Name 3 good reasons why you haven't downloaded the Gwent© closed beta.
Name 3 good reasons why you haven't downloaded the Gwent© closed beta
it's too different from gwent in tw3.
I play MTG
Because its
>Gwent© closed beta
Because it's open not closed, and I already did
fun game, ruined by the typical greedy microtransactions, and dead on arrival because it's not HS.
Been playing it sparingly on my Bone since the closed dropped.
I dunno. I like it.. but I unironically like Wild in Hearthstone more right now, and I have more cards. I don't spend money on either.
>ruined by the typical greedy microtransactions
Gwent is the most generous DCG of the lot. The fact that the game shits currency at you and at most you have to spend 800 for Goldens means you can have a working top tier deck in a week.
1) It's a card game. These went out of style a long time ago for a good reason - we have more advanced, more fun games now.
2) It's pay-to-win. This is the only reason card games were revived. It is 'pay-to-win: the genre'''
3) Fuck you leatherman
It's honestly not that fun.
>Card games went out of style
>Hearthstone is one of the most popular games in the world and everybody and their mother is trying to copy it
>counting numbers the game
If I wanted to do math I'd go to school
) It's pay-to-win. This is the only reason card games were revived. It is 'pay-to-win: the genre'''
Will he ever be beaten?
Cause all the previous TCGs I played had so much p2w bullshit on them I couldn't stand more than a few minutes playing.
*blocks your challenge mode*
Game is boring and confusing as fuck.
>I am literally retarded
You've got to be kidding... how exactly is it confusing?
>low to no RNG
>unlike any other card game out there
>draws influence from poker and chess instead of yugioh like hearth and shadowverse are
>high quality art with no inconsistency
>generous new card acquisition
>you can set your profile picture to dandelion
Is Gwent the greatest card game on the market?
1st tried him. Is it really that diff without p2w?
Who thought this card was a good idea to print?
Its probably the worst.
I thought of upgrading my RNR to premium, but then I saw that cape..
good thing it aint an actual card then
HS is popular because it's Blizzshit, not because it's a card game.
Less interactive than HS, which is an incredible accomplishment.
Every game is incredibly same-y.
It is not very interesting or entertaining.
How? Blizzard is literal cancer. Their only good gayms were Diablo 1 and 2.
This might be my iq speaking but math is not fun
It's also an uber casual grind that people who enjoy mobile games would like. My friends always play it because they enjoy the prospect of randomness helping them win games that they shouldn't win with the stupid discover mechanic.
its simple math. You have to be extremely stupid to not like a game because you need to sum 3+5. If you go into statistics and probabilities you are bound to fall to the gamblers fallacy sooner or later.
Just go play hs, hs is the game for burgers.
jesus christ dude
>They gave Skellige more grave bounce than fucking UB
>Lel can't touch muh Golden cards
>Board spam is instantly better than using almost any type of removal
I mean I did download it but I'm not playing it.
he's probably that guy who plays WM newbie deck
From what little I saw of it, it seems incredibly dull and driven by luck. At least in MTG and HS, your objective is to crush the opposition, in Gwent the players engage in some dull, cucked war of attrition where the outcome is ultimately decided by who has the press X to win card.
Because in tw3 the game was basically just about how good your cards were which was fine considering it was fun to go around the game collecting them but you know how that's gonna translate to a f2pccg.
>driven by luck
Because I have a pirated version of Windows 7 without the windows service pack 1 upgrade and gog is apparently the only company on the fucking planet to make it a requirement for their launcher
Gwent has like five cards that rely on RNG and they're minuscule effects
card games are shit
It is pay to win but its a great game system that feels fair and not rng driven like hearthstone
i looked at the UI during a game once and now im blind forever
I like seeing people encounter gamebreaking bugs and lose because of it.
Or how any sort of connection error instantly turns into a loss out of nowhere.
listening to Djent instead
I'm having fun with Shadowverse.
I don't want to bother learning another card game.
I don't want to deal with the shitty several months where you don't have any cards and are only playing to grind currency.
I gave it a shot and the UI was awful at explaining what keywords do.
Post more screenshots
I don't completely hate eternal yet
give it some time
I used to love SV but ToTG really just shat on everything.
I saw the nerfs, but I dunno, most everything that came with that xpac was so fucking bad.
It just took the class gimmicks and just streamlined them to "play this card to do everything for you"
That and some of the really, really dumb cards they printed just killed it for me (eg. grimnir).
And this is coming from someone who mained dragon.
Completely agree
I was a full-on aggro shadow player last expansion but midrange was just way, way too cancerous so I played nep instead
Nerfs completely neutered dragon's best decktype but Shadow got a slap on the wrist. The meta is somewhat better now though. Doesn't help the fact that they have designed Forest and Sword into a corner with all cards becoming useless unless they support the Storm gimmicks that both classes have to use to win.
Also new card reveals came through, they are pushing neutralcraft if you haven't seen yet.
Because Shadowverse is better. Also the witcher sucks
I haven't played it in a long while, but the changes don't really look that smart.
The PC change is more a nerf to aggro shadow than MR, and MR was much stronger. Since turning it to 4 really hurts the 4pp cerberus play more than it hurts PC, and that's solely an aggro card. For MR they'll just play chimera on t3 for an insane PC on t4 regardless.
