Summer Lesson


>In Summer Lesson: Alison Snow Garden of Seven Days, we’ll be introduced to the new character named Alison. It is set on the porch of a Japanese-style house. Similar to the Summer Lesson featuring Hikari Miyamoto, there will be DLC featuring different situations and more to enjoy with Alison after the release of the game.

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Fuck yes, summer lesson is my favorite VR game ever. but how long will we have to wait for asia english?

Any chance of english in the Japanese version? I remember she spoke english in the first demo, maybe we wont need to wait for an asia version

She will probably speak bad Japanese mixed with English from the start then get better through the interactions. The UI and subs will be all Japanese.

>PS exclusive

No thanks

PC port

Is she the blonde girl from the trailer?

In 9-10 years when there's an emulator, but by that time there will be much better VR petting games.

However it would be nice if this game got a model rip, for SFM.

VR Kanojo already exists.
You can actually fuck the girl there too instead of just getting cuked.


FYI "Sensei" never leaves his/her chair but you can stand up and look around. The DLC lets you do a couple actions but you can't touch.

That girl is ugly af, they ripped off the character and ruined her

What if she speaks broken Japanese with an english accent? Does it sound cute to Japanese ears or like the language is getting butchered alive?

Enjoying your PC multiplats, Sony friend?

dick status: MUH

these are the games that VR needed to be their killer apps, not the lame shit that VR got.

Stupid duck face.

What a pretty model

They made her look even younger, the exact opposite of ruined.

thanks for funding that project, mate.

Can't wait for gen 2 VR...not only it'll have much higher specs like resolution and FOV, but importantly it will implement eye tracking in games

Games like summer lesson will feel much more immersive

needs hips

I cant wait to sit in a chair while she talks to me and the english subtitles disappear when she gets too close while asking a question

>American woman

For realism, she should yell at you and sleep with your friend if you don't pay her enough attention and also have the option to accuse you of rape.

Youre not dating her, you're a genderfluid blob answering yes and no questions and selecting a lesson topic.

>eye tracking
thats a bad thing though
imagine if IRL didn't have eye tracking, you could look wherever you wanted without repercussions

>This is the only way to interact with a girl like that in your lifetime
Just fucking kill me. for real this time

Reminder that waifufags are diseased freaks

>PS exclusive

>No thanks


Why? If you manage live for another ~ 25 years you'll just be able to live in the Matrix. Way better than death.

>NTR is mainstream now

Based Sony.
I can't wait to have lessons with this girl while she dates another man and has lots of sex with him.

Wonder if they'll make a bundle. But VR is like $400?

Haha no. That isn't coming for thousands of years, if it comes at all.

It's not that it isn't possible in your lifespan, it's that it would create a post-suffering world where power doesn't mean anything anymore, and the people in power don't want that to happen.

>letting the jews install the botnet in your fucking brain
haha no way schlomo

I don't have a PSVR nor do I want one but I am hoping Harada gets greedy and she shows up as a DLC character in Tekken 7 some day down the line.

I may buy a PSVR now. Isn't Summer Lesson subtitled in English? And I've been learning nip as well.

It has fugging? I thought it was just softcore stuff.

You have to get the boxed version from whatever weeaboo hobby site you frequent to get the subbed version.

yeah there's an english asian version out
>softcore only

>company which made only porn games for decades
>only softcore stuff


It's the opposite. It would be the purest form of power. Panem and circensem squared.

You will trade your IRL freedom for a digital, personal heaven.

post more enji

modern cassandra?

Fuck, there's no digital version? The artwork in OP is of a blond goddess, I must have it.

Some faggot around here said that you didn't fuck her, but I guess he was bullshitting me and I was retarded enough to believe him.

but i do that all the time

i stare at womens breasts and when they ask why or get mad, i just mumble and say autism, they feel bad and go "you poor thing" and then hug me

its fucking great

>Sup Forums considers friend simulators "games" now
this really unclogs the thoughtpipe

>this is what autistic peope believe
you poor thing

Isn't the girl underage and you're her teacher? Is this 100% legal in Nipland?

>things that never happened


also, don't have autism faggot
you probably do though, you should see your doc

Undeage is like 14 in Japan.

Underage is 12 in Japan

Yes it is, since their laws can distinct between fantasy and reality.

Age of consent is 13 in Tokyo and somewhere else and 18 in all other places.
Not that it matters much since its just a game.

Don't listen to that user, I got Summer Lesson from the Asian PSN.


Neat. What did you think about it? I may get a PSVR soon.

I'm so turned on.

Future is now.

That's fucking hilarious.

There are 3 products here being discussed:

Summer Lesson : Hikari Miyamoto (schoolgirl)
Summer Lesson : Alison Snow (blond)

VR Kanjo (porn game made with a Hikari lookalike)

Summer lesson does not have hands. Anything with hands is VR Kanjo

>your suicide backlog gets even bigger
Fucking hell

>tfw killing myself by 2070
I'l die on my own before then.

>no sex option
>do fleshlight peripheral

No buy

wtf I hate Harada now.



>Summer Lesson: Alison Snow “International Exchange on the Porch”
Is this a BLACKED reference?

Holy shit


Too expensive (even though the localization contains the DLC it's still expensive at $60), the subtitles are weird, and the environments are blurry, but Hikari does act mostly like a real person.

I haven't played much on my PSVR. Just Summer Lesson, Batman, VR Worlds, the Danganronpa tech demo, Here They Lie, and Statik. Statik is my favorite; it's so brilliant.


You guys sure are obsessed with black dudes.

>this level of detail with the blonde goddess of VR

Looks like I'm gonna have to buy a PS4 after all.

Do you have the boxing one?

The body inside is supposed to be the players. Whoever made this video moved the camera view away from the action

I didn't expect to laugh at this shit
Do you have more of these?

This is pretty funny.

>Can't feel warmth
>Can't feel softness
>Can't feel breath against your neck

>Just cold hard plastic

End me.

I have NSFW one and it's the funniest ever but I don't want to be banned.

It's trying to deal with "white guilt".

The 18-24 range really is fucked up from all this.

>Roger.Jr died for this

Post on a NSFW board and crosslink.

Post on /gif/ and cross link.

well done

can't wait

>They never make eye contact

This flesh. A tomb.


>Volume turned up full blast from doing audio mixing earlier today.
>Never turned it back down because Sup Forums doesn't have sound webms.

>Violently loud moaning scares the flying piss out of me.

what "game" is this anyway

vr kanojo

The best game.

link without the censor?

Alison will be more immersive because I won't have to look at subtitles in front of my vision.



Bamco has Vive dev kit but it's probably for Ace combat 7 since they are almost already done with PSVR version

>Raise your hand if you’ve heard online that the age of sexual consent in Japan is 13 years-old. Wow! That is the youngest age of consent among developed countries. Except, you know…that’s not true.