalgia goggles.
Oh look, it's the King's Field hipster. Post the pasta again.
It's a shame everyone outside of Sup Forums disagrees with you.
You're a reasonable person, and not trying to be an edgy contrarian on the internet.
>what is adp?
Defending adp is like defending an accuracy stat where you just miss if its too low
Ok how about we stop using buzzwords and you tell me how des is better?
>without anything good about it
How do you people sit here and type this shit
The game is excessively streamlined but also takes bad ideas from past games with it.
The world layout is garbage and is only partially masked by the excessive bonfire warping.
The fundamentals of the combat mechanics are significantly reduced.
It relies heavily on references that aren't even well done with little original content that isn't even particularly followed up upon.
NPCs are pretty bad when you actually do any deeper thinking on the subject.
Sequels were a mistake.
It's an unfinished wreck patched together with hallways and elevators.
If it had actually been able to follow through on the kind of scope it wanted to have but couldn't for any number of reasons it could have been pretty solid as a sequel.
>I'm right because I said so
I just remembered why I stopped browsing this shitty board
>Better visuals
>Better atmosphere
>Consistent level design instead of das shitfest
>Better characters, Lautrec was the only good thing in the das, and Miyazaki didn't even bothered to finish his quest line, while shithead like Yurt was fully fleshed out
>All bosses felt different with no two bosses being the same, das literally started shitty memo with circle and hit, and thanks to the dlc knight circlejerk we got "all bosses are dudes n the armor with a sword" in the das3.
>Far better weapons moveset
>morning star
>Special magic and faith weapon didn't required secondary stats like str and dex
>Better multiplayer thanks to the p2p
>You could rate people you summoned, shit was kinda neat
>Your actions could actually affect your world, shame they made world tendency online a pure cancer
Just from the top of my head
Yes, des had it's problems, but das was just unfinished pile of shit compared to demon's souls
It's the opposite for me. I've played so much 3 that I wouldnt be able to stand another run.
Witcher 3 was absolute garbage, as was Nioh.
You're a normal person with sense, user.
>caring about story in a souls game
This fat person literally never made a good game, DaS 3 is the closest to a good game, actually, because unlike Souls 1 and Bloodborne you can play it with decent frames, almsot glitch free and it's more polished in general with more variety and no unfinished shit like Lost Izalith or Blighttown, or the Depths or... all those other shit locations.
I will never understand NeoGAF tourists and their Souls fanatism.
>Better visuals
I can understand this, but I disagree. I played DeS first and DaS is just more visually appealing to me.
>Better Atmosphere
In Latria and Shrine of storms, yes. However, I think that DaS' world design ends up impressing this wonderfully oppressive yet mystical feeling to it that really appeals to me. But yeah, Latria can't really be topped.
>Consistent Level design
I would say this is more a result of the trade-off between being hub-based and open world. However the level design in DaS after O&S is essentially nonexistant, I can't really argue with this.
>All bosses felt different
Yes but there really aren't that many great ones, and nothing in DeS reaches the heights of AotA for me. I really do wish they did more shit like storm king though, that fight was so hype.
>Better movesets
This is pretty subjective, I wouldn't say any of the games necessarily have more interesting movesets over the others except BB and DaS3 to a lesser extent.
>World Tendency
I agree and its a shame that interesting mechanics like this decreased in abundance as the series continued.
There's a lot that's great to DeS, and I'll concede that a lot of it outshines DaS. However I really think that the world design just pushes it that extra step, plus DaS characters and lore/mythology are my favorite out of all the games.
To be fair, I started with DaS. As a result I've been dissapointed with the hub-based design of every game afterwards, but your post helped me realized how people that started with DeS or that just prefer that kind of design would be dissapointed with DaS.
sakurai will never make another good souls again
Dark Souls 3 has no replayability and is as chuck full of metashit as Dark Souls 1.
That's in a lot of games actually. It didn't really take me by surprise.
You have to be autistic or retarded to like Dark Souls in the first place, considering that the entire series is nothing but artificial difficulty and rehashed content. Literally everything is the fucking same in that game, giant humanoid poorly programmed trash mobs and bosses The only thing that stands out as decent is DeS and Bloodborne, even then they're almost as redundant.
