Russian game

>Russian game
>Russian tanks are the best

Surprise, surprise.

Other urls found in this thread:

>american games
>americans are the best nation


Which game does this except for Russian games?

Also why are you reposting the same thread an daily basis

That's not an IS-6 user.

Same with World of Warships. The stats you can see make it seem like they just have good guns but are balanced with shitty armor. But no, they are either too fast to hit or even the slightest angle will bounce a shot.

>implying russian tanks weren't the best
>implying they still aren't the best
I'm going to let you in on a secret OP.

The USSR and Russia has always had better ground forces than the West in terms of capability since 1945 up until about 1980-1985, and still have better in terms of tech.

Now watch as the butthurt flows. Protip: the reason we had a Cold War was because the USSR was not a paper tiger.

>not using glorious perfectly made is-2 best tank ever and one shoting everything from 1km

>Ground forces

Good stuff, but that will not win a war by itself.

is only realistic comrade

They were actually the best. The designs were great, but their performance was hindered by poor build quality due to having to produce a great number of parts in a multitude of different factories which resulted in tanks that couldn't even be put together without "hammering it down" to make the damn thing fit, but German tanks tended to break down before they could even reach the field of battle and were a logistics nightmare because of retarded design decisions and absurd weight.

>tfw get top tier in is-3 game

Americans don't like it when it isn't about them.

Noone else is allowed to win.

I miss playing closed beta with /jp/

Air power is overrated.

Egyptians BTFO Israel's vastly superior air force with their SAM bubble crossing the Sinai. They only got rekt when they left it.

Modern planes are too expensive to replace and will drop like flies when war starts. Then you're back to stripped down, less effective monkey models that you can actually build fast enough to use.

Our current air forces are because one dead soldier on TV loses a war nowadays, not because they're actually the most effective for fighting a conventional war. You think we can churn out Abrams as fast as we could Shermans? Of course not. But a Sherman is just as bulletproof as an Abrams. If conventional war ever breaks out we will be back to using WW2-tier tanks in a matter of weeks if nukes don't solve the problems, because we simply cannot produce out modern fighting machines economically.

name a better nation

Horrible bait


t. triggered amerifat

You've given up already, mediocre russian?

I want to call this an elaborate bait
But surely somewhere, there are people brainwashed enough to believe this so I dont know


Modern USA is a Jewish puppet state and an undeniable proof of Jewish greatness.

WoT went to shit with open beta.
t. /jp/

>there are people who actually believe this
USA is a globalist puppet now, chum. At this point, jew state would be considered good since those guys do make some nice tech.

Globalism is a Jewish invention too.

hey americucks nice knowing that you can protect your fallen heroes lmao

Really, by whom?

that's fake

By the Jews, of course.

>but German tanks tended to break down before they could even reach the field of battle
So did the soviet tanks.

Whoa..... suddenly......... I am enlightened!

This is great. Anything that undermines the racial and national solidarity of the USA as well as destroys its connection with its past and replaces it with hedonistic present culture is something I encourage.
Fuck you, USA, fuck you.

>tended to break down before they could even reach the field of battle
Are we talking about some models of the Panther and the Tiger II?

t. Ivan Vladamir Ibramovich


All of them.

>KV-2 gets shit because it couldn't turn its turret except on flat ground
Neither could the Panther, and it wasn't a ridiculous pile of shit cobbled together just to get a gun on tracks as a stopgap.

>it's a slavaboo episode

No USA = no modern free world
Like it or not, US being the nation where SJWs and LGBTQ+ virally spread is a good thing.
Under Russia or China, there would be no Sup Forums, or all the protesting would be done online, recreationally.

>All of them.
Take your history channel bullshit out of here.
>the Panther
A typical german long-range fighter. Use it to its advantages before the enemy does so to their tanks.

>Neither could the Panther

Where did you read that?

Not a russian game.

