Westcucks btfo

>still playing the same rehashed WRPGs over and over
>not conceding to the fact that JRPGs have better story, art direction, characters, music, and don't pander to SJWs

Why do people fall for the WRPG meme again?

Westcuck here.

FUCK, is this what it feels like to be butthurt? This image just keeps blowing me the fuck out every time I look at it, fuck!

Well, you cared enough to reply :^)

what's the game on bottom left??

Isn't it Tolkien?

Wow, just look at all the variety WRPGs have to offer! Don't forget to buy the Season Pass™!

>all the JRPG's are menu sims with a different coat of paint

Kek, eastcucks BTFO'd

Western games are far better at creating realistic settings that feel like they could exist. Japaneses games always have weird fantastical settings where some technology is way ahead of real life and some is way behind and it's difficult to get any sort of idea how the people live day to day.

>playing video games for realism

Holy shit, what a bore.

I hate Japanese rpgs as much as i hate animu

this is a false flag. i can tell because it makes both kinds of games look like shit but especially the jrpg's with their oversaturated HUD and nintendo DS graphix

It is.

Feel free to leave


Doesn't matter, I prefer an average western setting with solid gameplay than anime garbage with shit graphics and gameplay that haven't evolved from 2000's

>and don't pander to SJWs

Feel free to go fuck yourself, nerd

>rehashing is because of setting
>not gameplay

Weebs are so superficial. It's why they can enjoy tons of anime games and movies set in weird magical places, despite the stories and dialog being atrocious.


You mean your dice rolling sims with a free novel packed in? Sorry, if I wanted a book, I'd go read one. Enjoy your clicking.

>not wanting futas to play your game

The mark of a 400lb redditor.

FACT: WRPGs always have superior gameplay/mechanics/world.

FACT: JRPGs always have superior story/character development


t. fitanon who's never browsed reddit in his life

t. fat as shit redditor who a year ago didn't know Sup Forums existed

lurk more, nerd

This is literally you right now, you fucking normie

so western RPGs are for people who don't have a higher education and can't do math, but can read books and criticise everything. Seems appropriate.

Oh boy, redditors defending redditors.

>superior story/character development


>muh animu is superior

And you're literally a meme spouting faggot who thinks he's an entitled special snowflake for watchine anime. Again, kill yourself nerd

Nice examples, buckaroo.

>Liking anime
I bet you like loli little girl simulator EXTRA HEARTO edition
Anime has been a mistake for the last 20 years. Moe anime ruined any chance of anime being an Art.

>getting this triggered over being told off

Have a rough day, user? Didn't get enough upvotes on your reddit posts?

>t. Nioh, FFXV, and RE7 season pass owner


Come the fuck on, they use the literal SAME shitty arctypes exclusivly. They literally never deviate and they're always terrible.

A unique Jap character is like a real world Unicorn.

Somebody find this autist his fidget spinner, he seems to have lost it!




hnnn... nnnnggggh...






ppfftt... brrghgrrFFFBBHHBFHRRRRTTTT

FFFFF- GURGLGRUURbuburubruburblebubrbur-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP... PLOP...

nngghhhhh... ngAAahh!!!...

nnhhHNNGGGHH- THTHHRRPRPTPHHHFFTTTgurgurburubrburburblebublburbububr- plip- plip drip... drip..

huh... Yaagh! jesus... nggggh...


hhh.... hhh....

hhhuuuhhh... fuck....




Is this the power of reddit?

I completely agree, in a non-flammatory non-shiposting way.

Western RPGs are all so bland and boring. All minor variations of Tolkien-esque fantasy. Japanese games really do just explore any possibility within the genre.

You're the one getting salty because i said i hate anime and called you a nerd
Why are animefags so oversensitive? Are you shaking? Crying?

Japshit in general has ruined any chance of games becoming art. They need to die.

This. They don't fucking know what good story, gameplay, and writing is so they enjoy fake RPGs and VNs with baby cartoon aesthetics.

>not liking anime when this abomination is supposedly the best cartoon the west has had to offer in a decade

It's almost like you choose to have shit taste

Tolkein Fantasy is the best out of those themes, though.

>animefags actually believe you HAVE to like anime to browse Sup Forums

Been here for 7 years and I always bashed immature nerds like you. It never gets old

Imagine creating something that literally hits the peak of the genre like Tolkien did?

It's like other genres are slowly improving and there's new gems that appear every now and again yet nothing has topped Tolkien fantasy

wtf is this garbage? why? why THE FUCKING FUCK do you faggots like this girl anime shit? the games are so gay. daddy leafy and franky said they are, and his word is FINAL. they don't even have dabbing or fidget spinners. like jesus fricking christ these games are for social rejects.... S M H if you play these gay ass games

>I weigh 400lb and I love r/Sup Forums
What did he mean by this?

>unironically defending false RPGs
Fuck off weeb.

