>13 days until Sony conference
> 127 nukes left
This can't be true, ri-right?
>13 days until Sony conference
> 127 nukes left
This can't be true, ri-right?
Not exactly.
They made the rules, they can break them.
They definitely don't give a shit about cheat engine/jailbroken ocnsoles
They couldn't even make nukes online only.
However, the curtains will unveil in two weeks.
thanks caramel
>127 nukes left
The "all nukes dismantled" cutscene has been on youtube since forever ago. Nothing else is going to happen. It's over. Just let it die already and move on.
No user, it's all an ebin ruse.
Caramel fuck off
MGSV has a mechanic where you can build a nuke or infiltrate other players' bases to disarm their nuke. People datamined a special cutscene that plays for all players once all nukes are disarmed. Crazy people are convinced that this event will trigger the release of MGSV Chapter 3 (which doesn't exist and will never exist).
Xbox One almost has all of its nukes disarmed. We'll have to wait and see.
i have the game 100%ed and all achievements on xbone. when i go to check the nuke tab though, it's always fucking empty. those nukes will never be disarmed
does this mean the last few players with nukes are defending their base like mad?
Death Stranding is Silent Hills.
TPP has one more ending where we revisit Camp Omega.
The real MGS5 has not yet been released.
Kojima was never fired.
I don't understand the whole nuke thing. What if someone just doesn't play this game anymore? How do they control all the numbers, how is it even possible to trace every players? It's bullshit.
Reminder the game's final update is set to occur halfway through Sony's conference. Kojima will announce MGS5, Silent Hills and the Camp Omega ending for TPP.
Nuclear disarmament was a rigged game from the start. Aspects such as blockades make it physically impossible to achieve. Recently "J-san" joined the Survive team, preaching nuclear disarmament. J is on the bridge Del Toro enters and J signs the PT system crash screen. For the first time in about seven months Konami have been providing daily updates on the nuke counter, with E3 right around the corner. They also said they'll remove nukes obtained by "cheating" and will be making it easier for disarmament to be achieved (e.g, removing blockades). It was a rigged game from the start, Kojima will only allow us to reach it when he wants us to.
stock market companies dont pull stunts like that. it would be pure insanity.
Everyone remain calm and ignore the World War II iconography in PT and Death Stranding, nothing suspicious is going on at all.
Konami don't give a fuck about a bunch of nerds spamming their Twitter and Facebook. When the truth is revealed everyone will love Konami more than ever before for daring to along with an artist's vision. Their stocks and profits have done nothing but improve since Kojima was "fired". The controversy was spread using rumors and second hand sources. The truth will be spread using the biggest gaming event in the world.
Unless they shut you down for inactivity it's impossible for a complete nuclear disarmament. I guarantee you at least one person with a nuke doesn't have the game anymore but their base is still there.
What will you do when all of this ends up untrue, Caramel?
Reminder that nukes are disappearing through wormholes
Livestream suicide hopefully
Why would there be an announcement at Sony's press conference when the Xbox One is the closest to nuclear disarmament?
Destroyed, kiddo. :)
Because Sony are the ones playing along with the ruse and are gaining the benefits of it? Retard, X-Box One is the most unpopular console so no shit it'll have the lowest amount of nukes. Only one platform needs zero nukes to trigger the event.
When you reckon the tranny will get here?
More nukes make the world a safer place
glad to see you're putting that webm to good use
I have absolutely no clue why someone would bother lying when they could disregard it as cut content, like they always mindlessly do
If it was a mechanic locked behind an artificial wall why are the PC players such massive cunts compared to the other platforms?
NEET here. I've been building and defending my nukes for months on PS4 and Steam. Simply enough, the disarming will never trigger and no living man will ever take my nukes from me. Many have tried and all have failed. My bases are too well fortified and I'm always ready to counter attack and defend my place.
Yeah everybody go in your garage get out your old VHS collection find that copy of jurassic park and post a pic on twitter of you covered in the tape for our new event. Once 50% of the world population does it we'll release some paid dlc!
