Can we discuss for a second why and who thought all of these Sonic characters was a good idea?
Look at them, do you honestly see anything worth keeping here?
Can we discuss for a second why and who thought all of these Sonic characters was a good idea?
Look at them, do you honestly see anything worth keeping here?
Cream is cute. CUTE!
Fuck off.the fanbase already has furries we don't need lolicons like you here,too.
I don't see anything wrong with them. Keep em.
They're really fun to play in 2D games because they can fit into tried and true play styles that work which is "plays like sonic" but with different secondary abilities.
I like rouge
All of them are worth keeping. The issue with them was never their inclusion, but the inclusion of unpolished, half-thought out gameplay styles to justify their inclusion rather than polishing up a few different styles and making a game that way or just having them have some variance in abilities that let them play through sonic esque stage in a slightly different way from sonic himself.
I hate how stale the new characters in modern games are
I like Jet
Weaponized Cute
Buddy, none of besides Cream and Blaze have been in 2D games and playable, Blaze was a slower Sonic with a hover instead of flight like Tails and Cream was Tails with her broken chao
The Chaotix debuted in a 2D game
I think they're all fine when they play like slightly different Sonics
Really? Cream and Blaze are the only ones in that image that have been playable in 2D games? Tails, Knuckles, the Chaotix, and Amy haven't?
True, but who says the ones who haven't been in 2D games can't implemented similarly?
platform game with playable Jet : never
They aren't a bad idea. The presence of all these extra characters added nothing but cringe for the likes of Big, Amy, Rogue, and Tails in the Adventure games, but by Heroes they were being used a little better, except the ensemble cast was going through the same levels over and over, often times just markedly worse version of the Team Sonic ones. Just having them as tagalong buddy characters is fine but Sega read "no more shitty alt gameplay" as "make the shitty alt gameplay also-Sonic." I'd like a game where you can pick between buddies at the start of levels and they give Sonic different abilities.
So you just want them to give Sonic their powers like the wisps?
Are you suggesting they go the Retro Studios Donkey Kong route where all of Sonic's friends are just power ups? Or better yet, like Sonic Advance 3 but with Sonic strictly as the leader?
>I'm underage
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Eggman and his two comedy robots, Espio, Metal Sonic and maybe the birds are good designs.
Most of the others are either unoriginal, too messy/overdesigned or just plain ugly, not to mention obnoxious.
>Look at them, do you honestly see anything worth keeping here?
Only some.
Okay let's see here OP
>Riders characters
who have always stayed in their own spinoff games, which is fine (which were killed off by that awful kinect garbage anyway)
were brung back from Classic, used in like one game together then forgotten completely again anyway. they're ok
one off
I wish they'd fucking leave
can promptly fuck off
>Blaze, Marine and Eggman Nega
Who stay in Rush other than a guest star appearance here or there, they're ok
>Big and Froggy
>Shadow, Rouge, and Omega
they can stay as long as they don't act edgy grimdark
don't ever fucking question whether or not he's worth keeping you sad sack of shit
>Eggman's peanut gallery robots
Unfunny duo who need to leave already
these can fuck off as well
Who the fuck is Nichole?
>Can you move? Uru, Karen?
Has absolutely nothing interesting about him whatsoever
Guns yeah no fuck that thing.
>Heavy and Bomb
Bland designs, no personalites and no unique gameplay
>Espio,Charmy and Vector
No longer exist as they once were
Annoying as fuck bitch who was only added because sega wanted to be femisists and shoehorn a useless bitch into the series
Yeah no,user, you clearly aren't a true sonic fan if you don't already know this, you're a fucking poser who thinks just because there was a time a classic character was around means they're safe and should continue to be around.
I like Silver
>>Riders characters
>who have always stayed in their own spinoff games, which is fine (which were killed off by that awful kinect garbage anyway)
It was nice of them to feature Jet as a bonus character in Black Knight though
Also, filler games like the Olympics are also fine by me in terms of who gets to be playable.
Not exactly, more like.
This guy here. It's a very easy way to introduce them into roles that make them likable to a newer audience. The friends act as permanent, but minor, alterations to the tools at Sonic's disposal for a level. Of course you can go a step further and have Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles all fully playable with other characters as partners, but maybe that'd be going full Eager McBeaver before the people are ready.
It's great to have Tails and Knuckles in a Sonic game again as something other than cutscene props, by the way.
>No Blaze
>No Heroes Omega
He's honestly just my favourite non-sonic character
Fuck Ilzuka
>It's a very easy way to introduce them into roles that make them likable to a newer audience.