Gaijin entertainment are Russians

Gaijin is Russian, Wargaming is Belorussian

>Use it to its advantages before the enemy does so to their tanks.
Is "totally combat effective on any kind of incline" an advantage or a disadvantage?

French trials report after the war.

It also took 45 seconds to traverse its turret.

It was a disaster of a tank.

>but why does it have such a good reputation then?
Pigdog yankee tanker gets PANG'd by a Stug

You know how many Tigers the Americans encountered in all of Normandy? 2. You know how many they claimed to destroy? 200.

On the Eastern front, where people actually fought the big cats, they have no such reputation for effectiveness.

Wehraboos belong in their gas chambers.

>Soviet warmachine is greatest, they had best tanks and everything
>N-nazis just h-had overdesigned crap
>proceeds to lose unprecedented amounnts of men and material

Both the german and soviet tanks had massive mechanical problems in their tanks, but is more likely they suffered this due to their industrial base getting bombed constantly and lack of materials instead of actual design failures.
Except Porsche designs, fuck Ferdinand.

Not sure what you mean, the Panther had more than adequate gun depression, certainly better than any Russian tank.
>no such reputation for effectiveness
Ah, kill/death ratios are a fabrication of history. it seems.

Is losing a tactical mastery now?

>fuck Ferdinand
Say that to my face, not online, see what happens

Yes, as in the Russians mastered the loss of men.

The T-34 was the most efficient tank line in WW2, along with the T-85.
T-34s were so easy to mass produce and cost efficient that instead of repairing damaged T-34s they just built more to replace them, since repairing the things was harder than making more.
British tanks, along with their ships, were all utter trash, the best tank the Brits managed to build during the war was a modification of an American one, the Firefly
The Konigstiger easily takes the cake for "unstoppable force" among tanks though

Do i said it before or after you sink in the mud?

>American game
>Russian tanks are still the best tanks
What did they mean by this?

Traverse =/= depression.

>muh K/D
Easy to go at least neutral when you're hiding in a bush on the defensive. German tanks didn't even need turrets because they just hid and ambushed. That's why the Stug managed to be their best tank, but wouldn't have worked nearly so well on the offensive.

Whoa... so this... is the power.... of world of tanks forums knowledge.

*lands glancing hit on T-34*
*spalling immediately turns the crew into swiss cheese*
Pssh... nothin personnel... Untermensch

>waaaah Germans don't have deathwishes like us useless ad-hoc tank crewmen

>t. triggered amerifat
this isn't a nation

I prefer being able to move more than my little toe in a turret thanks

what's funny is that everyone knows Russia is a shit country so most players see it as a joke


>M18 rides around with Mach 5 and one shots you

Shut the fuck up, you don't know shit.

T-34s were not any easier to mass produce, they simple were. After five years of constant production and a maniacal drive to make more for less they learned all the shortcuts but the design itself was no simpler than any other at the outbreak of war.

The Churchill was unironically one of the best tanks of the war and the Cromwell was effective. The Centurion and Chieftan, though not WW2 tanks, are the best tanks of their period full stop. The Challenger 2 arguably is the best, because it's the most well protected and for fighting sandniggers that's all that matters. The Firefly was a pile of garbage, the gun was so big that you couldn't even really fit the crew in. Rate of fire of one round per minute if you're lucky.

>don't have a deathwish
>start a war with the USSR
pick one

>Challenger 2
A liability against RPGs in urban scenarios.

>Easy to go at least neutral when you're hiding in a bush on the defensive
>Germans go on the offensive
>Soviets take astronomic losses
>Soviets push back, Germans go on the defensive
>Soviets take astronomic losses

>muh honorabru single combat
Get fucking real

Same goes for the IS-3 user, doesnt mean it was any less of a threat

>Hitler suicided
Okay touche

stopped reading there

>on the offensive
>with panthers
Never happened.

>muh honorabru single combat
Never said that.

Panther was shit. French after-action proves it. Awful turret, terrible reliability, heavy as fuck without even having good armour, all around inferior to its contemporaries like the T-44 and especially to the tail-end prototypes coming out.

