He isn't part of the ESDF master race

>He isn't part of the ESDF master race

poor thing, he's retarded..

y tho?

more keys to left and right to do shit with, and the hand position is almost identical so it translates well to wasd plebs.

holy shit that actually sounds like a good idea

>Pinky goes straight to A or Capslock

I don't think so, nigga. I got small ass hands and claw style.

>Free up A as a hotkey
>Lose F as a hotkey

>Easier to use V as a hotkey
>Harder to use Z as a hotkey

>Lose E as a hotkey
>Now have to use Q and W instead of Q and E, which is more awkward

>No effect on my access to R, T, or G as hotkeys

whats the point

I stay with my trusty old arrow keys

s-shut up...

i bet youre left handed you degenerate

mine rests right on the shift key

Only if you have Trump-sized tiny hands

for some reason I like to master the default controls in everything I play.

but ESDF is vastly more efficient

>he thinks hotkeys will make up for his lack of skill


What exactly would I use the hotkeys for? Funny text binds? No thanks

Leftmouse + IJKL master race here.

The thing about ESDF setup is that it forces you to use the pinkie and ring finger more, which have less maneuverability than the other fingers.

ESDF + swap jump around right click and alt fire/zoom to space master race reporting in

>there are people in existence that don't use RAGE


>mfw I only play rts