Again, so accurate it hurts. Keep posting this in the Japshit threads, they'll get fucking BTFO.

>traps, fags, dykes, reverse traps, futas and cuntboys more and more common on japanese media
>they made homosexuality and faggotry better than the west
>more appealing
>tfw more material to fap
>tfw sjw are triggered because people is slutty
>tfw anti-sjw are triggered because now japs are gay

we live in the best timeline.

>grown ups watching cartoons


More unique characterization and handling of mature themes then any jap-culture wanking weeb trash.

>actually trying to defend cartoons of any kind
>Tumblr Universe, above all
Manchild detected.

>unironically defending false RPGs

wtf does this even mean? How does this relate to anything in my post.

>He's still posting this bait image

Westaboos are basically just Americans being Americans.

No other country has such irrational hatred to cultures and values outside their own.

There's a reason Japan stays away from Tolkien fantasy. They literally surpress good ideas with an iron fist which is why everything they make is garbage.

Truth. Theres a reason adults, such as myself, make fun of people enjoying japshit.

>caring about where a game is made
>Instead of rather or not it's good
lol? I just play whatever ends up looking fun

Who said I was getting salty? You're the one that's the outsider. Sorry that Cuckbook doesn't cater to your autistic ass and choice of vidya.

Where do you think you are, t. Mature-guy?


>Who said I was getting salty?

No need to say it nerd

both are good :)

Good goy be a centrist cuck for Hanaberg-san.

It means Japan can't even make real RPGs, stay salty weeb.

Not as bad as Japs. There's a reason why they are going to collapse soon.

Here's a handy and accurate guide to RPGs


Wow, it's not like we haven't seen this 800 times since LotR came out. So original and creative!

I've been false flagging in these threads for over an hour.

"The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor disagrees, who declares that there are no absolutes and believes that he escapes responsibility, is the man responsible for all the blood that is now spilled in the world. Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your break or see it vanish into a looter’s stomach, is an absolute.

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who shoves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit."

Exceprt from John Galt's speech - Atlus Shrugged

Everything in the second column should go to the third column. Japanese RPGs aren't fucking real RPGs

What is that between Meruru and Neptune?

Tolkien didn't invent any of those.

Update your image, OP.

Citing fedoracore will get you nowhere.

> witcher 3
> tolkein fantasy

poor bait

also noticed what is common to all the "unique" japanese games you've posted? they all look like a game made in 1998

>Quoting copy & pasted Rand to talk about videogames
how embarassing

>There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil.
That's probably the most retarded thing I've read all day

Enjoy your grorious country with literally zero good games while it lasts. That birth rate isn't going to tank itself.

Same as the difference between one japshit and another AKA literally none.


>so disillusioned and unable to make own choices that he believes there are only ever two alternatives

You fags think that everything is black and white. Oh, it's us or them! No, you CAN'T choose a different way, that's just called being "EVIL"

>Anime has been a mistake for the last 20 years. Moe anime ruined any chance of anime being an Art.
This was anime 20 years ago, you dumb faggot. Moe isn't new.

>Emo kid with sword and a girl that loves him, but he doesn't care about, fight an ancient evil

Wow, it's not like we haven't seen this 800 times since the invention of the Jap gaming.

He invented orcs

>westcucks are THIS autistic

None of you on either side of this dumbass argument even play RPGs aside from the currently popular normie bait.

No but he took them, refined them and made them extremely mainstream with a great story.

Plenty of people wrote about goblins and shit before him just like the moonwalk existed before Michael Jackson but who do you remember the most for each of those things? Tolkien and Jackson, because they were very good at what they did.

You forget Israel and sand negroes?

you almost make it sound as if there is a huge quantity of worthwhile RPGs to play in this dying industry

>muh 90s and 80s where manime reigned supreme

>Wanting disgusting mutants to play your game

>they all look like a game made in 1998
This. Japs are so afraid of progress that all their """"games"""" look like they belong on the N64, they look like fucking shit. Also play like shit too.

Pic related, cuck.

Weeb hypocrisy is fucking astounding. Name one J"RPG" where the main character isn't an emo shit slitting his wrists with an impractical sword and a one dimensional waifubait. You literally can't.

I get that, but the oversaturation of fantasy media with these horribly played out roles gets old. LotR popularized those themes like nothing else before it and while it was a temporary boon for fantasy, it really fucked up the far future of the genre by having 75% of its media being cookie-cutter clones of each last popular fantasy novel.

Don't get me wrong, their is good classical style fantasy, but a lot of it is repetitive and stale.

most people who actually play RPGs outside of the flavor of the month meme games like them both

id kill for more ww2 fantasy like valkyria chronicles

>this is the average crpgfag

my nigga

>name one

Firstly, burden of proof, secondly, Breath of Fire

I just want to fight dinosaurs and ogle titties.

>little reddit academia
Fuck off weebcuck