Will it get a sequel?
Sonic Mania
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That's how you hype the game. And I hope so there is a sequel, be with new levels, old levels from other Sonic games(like GG/MS games), or cut-off levels from classic
>Sonic RUN
>Tails FLY
It fucking better.
>Sega pretending Sonic 4 doesn't exist
>Knuckles has a dedicated Chuckle button
I like how tongue-in-cheek Sonic is nowadays.
>Chuckle button
That's just his idle animation.
Yeah, even more derivative garbage that tries to make up for lack of good modern games with nostalgia-fueled amalgams of good old ones.
It's just an idle animation.
Sonic 4 isn't featured in the elevator because it happens after Mania.
This is so fucking hype holy shit.
Only wing fortress is antihype.
Shame, thought the punch was an actual action (since the trailer mentioned it under climbing and gliding) so it wouldn't be an idle animation happening that soon after an action.
More like that piece of shit isn't canon anymore.
That's flying battery, not wing fortress
CD also isn't featured on it, just saying.
>wing fortress
Do you mean Flying Battery?
>wing fortress
Flying Battery pretty much covers that.
If you're talking about the miniboss with the trashed Badniks, that's still Flying Battery. I don't think Wing Fortress is likely to appear.
Poor Sonic Force.
More like poor Sonic Team, can't even do anything right by themselves anymore.
I hope Knuckles and Tails have new moves. Especially Tails, he's pretty boring when playing him single player.
He just have the best move (flying). How can you top that?
>magic elevator
We ToeJam and Earl now.
Slowly flying diagonally to a surface is boring.
If it doesn't get a sequel, then video games are dead. This game is the most important thing in decades.
Iizuka said something about a "classic sub series" in one of the streams. Here's hoping that means Mania 2
If it gets a sequel, all new zones. I won't buy it otherwise.
>Stardust Speedway
>including any CD levels at all
I am not a huge fan of the Sonic series in general but this trailer looks beautiful - it looks as if they went back in time and made a 2D Sonic sequel on the Saturn.
>Stardust Speedway is bad future in Generations and Episode Metal
>now its good future in Mania
But it'll be well-designed this time!
>including any CD levels
We knew this since day one.
>Stardust Speedway
>Not Wacky Workbench
Mania is set out to fail.
Stardust Speedway Good Future has some good music though.
I wonder if the zones will have remixes of the JP for one act and US for another, or if it will go Good Future -> Present -> Bad Future.
Infinite Hype Works.
Wacky Workbench is cancer as a stage but has great music. Quartz Quadrant should've gotten in though. It already has the green layout.
When did they show/mention CD prior to this? If that piece of crap gets a level and 3 doesn't I'm blowing up Sega HQ.
3 is getting representation dw.
3&K already got Flying Battery.
So did Tyson Hesse start doing animations and I just missed the memo?
Sonic 3 is being counted as seperate from K, so we're definitely getting a Sonic 3 stage as well.
3 and S&K are treated as separate games for zone representation
>Whacky Workbench
>not Quartz Quadrant
Also both 3 and & Knuckles are getting a stage in Mania.
Christ, 7 YEARS ago?! I mean, I don't make it a point to keep up with everything he does, but goddamn how'd I miss that for so long? Thanks.
ass blasted casual detected.
>no button for the CD floor
entrance must be somewhere else
>start doing animations
A long time ago.
Better be hearing this in the game:
>mfw the quarts quadrant good/bad future Us tracks
But that stage went by too fast user.
Sonic 3 will be getting its own stage. Most likely Hydrocity or Ice Cap.
>WW is a cancer
Why? Because it makes you slow the fuck down and do some platforming?
delete this.
>WW apologists
Worse than Boostbabbys, worse than Adventurecucks, worse than Boom apologists, worse than DeviantAutists, worse than Unleashedfag.
>no words on the special stage.
What will it be?
Good taste.
That's Sonic & Knuckles. I specified Sonic 3 and not Sonic 3&K for a reason. They were released as separate games and deserve a level each.
Don't know how I forgot that. At least they chose one of the better ones.