ADP is a crutch stat for people that don't want to relearn roll times.
>Only caring about the bosses in a game where less than a third of the bosses are good enough to stand out as any good and there aren't even that many bosses
>the entire series is nothing but artificial difficulty and rehashed content.
Dark Souls 3 =/= the entire series.
That is how I felt about 2. I did like the beginning bit but the fun stopped around Iron keep and it never quite recovered.
Yeah, its in a lot of like crpgs/ turn-based rpgs. Dodging and hitting are the core mechanics of souls. Tying them to stats and making them horrendously tedious at low levels is a design sin. It makes simply playing the game feel like ass, not to mention it becomes a stat burden.
Dark Souls 3 is a great game. Fuck off, faglord.
He made Bloodborne, so yes.
You love brainless R1 mashing, brown and grey areas, and constant DS1 throwbacks. Simple as that.
You're retarded, hence why.
>I like my animations for the core mechanics of the game to not only look like shit, but feel like shit.
Even if adp is a "crutch," that still makes it a fucking terrible idea. The game should just be designed around the base iframes you get at the start, and the animation shouldn't feel like I'm watching a youtube video of my character rolling. Not to mention that adp also effects things like how fast you draw your weapon or raise your shield. It just makes the game feel sluggish and shitty.
Personally it's not my favorite but I still think it's a good game. It's the only one I come back to aside from DS1. That being said, yeah I think Miyazaki's next game will be good.
That IS the entire series you moron. There's no substance or variation in any of it besides the games I mentioned.
DaS2 is literally substance and variety:the game
>adp also effects things like how fast you draw your weapon or raise your shield
Reminder that anyone who likes DaS3 are redditor PC faggots who never played a DaS game
Dark Souls should have remained a console exclusive franchise
O god kill yourself
It should've stood exclusive to not existing in the first place.
ADP ONLY affected I-frames for rolls, none of that other shit your talking about
What's with Sup Forums and being history revisionists, check the archives for almost every ds3 thread since release and the majority of posts have been about its lack of character and originality. Why do people pretending this board hailed it as the best souls game. Most agree it's the weakest, if not, the second weakest following ds2.
Souls 3 proved fromsoft is inept at sequels
Yeah. It's called laying the Souls franchise to rest and getting back to directing Armored Core.
If he makes a new title yes. If its another sequel then its going to feel uninspired again, and ultimately be mediocre and rather boring.
He's a retard who is just parroting popular opinion and has never actually played Dark Souls 2.
At least DS2 has its own identity, and actual gameplay.
Dark Souls 3>Bloodborne>every other shitty Dark Souls>Cancer>DeS
Bloodborne > DeS > DaS
Sequels are trash and never should have happened.
How fucking hard is it to make NPC attacks bounce off walls like the player's?
>The dude clearly never wanted to do shitty sequels
>Dark Souls 3 was designed to be a sequel, so the story, in like manner, is made as a sequel, too. The story for this game is built upon the story of the fire keepers from Dark Souls 1 and 2, and this is where the sense of mystery can be found. I believe this style of storytelling is something unique to sequels, and it was a fresh and joyful experience to be working every moment on it.
>more variety
>Not to mention that adp also effects things like how fast you draw your weapon or raise your shield
These are the type of people that are passing opinion on Souls games. People who have never fucking played them. Fuck this board.
Kojima was forced as well and mgs2 is probably his best work
>tfw you're half finished and still manage to surpass your two successors
lol no. DS3 > DS1, fuck off with your nostalgia goggles.
the funniest part is that it's a whole console generation behind sotfs and das3 but it looks better than both
This guy gets it. Any answer that isn't
BB, DaS and DS3 interchangably
Is the product of either nostalgia, contrarianism or retardation
What does that even mean? You are just spewing words without anything to back them up. That can literally be said for any game ever. Fuck off faggot
SotFS > TOH = AotA > TFF = DeS
Played it in January, still great. Suck me nigger
And what said. It still manages to look better than that washed out trash. How embarrassing.