"We at Sony are pleased to announce that a third-party game released on our competitor's platform has reached a significant milestone in its online component. Because of this, we can now reveal that we have a made a deal with Konami and the King of Kings, Hideo Kojima, to release Silent Hills:Death Stranding, which is totally not a clunky and all-around fucking terrible sounding title, and also MGS5, which is a different game from MGSV. Did you get all that everyone?"
Caramel is beyond delusional. Best to ignore him
Just wait for Konami to drastically reduce the cooldown on nuke fobs. You know it'll happen.
Kinda unrelated, but do you think Konami forced Kojima to remove KOTF just so they have a hook for another sequel?
Doesn't matter. If one console has all nukes disarmed then whatever "bonus" happens gets applied to all systems. That means PS4 and PC will also get shown the extra cutscene. So are you willing to buy an xbone just to try and see how long you can survive?
Kojima will be the one announcing it. He doesn't have to mention anything about X-Box One being the platform, he doesn't have to mention the nukes at all. After the Silent Hills and MGS5 trailer he'll just mention the final ending for TPP was just added to the game.
Were people left scratching their heads when they announced Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain? No, people aren't imbeciles, like you. The announcement will go, "I'm proud to announce the third and final chapter, Metal Gear Solid 5: Sleepwalker". How complicated.
Is this Death Stranding tinfoil shit still going on?
No, they were just eager to get rid of him so they could start shitting out cheap trash like Survive.
of all your shitty ideas "Sleepwalker" is the worst
13 days till you suicide right?
then they'll announce mgs5 at microsoft's conference jeez
>the contractor who trademarked sony's "v" and sleepwalker as game properties is also responsible for death stranding and decima
There's likely far more players there than on Xbone which probably has the least amount of players
those two are completely different though
try harder to connect the dots
if xbone manages to get the nukes to 0 PS4 will also get the chapter 3 r-right sonybros...??
you'll probably regret your stubbornness once we get past the point of disarmament
you''ll definitely never admit it
so you're gonna kill yourself, once nothing happen at E3 right?
Keep telling yourself that while the evidence keeps piling up.
Just bought the game you cunt. I'm taking your nukes down with the power of my virginity.
and if nothing happens at e3?
But why were they eager to fire the man whose games sell like hotcakes? His games recover the developing budget at day one.
His termination makes absolutely no sense, the ruse is honestly more believable.
you guys are fucking pathetic
There's still 2.5k players on Steam.
X1 better disarm soon
Reminder MGSV:TPP only happened in Snake's head.
as someone who never played mgs and never played mgsv this kiiinda could make sense.
Because of phantom pain, you are feeling pain eventhough you are not getting physical pain.
Well if there is actually a ruse for fucks sake I will buy the legacy collection
you were already disproved last thread because you said they were both russian
the doctor is greek
Can anybody give details on this fan? What trailer does it show up? Is it really not in game?
I said "he seems Russian to me" in a throwaway comment and you went full autismo saying he was Greek. Okay, he's Greek, how does this disprove anything else I said?
yes because he is italian.
What about the numbers on snakes assault rifle?
They aren't the same serial numbers between gz and tpp
Because Greece isn't in Russia so you're wrong about this and everything else
Prologue Doctor is greek, Canavero is as italian as it gets.
How does that shatter the connection between the two, as well as all the coincidences?
First pic is the start menu that appear on your first start up. Second pic his the cutscene after you complete Shining Lights, but in the gameplay section there not a fan. The only place that fan is used is the hospetal room.
>That Steam total
why even bother putting model numbers on the model in a realistic fashion, when all the guns in the two games are fake
It's the same on Steam for me, and there are fookin thousands so Caramel has his work cut out
It really is a mental disorder at this point
Fuck, that is a great observation.
We're still... in a dream?
calling it now
at e3 nothing happens and caramel changes his name and tripcode and starts spamming
>j-just wait fot t-tokyo g-game show!
Please make a thread after sony conference how you're shitting yourself because of your faggotry tier autism, it'll be so fucking hillarious
i will stand up and clap when they show off metal gear survive
>tranny has a mental disorder
wow!!!!! now that's a shocker
I've already added this exact post to my compilation before.
Let them come, I can be anywhere at anytime.
I already have an Xbone, 360 and PS3I was #1 on the leaderboards for 360 for awhile. Its pretty simple to defend every FOB at once from where I am in life.