Fuck no. DKC and Sonic are two entirely different games. Returns and Tropical Freeze were great, but they downplayed the characters as a result. Fuck the newer audiences, play the games the way the people back then played them or fuck right off.
I like when a series has multiple characters to use instead of pushing one character that's bland and tasteless (Mario). You may as well use the wisps instead of degrading established characters into powerups.
>Main 6 and the Chaotix
Comic relief cat, doesn't really add anything.
Sonic doppelganger and rival, that role is already filled by Metal.
Amy's Tails, doesn't really add anything.
Cool robot who rebelled against Eggman. Heavy, Bomb, and Gamma all did this too but they've fucked off forever so he's fine.
Parallel dimension Sonic. Not a really a doppelganger and has interesting character so she's alright.
>Eggman Nega
Literal recolor
>Babylon Rogues
Keep them in spin-offs.
Future Sonic. Cool concept but doesn't really get any good use in the games.
Blaze's/alternate dimension Tails. See Cream
knuckles is a arrogent hero who decides his own path, but big the cat is bae my niggs
>Sonic doppelganger and rival, that role is already filled by Metal.
Metal Sonic works strictly under Eggman though whereas Shadow's purpose is to play whichever side needs him.
You mean from Sonic CD?
>the sonic friends meme still exists
Nigga, none of them have been playable in a main series game since 2006. Most of them haven't shown up at all since 2008, with Generations being a semi-exception since they existed, but didn't do anything of significance.
There was never anything inherently wrong with the extended cast. The problem was the way they were handled and shoehorned into every game between 1998 and 2006. Everyone was always there as a full party, with none of the characters being given proper breathing room. Rush had the right idea by limiting the cast to focus on the core players (Sonic, Tails, Blaze, Cream/Marine) with cameo appearances by Amy, Knuckles, and Vanilla. If more games did that, then nobody would be complaining and perpetuating this meme. The fact that the franchise has been struggling to find itself even after it purged the extended cast in Unleashed speaks more volumes about SEGA's handling of the franchise than the extended cast existing ever did.
True, I suppose you could also argue how Silver is a young, arrogant future Sonic that Shadow is just an older, wiser Sonic from the past.
The Chaotix and Babylon Rogues are pretty superfluous. So is Silver until they figure out what to do with him.
Ditto Marine and Eggman Nega.
And we need either Cream or Amy. Not both.
>And we need either Cream or Amy. Not both.
>Boco !sCZ24qY6KY
This. Bless u user, exactly how I feel. Sega's handling of the franchise beginning from 2010 is pure fucking shit. It's like they listened only to the retarded pieces of shits who never liked the franchise to begin with.
Silver's personality isn't even all that consistent, they tried to make him the naive optimist that was forced into shitty situations, but at the same time Rivals and the fact that he challenges Sonic in Generations portray him as a douchebag.
I say keep everyone. If Sega ever got a good writer to write Sonic games it could be an endless comedy.
>Blaze was a slower Sonic
was she actually slower? I thought her thing was she got more height from tricking and gimmicks and sonic gets distance
Blaze is pretty good senpai
You'd hardly notice, but when it came to time trials or S Ranks, she was definitely a few seconds behind Sonic in terms of her top speed.
That's how it should be, though.
>It's like they listened only to the retarded pieces of shits who never liked the franchise to begin with.
Like every other corporation.
Yes yes, Amy sucks, etc etc. But really, what does Amy do that Cream can't?
Oh that dude
Most people call him Silver Sonic but the LEGO Sonic game actually gave him the official name "Robo-Sonic"
Tails, Knuckles and Amy are all good, and my dick makes me like Rouge too. The rest are all shit.
Who cares if other corporations do it? They're still stupid as fuck for doing so. I'm 100% sure if Sonic Team just completely disregarded those pieces of fucking SHITS, and kept making ambitious games, everything would have been hunky-dory right now. But no, we're in the timeline where ST are fucking cocksuckers and we're getting rehashes after rehashes with no adherent identity for the franchise.
Are you happy you dicksuckers? This is the Sonic you've created.
i think is cooler than all the other versions.
it has visible screws
I think people are asking the wrong question here. Cream parallels with Tails better and has a few things she can do compared to Tails similar to how Sonic and Blaze are the same yet different.
By default, if Cream plays like she does in Advance 2 with Cheese, that alone is a good secondary ability. You can even tweak how they fly differently like speed vs height.
I wasn't justifying it, I was just pointing it out. You're 100% correct, and if not for Sammy and Isao bailing them out, they'd be long dead.
