>Nintendo 64 had the best hardware out of the fifth console generation
>had the worst games besides first party games because third party developers didn't like the use of cartridges
Explain this bull nigga shit, you'd think the n64 would've been on top when the third party games like capcom stuck around and made games for it rather than the PSX.
Nintendo 64 had the best hardware out of the fifth console generation
Because people didn't like playing with that shitty fucking texture filter that made it look like vaseline was smeared all over your screen.
Sega Saturn has by far the worst library that generation but hipsters will try and tell you otherwise.
because, until this gen, the weakest console won every generation
>live with 28k dial-up for years
>suddenly get presented an option to use a 256KB ADSL
would you still stick with your old dial up connection?
Didn't think so. Same happened with devs and the cartridges vs CDs.
That being said, saying bluntly that N64 had "worst games" is very biased and subjective. PS1 had HUNDREDS of games, which translates to HUNDREDS of shovelware trash and just sub-mediocre titles, but nobody remembers or cares about those.
>Because people didn't like playing with that shitty fucking texture filter that made it look like vaseline was smeared all over your screen.
I did. Still do.
I tell ya, after years of wobbly triangular faces and gigantic dancing pixels, N64's anti-aliasing and perspective corrected, filtered textures were fucking mindblowing NEXT GEN shit.
>had the worst games besides first party games because third party developers didn't like the use of cartridges
That wasn't it at all. The hardware was just tremendously difficult to work with due to the unconventional CPU architecture at the time.
Nintendo largely published everything for its own platforms, which meant Nintendo covered the costs of producing cartridges out of its own pocket. There was only the matter of meeting Nintendo's policies and censorship guidelines before they would license your game.
>had the worst games
but it didn't
>I like shit texture quality
Do you also like eating turds for dinner?
>muh wobbly polygons
Literally a non issue compared to eye raping texture quality on N64
The only thing the genesis had over it was a faster processor the SNES was superior in every other way even late in its life they had co-processors in some games that were 3x faster than the SNES processor negating this.
Playstation was more popular, easier to develop for, and cheap to produce discs for retail as opposed to cartridges. It was a no-brainer to snub Nintendo 64 if you didn't HAVE to make games for it.
>I did. Still do.
I choose N64 over ps1 any day but c'mon man.
you one of those people who unironically think that those "pixel art" indie games also look good?
I aint coming on you either.
N64 finally made 3D graphics bearable to look at.
Ouch. How will that guy ever recover?
At such a low res with texture filtering it makes it unbearable to look at today. Even Quake 64's filter disabler isn't good enough.
Cartridges were a huge limitation for games that featured lots of cutscenes (read: literally all of them), and the N64 was harder to develop for in general.
Nothing unbearable at it all whatsoever. And I actually still do play my N64 games from time to time.
PS1's lack of sub-pixel accuracy and perspective correction make the pixelated mess way uglier than necessary.
>you one of those people who unironically think that those "pixel art" indie games also look good?
No because they are going for the pixelated look instead of just trying to make it look good with the limited tools they had.
But texture filtering textures of such a small res is just a bad idea, it looks fucking garbage, like a blurry mess. Texture filtering is only good on higher res textures. A bit of pixelation is preferable to that blurry shit.
I agree PS1 is just as bad with it's jiggly warped mess but at least it's crisp and still looks fine on modern TVs. N64 wouldn't be so bad if it's image was stretched to 480i on modern tvs.
At least the N64 could render cutscenes in 3D, in real-time, and without loading. It's funny that people say that it would take a dozen cartridges to run FFVII, but it would have take as many disks to run OoT or MM on PS1 because it would have to hard record multiple variations of cutscenes.
Doesn't N64 have a built-in upscaler that stretches the image?
wtf saturn is great, best fightan platform ever
> but it would have take as many disks to run OoT or MM on PS1 because it would have to hard record multiple variations of cutscenes
Are you retarded? PS1 obviously can do those in real time. You think every PS1 cutscene is an FMV?
PS1 would shit itself and spontaneously combust if it tried to run OoT.
Some games (Quake 2, Castlevania, Perfect Dark) support 480i with the use of the Expansion Pak.
If it was rendering OoT it would have to be an FMV. PS1 can't generate the Goddesses or Triforce clips in real-time. It doesn't have 3D camera control to turn to those models off-screen. They'd have to be loaded, which to me means they're not real-time, so the software has to store them as memory.
PS1 is capable of some huge environments in the right hands. Obviously load times would be an issue but Ocarina of Time on Playstation could have been feasible.
Crash Bandicoot on N64, now that'd be funny.