Why would I ever regret waging a one man war against false-peace? I'm a part of history, preventing any would be closure from happening. MGSV will forever remain a mystery.
You're more than welcome to try. In the end you'll be just another stepping stone.
please explain the reason for different serial numbers on snakes guns between gz and tpp.
His games don't sell all that great compared to franchises like GTA and COD, the latter of which comes out every year, so Activision can count on it produce revenue regularly. Ever since MGS3, Kojima takes an obscene amount of time to make even one game, so for every year that his games don't come out, he is consuming both money and development resources. Meanwhile, Konami isn't making money from his endeavors.
If Kojima had been able to release his games more quickly, Konami would make more money and could afford to hire more developers, which would justify giving Kojima huge budgets.
9 years of nightmare from which you can't even wake up.
I've never noticed but if that's true then it's just yet another inconsistency proving TPP is not canon. It's a coma nightmare / VR simulation so inconsistencies are natural.
dude i was just fucking with you about the serial numbers
Hence why I said
>I've never noticed but if that's true
That isn't true you fucking retard the condition for the disarmament is based on:
"Certain conditions related to nuclear proliferation must be met on the regional server for YOUR CORRESPONDING gaming platform (PlayStation®4, PlayStation®3, Xbox One, Xbox 360®, PC(Steam®))."
Think before you speak retard.
haha you got no (You)s
Oi Caramel, quick question.
Can you actually forgive Kojimbo for 2 years of phantom pain if your theory is actually true?
I mean, it migh be a ruse, but I felt PHYSICAL pain over MGSV.
man, now i think about it. sometimes i kinda dream and am for 20 percent awake and i repeat these unpleasant scenarios in my head untill i wake up and have to pee bad.
tpp gave me kinda the same feeling with these missions to replay.
is this part of a bigger compilation?
can you post the full thing?
>release shitty uncompleted game
>retards praise and defend you
this is real phantom pain
>His games don't sell all that great compared to franchises like GTA and COD
And this makes MGS sales shit? It's not like firing him will magically sell more copies. They still make a net profit day one, that's great especially from a niche genre as stealth games. You are retard, btw.
I'll post it when I'm right.
Yes, I will forgive him.Being able to induce an actual phantom pain over a videogame is an achievement. TPP will be regarded as a masterpiece for what it did, let's hope the real MGS5 lives up to expectations. If that one fails, Kojima is done.
>PTSD from videogames
Tumbrl is that way.
>Being able to induce an actual phantom pain over a videogame is an achievement.
Every disappointing game has achieved this. Spore being one of them. It isn't an accomplishment. It's failure.
isn't this the exact opposite of your helicopter number image?
So what happens if nothing is announced at e3
the most sad part about this thread is that i will forget it after i close the tab
ITT: Caramel still thinks it's possible for his delusions to become reality when Konami should be sued into oblivion by their shareholders.
It's not PTSD, it's more slowly realizing that the game isn't what you were hyped for.
I know it's not true.
But I want to believe
Real question is what will happen if the ruse is true.
This board will implode.
>when Konami should be sued into oblivion by their shareholders.
All they have to say is "we're continuing our gaming division and top brands".
If they said anything more all it would be is "we're announcing MGS5 and Silent Hills at E3". How daring and evil.
The fuck are you talking about? The whole reason TPP happens is because Big Boss awakes from a coma. A coma which is triggered because the GZ helicopter "crashed". My helicopter image proves the helicopter never "crashed", so how did Big Boss end up in the coma? Something happened when he returned to Camp Omega.
I swear i´d love this to be true but its just not going to happen becouse Konami doesen´t give a fuck about gaming anymore.
reminds me of an event in the old ass MMO Asheron's Call where there was some crystal or some shit that had an evil that needed to be destroyed. I think it was on the PvP server a group of neets basically camped it and prevented anyone from ever destroying it. I think the devs did something special to recognize the lifeless dedication they had
They publicly fired a top executive and fired an entire workforce.
You can't just say, LOL JK! we didn't mean that EPIC RUSE TROLL INVESTORS!!!
It's over.
ok. How do i get a nuke in mgs v and can i make it before the autists do?