The Lightning Blast and Zell changes just murder the cards, they're basically useless.
Zell was never the real problem there, it was Saha. Saha + the 9pp 8/8 flame&glass was just fucking dumb. Hell, Saha+Lucifer was also pretty dumb.
Dragon's real problem is that it can just fucking play on curve to ramp, heal, and ward with absolutely no punishment.
The deck does not suffer against aggro, it is strong.
The Saha+Zell combo was just a really dumb oversight.
Someone said art?
*bocks your path*
The good news is that without Zell Dragon has basically dropped the Saha package entirely and gone back to Forte + Urd + Genesis storm ramp. Midrange Shadow is so strong that a lot of the popular lists don't even need Catacomb to function anymore. It's insane.
i did download it
then i uninstalled it when i saw progression was multiplayer locked
just because the math is easy doesn't make it fun
It's closed because of ddosing blizzard faggots.
It's just sad how I was playing around with some dirt rune before I quit.
Midrange shadow can do with 1 card what it requires multiple turns and at least 2-3 cards for dirt rune to do.
I just don't understand what they were thinking when they made those cards.
1. Don't
2. Like
3. Cardgames
I heard that there will be real singleplayer after official release of the game.
>so you, like, stack numbers
not fun
That is a good thing. Gwent in W3 was easy as fuck once you got some basic units. Every match after that was spy-revive-decoy spam.
On the other hand, the standalone Gwent is great so far, especially with the new patch. Can't remember the last time I enjoyed a TCG this much.
Also CAN WE PUT THE "CHOOSE YOUR LAST REWARD OUT OF 3" METHOD IN EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GAME THAT HAS LOOTBOX/CRATES/CHESTS/WHATEVER? Like holy fuck it is ridiculous how much better it makes me feel that I actually get some choice instead of "here is a duplicate useless legendary again"
> Gwent is the most generous DCG of the lot.
Doesn't matter when you can't guarantee you'll get a complete collection due to RNG.
You can't even fucking *trade* the cards, so why the fuck is it a "TCG?" Just give let me grind my fucking collection to complete and don't fucking bother with the RNG.
>ruined by the typical greedy microtransactions
Are you fucking high? Did you even look at Hearthstone's card prices compared to this?
Did he lie, though? Starcraft is awful. Warcarft(s) are awful.
Diablo 1 and 2 were great. 3 is shit.
They're batting 2 for 10.
>I'm a literaly braindead retard who cannot enjoy RTS games
oh okay champ, good to know
> Good
> Ever
Good to know to discard your opinion.
TES Legends is better.
I'll play when it's on android.
I guess what they want is a 40$ card game you buy and everyone gets exactly the same cards they just make a deck with.
yeah now show how much it costs to buy kegs
also HS has been going for a fucklong time, so people are already invested in it, why would they drop their collection worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars to play this "new" mathlethes game where all the packs are shit?
What the fuck are you talking about? The game gives you free kegs all the time. You haven't played it enough you neckbeard.
>playing card games
>on a computer
But why
If you want flashy animated cards, yeah you gotta pay. But those cards have the same stats as their static copies. This is probably the cheapest card game on PC.
Should people buy physical cards and play against people on skype or something?
>yeah now show how much it costs to buy kegs
>buying Kegs
The game literally showers you in kegs and scraps, Just from dailies only you can EASILY get 2-3/day
>why would they drop their collection worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars to play this "new" mathlethes game where all the packs are shit?
Because everyone is abandoning Hearthstone already. Casuals players are fed up, "pro" players are fed up, and it is impossible to start as a new player without dropping hundreds of dollars in to catch up
No, I mean, you have all this computing power, that can draw beautifully animated 3D models with complex interactions. You no longer have to bother with carton rectangles anymore.
It has technology
Fuck the current state of the game with its imbalance towards SK morkvarg and NG
I spend every single game sitting there while the Nilfgaard decks that make up around 70% of all players play solitaire with their entire deck while I look at black screens blocking my cards
The last time I played, they drew all but four cards and played over 120 strength against me, I quit until the next patch
Not giving them free 2-0 wins against non-meta decks, they can sit in their own hell of 20 minute 1v1 solitaire matches
Is there a phone background like this? I have a parallax app but it doesn't have physics just static layers.
*rots your path for the 6th time*
I doubt the typical phone device that determines wether its up or down is accurate enough for jiggle physics.
>you can't guarantee you'll get a complete collection
You can grind the cards you want with crafting currency. You get that for playing and disintegrating cards you don't want. Pic a faction you want to play with, disintegrate all other regular faction cards and duplicate golds you get one way or another, and craft the cards you need for a competitive deck. Now you can win games on a regular basis and complete the other factions.
How much money would CDPR make if they did an R-rated Gwent version or deck with those romance cards from Witcher 1?
Yep, living card games work this way and people love them, because you don't have to sell your boipuss into slavery to the jew and shell out money for a cat in the bag. Frankly, this grind-to-win model is retarded. Just sell the fucking thing for a retail price and scrape the rest with animated gif cosmetics, and let people play your shitty game
Zero since they rely on twitch streamer advertising.
There is no adult only pvp games in existance.
Decoy-Spy and draw ur entire deck you say?
i have none