>T-34s were so easy to mass produce
This is dumb meme, they weren't more easy or cheaper to mass produce at all compared to Shermans or Panzer 4, The Soviets just had a bigger industrial powerbase that they just shat them by the thousands.
>since repairing the things was harder than making more.
Only because 99% of the population were dumb farmers who only did what they were told to do, they didn't know shit about how to repair tanks.

It's balance. You just need to learn where to shoot.

Wow youre a fucking retard

>Panther was shit. French after-action proves it.
>artificial scenarios created after the fact are better proof than actual numbers from the actual war
Keep grasping Sergej. Don't bother replying to me again

It's got the best urban camo available because it can just park and pretend it's a house.

what the fuck are you even talking about
The Panther is effectively two different tanks, are you referring to the Panther G or the Panther D, because they both had flaws but one was significantly better than the other

I'd give Gaijin a benefit of a doubt since when they wave the balance hammer around everyone and everything has been brokenly OP at one point.

The only thing that I can remember being consistently shit is Brit pre tier v ground forces.

The moment you grab HEAT shells (in most tanks), the game turns in to a complete joke.
There is no one overpowered tank, everything is a glass cannon.
Especially early game with the PzIV, ignoring any and all sloped armor.

I like the birdcage at the top.

>Real life
>Russian tanks are the best

Surprise, surprise.

The saddest part is that the Soviets didn't have a bigger industrial powerbase than Germany.

Germany just fucked up so hard that they negated their advantage entirely.

>"""war isn't singaru honorabru combat"""
>"we can take meaningful data from my cherrypicked numbers that abstract all combat scenarios away to nothing and tell us nothing about tank performance and only detail collective military performance"

>getting the early Pz IV models

>play Stalinium tonk of Motherland
>meet over-designed kraut, powered by jewish blood and blessed by top pagan priest
>pen the fucker by luck alone, comrade Stalin was watching over me
>shrapnel hits entire crew and ammo racks
>nothing happens
>he shoots me through "unpenetrable" hatch
>I explode
And then there's this faggot. I fucking wish this kind of a bullshit would happen to me. Russian bias my ass.



that's a weird rug its wearing

Industrial powerbase means squat when you're lacking raw materials.

No, what happened is that the only German ball bearing factory was bombed at the outset of the war, which practically slowed the industry to a hault, something the Germans hadn't even fully recovered from near the end of the war.

People don't realize one of the plans to counter the Soviet ground forces was to nuke most of Poland to make it too radioactive to cross


>Belarussian company
>"Muh Russian Bias" is hyped up
>its actually the Americans who are OP

We couldn't mass produce shermans either any more lmao

>German game
>German censorship is XXXXX

You called?

we were ready for that comrade

>muh ball bearings
A myth that got hundreds of Americans killed on deep penetration bombing in 1943 that accomplished nothing at all.

Dumbfuck yankee.

>No USA = no modern free world

>nuke most of Poland to make it too radioactive to cross
Fucking based. Who came up with that, Churchill?

All that's left is Russia and China. Checkmate, chauvinists.

Churchill was too busy trying to make chicken powered nuclear mines

Europe is stronger than both
The only reason USA was allowed to take the lead 50y ago was because Europe went at war while the US masturbated at home

But it's all true. It's been true for decades.

As military equipment becomes more expensive we do less testing. Did you know they used to build entire prototype planes and crash them to see what happened? Can't do that anymore. A single plane costs hundreds of millions. Instead we do computer modelling, which is incredibly sophisticated but still not a patch on the real thing. And not to mention the damage if somebody actually fucking dies.

You retards think that this state of plenty is somehow more than just the tip of an incredibly fragile house of cards because it's all you've ever known, but man is three days without electricity away from eating his neighbour. No factory will ever build a thousand F-22s a day like they used to with Thunderbolts. It's just not possible.

vietnam and hippies