All of the ones made up to and including adventure 2, the rest suck
I wish they would bring back Mecha Sonic from S3&K. He had the coolest design
To be honest I really don't want to sound like Boco Jr, but Amy really is one of my least favorite characters. In nearly every game she's in, she's the worst character to play as and I just don't find her all that likable. Blaze is a badass, Cream's gameplay made her a badass, but Amy is just such a loser to me.
She's so much more likable in the Boom cartoon where they tone down her love of Sonic and try to make her an actual competent asset to the team.
i see a character worth keeping
Her boost has a noticeable delay and goes slower.
Every character after adventure 2 is trash
t. SMBZ fan.
I think he cameoed in the Lego Sonic Dimensions if that's any consolation.
I want Blaze, Marine, Sticks, and Silver to all fucking die, along with the birds of babylon.
Not him, but fuck you. Mecha Sonic had a big following before that faggot even popped up into Newgrounds.
>People complaining about underused Sonic characters
>Aren't bitching about Tails
I can't fucking stand Tails, I've never seen a character that is so boring and serves no purpose get a free pass.
The last time he was really relevant was Adventure 1 where they gave him a character arc and developed him only for all of it to be forgotten and never touched upon again, all he does now is exposition and his character is as stale and boring as you can get.
>Mecha Sonic
has long arms like a gorilla,long hair like goku ssj3 and can be super.
Why? She's one of three characters (sans Metal Sonic) that can actually go toe to toe with Sonic in terms of speed.
The ones that essentially play like Sonic are the only good ones so Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Shadow, Blaze, and Metal Sonic. A big maybe on the Chaotix. Everything else can be thrown in the incinerator and forgotten.
Because at this point that'd be like keeping Batman and dropping Robin.
My Preferred Roster(everyone else can eat shit):
Bean(hasnt seen a game since fighters)
Nack(hasnt seen a game since fighters)
Bunnie(to replace Cream)
Honey(to replace Blaze)
Which they basically have and Batman is selling better than ever.
Because shes flat, her character design is shit, her personality is boring, and shes a stronk womyn.
I feel like they all have their place in their respective games. I don't really like team chaotix's designs though.
pretty sure a fan might try one day, those guys are pretty resourceful, if Mania is anything to go off of.
I legit like the designs of these things. Shame they were all retardedly one dimensional, even for Sonic standards.
>Honey(to replace Blaze)
Can I have Honey and Blaze
No Blaze a shit, Honey is how a cat should have been done.
I bought Sonic Adventure 2 on Steam. What am I in for?
I haven't played it in several years and that was when I beat it for the first time in one sitting. I don't remember liking it very much, but I love the first Sonic Adventure.
So is the Forces OC going to be in Mario and Sonic at the 2018 Winter Olympics? and if so, will it just be the default wolf or would it read your save data to design the character?
>Guns yeah no fuck that thing.
Don't be a dipshit, he's not Shadow tier, he's basically a Looney Tunes villain.
Fuck off Dreamcastxz1.
she isn't to me
He adds nothing to the series user, Guns don't work on Sonic or Tails and Knuckles and Eggman can do what he cannot. Fuck Nack.
Garbage and gliches. It's not funlitterally a sonic-ifed version of a Fighting Vipers character and nothing beyond that. How the hell could she of been better than Blaze?
>because she's flat
Ah, so you're a waifufag.
Agree with everything this user s-...
>these can fuck off as well (lost world villians)
E-except her r-right user?
>Because shes flat,
unlike your mom..........
Comicfag pretending Honey is better than Blaze since his literal who got acknowledged.
For one she looks better retard, blazefags are the absolute fucking bottom of the barrel sonic fans, prove me wrong.
Is that a fucking problem!?
Silver is the bottom barrel
>Character in the lower right
Holy shit its Conker's prototype girlfriend.
Is that robotnik's dad or something.
>No Merlina
Yeah, actually. Go play Freedom Planet instead.
>It's an "underage people who only know Sonic from emulating the Megadrive games on their phones pretend that only 2D characters matter to fit in" episode.
There are plenty of good Sonic characters that can be entertaining, the real problem is that SEGA is afraid of people like you having temper tantrums so they're reduced to background characters with no personality or screentime which makes them seem even worse.
I'd keep the classics
>Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Eggman and Metal
The most prominent Team Chaotix members, people like Mighty, Bean ect have never been relevant so not them.
Keep Big as a background/overworld character, need at least 1 relaxed character
Shadow and Rouge are fine, I'd keep Shadow edgy but have it played up in a more comical tone to be a contrast to the main team
I don't particularity like Blaze because she's a bit dull but she works as a tough female character, Marine would have to stay as well to be her Tails.
Nobody else did enough to stay.
Elise is beautiful
Why are the female characters so fuckable?