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looks good

2017: just fuck my textures, shading, and lighting up

Is that fucking water? The Warp room is supposed to be in fucking space.


They still didn't put this sound clip in the game yet, not even a new voice over for that.

Crash without "whoa" is not ok.

Thank you, thank you very much.

Probably just nostalgia talking but nothing looks as good as the original Crash model used in Crash 2 and 3.

>The Warp room is supposed to be in fucking space.
That is the shrine dumbass, it was always surrounded by water.

>not space

sums up my disappointment.

>The Warp room is supposed to be in fucking space.
No it isn't.


Someone post that ruined Tomb wader level

The giant screen is useless now tho.

Shut the fuck up

but that's wrong you idiots


and this is exactly why people with nostalgia goggles on have been bitching about this game constantly.
they dont even fucking know what they were looking at originally.

Tomb Wader was never good, and 3 is the worst game in the (real) series.


They're really copying down to the smallest texture, and nostalgia fags still whine.
That Coco tho.


Doesn't explain the horizon retard.

>Is that fucking water? The Warp room is supposed to be in fucking space.
It was calm water at night, even with the graphical limitations you could tell that; the problem with the remaster is that it isn't dark at night enough.

Why didn't they fix the Bounce Crate yet? They fixed Aku Aku and TNT/Nitro.

I legit think the original looks better.

>what is event horizon

>you will never walk up to the giant panel just to save again

Nice deflect retard, it is water.

I dont see y your complaining because it looks better than the original. That is a fact

They said they might do it if the remaster is successful

HAHAHA, look at the water

Fuck me, I meant the Arrow.

I never thought it was in 'space' but still some kind of void, with warp platform floating in mid-air.

Was the black void seriously water?

Yes they did? How the hell did you miss this?

They're in every clip where he falls off something. Don't ask me if it plays for other death animations, I don't know.

Actually, you can still use it to save.

Someone post the Cortex comparison video

You can tell everyone thinking it was space are fucking tards with no logical thinking. Cortex has his factory underneath the warp room, how the fuck could it be in space

i feel like your retarded

So the water looks like water instead of blue jello nice.

>Don't ask me if it plays for other death animations
It is missing in some death animations in which Crash originally had it.

>Sony fans keep shitting on Nintendo for Splatoon 2 "being too rehashy"
>will willingly buy a LITERAL rehash

>uploaded by PlayStation

Il wait for the final game before judging the levels. It's quite obvious the final build is much more polished

>The Warp room is supposed to be in fucking space.

>three games in one
>fully remade from the ground up

>called a sequel despite being an expansion pack
>visually identical to the Wii U version

>Takes place 9pm in the morning

zero rebut

It would make sense for the water to be dirty and muddy though

Shut up

It was water dude, it still is.

They should name it Crash Bandicoot Deluxe and the Nintentards would lap it up.

>LITERAL rehash
>game is being remade from the ground up

stay mad, faggot.
the game is going to be on the switch eventually. its no exclusive to ps4

I like it how people bitch and moan about things they think are "wrong" in the remaster when Vicarious Visions' devs made it clear in their latest stream that they're constantly asking the original ND devs what each thing is supposed to be and look like.

It's literally your word vs. the original devs'. Get fucking lost.

Maybe they didn't want to scare the kids

That light is from the full moon


The music is still the same, right?

They really need to dial back the bright orange fur on his back

>bridge made with sideways planks


This. Why the fuck does everything look so saturated?

From what I heard its better

>9pm in the morning

Just because that user was wrong about one thing doesn't mean other things aren't wrong and they haven't completely fucked the artstyle and lighting. In fact, if they were staying true, it would be just as dark and user would still think it's in space. Now there's no contrast so the water is obvious.

It looks fine I don't know what you're on about


It's fine if it's dark, but it shouldn't be difficult to tell where the surface is.
Some modern game engines have this kind of trouble with water especially indoors.

Top looks more mysterious and more like an exciting kids game than some unreal engine game being tryhard

>but it looks better
objectively yeah, it has better assets and lighting. I still prefer the overall effect of the top. Even though there's less going on the bottom looks more sterile

bring on the asshurt replies. I'm still buying the remake and I don't even have a ps4


The obvious answer to this is that everything was saturated in the original.

reminder that warped sucks

They show everything to ND before putting it on YT you know.

>I never played the game but I want to be accepted.

See Secret Warp Room in Crash 2 with water in the distance. Looks the same.

I'll assume this is just the early beta footage and for an early beta that looks pretty good. I'm glad they arn't gonna just release it looking like some sort of unity demo

Get fucked the original warp room was always intended to be on top of cortex castle

>fucked the art style

Again fuck off because if you really think the original art style would look good on the PS4 you need to take your rose tinted glasses off. Crash on the PS1 looked like it did because it was on the PS1, if Naughty Dog made the games in this day and age, this is what crash would look like

>but it looks better
>objectively yeah

Not going to bother writing a paragraph, but that's not what 'better' means. All that's objective is that the bottom one has more polygons, higher res, and is more demanding.

If you faggots don't want anything changed, might as well emulate the PS1 games.

Not a single water level took place at night and in calm water, hence the difference; now can you just kill yourself already.

>i'm a shill who can't damage control hard enough
How does it feel to know this shitty rehash is going to bomb?

>People think the background is space
>People think space is purple/blue
>People think space has a horizon
Also an event horizon is the singular point within a black hole where singularity happens, not an actual fucking horizon.

Literal shill pieces of cancer

Fuck off

It was always space

Are you suggesting N.Cortex's lab is in the middle of water? Where are the clouds if it isn't space? Why are there so many exposed electrics if it's on top of water?

Kys, shill faggots.


Dunno man, even Crash's colors look darker and less vibrant than in the original.

>get fucked here's something not contrary to what you said
>fuck off, fuck off
>fuck off
>get fucked

I can't be bothered sifting through this.

idk, there's something special about 1998 version.
and it's not even nostalgia, never played any of the spyro games

It just looks like the Unity game it is.

They completely missed the aesthetic value the original had - it's not all just shiny and particle effects, and that's honestly fine.

>anyone having slight negative opinions is automatically a crybaby

Look at all these shills clamoring over themselves to explain this blatant fuckup, enjoy going bankrupt niggers~


I thought an event horizon was any point in space where physics drastically alter without being exclusive to black holes.

They also changed the location from space, to merely on top of some water.


Fucking end yourself, this is just second hand embarrassment.

>Where are the clouds if it isn't space?
Have you legit never seen a cloudless sky?

Probably bait

I love the look of Warped so far except the portals. They look bad compared to the glassy sheen of the original. Sometimes graphical limitations help.

>ignores my post about Cortex Castle but replies to every other one


the only problem in Crash trilogy is the light but they are fixing it, I'm not just sure if they will ship with fixes included or as a separate day 1 patch

user one day posted a comparison of the latest build and it has way better dynamic contrast


I fucking hate that unity look this game has.

It's floating above some water, but it's night.

Is that even Cortex's Lab?
Was it ever established where the Time Twister/Time Tuner/Whatever it's called was ?

This water looks like 90's cgi

I fell good, gonna play this.
Also, you really think this trilogy will bomb?
Then you really want to be accepted.