CD isn't hard at all. It's just stuffed with bad level design. If it weren't for the music that game wouldn't be worth playing at all.
Hataya is a god for creating this track.
I was just fucking around since Wacky Workbench is dog shit but I don't get why so many like Quartz Quadrant. I mean it's a good level and all but I prefer Stardust Speedway, Tidal Tempest & Palmtree Panic.
Well, since all of the Classic Sonic games from 1 to Chaotix gradually implemented 3D more and more for the special stages, something that looks like the overworld in Sonic Jam seems like the next logical step.
One of CD's levels is in it though.
that gif works better with the japanese quartz quadrant track imo
>One of CD's levels is in it though.
I know, I'm just pointing out it's not on it.
>bad future JP
>past US
You groove you lose
Stardust Speedway got in so there's no point in saying it.
>Tidal tempest
Poor mans Labyrinth Zone.
There's just something about Sonic World that felt so right, wish we got a full game based off it
>Sonic drawn in CD style
Fucking hell, I wish they'd ditch the Adventure design and go back to this. It's so charming
>mfw realizing they chose Stardust Speedway because it's the meme CD stage and chose the past because it Past stages in CD only had one version for both US and JP
What a disappointment.
>those rabbit ears
Cool reference.
Theoretically, CD might not be on the elevator because it takes place on a different planet. The other 4 games take place on the same planet but just span 3 different islands.
Realistically though, they likely just didn't know where to put it in the timeline
>>past US
CD stages used the same past tracks for US and JP. And the past tracks are clearly made to fit with the JP racks too.
CD design > modern post Unleashed design > 1-3 classic design > wonky adventure design > boom design> lanky 06 design
Who said Act 2 won't be in a different time period? Hell, who said Stardust Speedway won't have the Time Travel posts as it's stage gimmick?
I can't wait for the remixed HUE HUE
>Stardust Speedway got in so there's no point in saying it.
I was just saying what I prefer simply, user.
>>Tidal tempest
>Poor mans Labyrinth Zone.
You mean better Labyrinth Zone, the music in both the JP & US versions are great as hell also.
I highly doubt they'd make time traveling just for one zone when it's not a part of every other game outside of CD. Would be kind of awkward explaining you traveling through time straight into another zone too.
>CD isn't hard at all. It's just stuffed with bad level design.
The "bad level design" is for going into the past and future if you know what you are doing. It's for exploration to find the machines or the Metal Sonic's projector. And most of the present bottom routes are just a "hold right to win" with some badniks on the way and spikes
Stardust is the one level that looks like a Sonic 1 like a Starlight zone
No way fag.
Genesis > CD > Adventure > modern > Boom > 06
>not liking stardust speedway
Opps from link, sorry guys:
Nah but seriously:
Yes I know that the levels were designed to accommodate the shitty gimmick.
>No way fag.
>Genesis > CD
>Adventure > modern
I don't have an issue with that, Stardust Speedway past & it's music is my favorite thing in that game:
I like it but there's better CD stages/music and it's been used in Sonic Generations already. Don't want it to become the Green Hill Zone of Sonic CD.
>Hataya is a god
That he is.
Wallpaper time bois.
it was hardly used in generations, tho. it was just a boss battle where you run in a straight line, there wasnt any actual level design
Genesis = CD > The rest
>1 2 3 K M
>no CD
>Sonic 4 not on the elevator
Don't get me wrong, I agree that CD has many great stages and two fantastic soundtracks but Stardust Speedway is my favorite level and it has my favorite songs in both versions of the soundtrack.
How can other video game adapation to movie even compete?
Greg Martin Sonic > all
How come its always up to a Non-Jap to save Sonic?
Am I the only person who would liked to have seen a Sonic 4 stage brought into the classic Sonic world with a remix? Sonic 4 Episode 2's last stage was pretty cool.
>repeatedly touching the floor instead of aiming for the floating platforms
You've only proved that you suck at platforming.
>Am I the only person who would liked to have seen a Sonic 4 stage brought into the classic Sonic world with a remix?
But they're already remixing stages from Sonic 1 and 2.