Better or worse than Thousand Year Door?

Better or worse than Thousand Year Door?

Personally I think it's better but I want to know what y'all think.

It's not quite as good but it doesn't deserve the amount of hate it gets, especially in light of the newer Paper Mario games

Wish it was a bit harder, though

what made the 3ds paper mario bad?

Everything was better than backtrack door.

Start of the downfall. Paper Mario was an rpg and this is the one that started to tear it away from having towns and partners. It still had a fun plot which is more than sticker star can say, but I didnt like it as much as tyd

Incredibly mediocre gameplay, pretty much no reason for it to be a Mario game.

I know I stopped playing it after about 4 hours. Pirated so not much loss.

>Worse gameplay
>Pixels are barely characters
>cliche plot
>three Pit of 100 Trials
I'd say worse.

Two completely different games, SPM is a pure platformer.

No level up system, just incrementally more powerful stickers. This means the best strategy for bosses is to avoid battles entirely. If you run out of stickers, you lose

It killed the series, no surprise it and all the games following it needed some stupid combat gimmick.
If it had flopped we would still be getting normal paper mario style games.

It's the Zelda 2 of Paper Mario.

Worse than TTYD but still good, I had fun anyways.

Pic related.

Not as good, I wouldn't consider it a paper mario game, it doesn't play like one.

It's a good game on it's own though.

Zelda 2 was almost a good game, though.

Zelda 2 is actually decent though.

Not quite as good, but still good.

TTYD>SPM>PM>>>>the rest

It's not as good as TTYD, but it's also not really the same type of game either, and it is a good game in its own right, since worse than a great game doesn't necessarily mean bad.

Worse but still second best in the series.
Also best story in ANY Mario game.

I liked the plot much more than TTYD but characters and gameplay are superior in the previous games. But there's no part in TTYD as good as the void destroying the Sammer's Kingdom.

>Personally I think it's better
In terms of what?
Gameplay, character design, and world design are objectively worse
The story is just as cliched as TTYD's

I think they're about equal, there are parts I like and dislike about both. The real problem is because of this game, they felt they had to add more gimmicks to the combat, turning it into a fucking mess. It doesn't help on top of that the new director is retarded

they are both good in their own ways. there is no better version for me since they have both different gameplay

Worst objectively.
>Poorer character design
>Incredible amount of text
>The longest intro just to get into the game
>Hallowed out gameplay
>unintuitive abilities
>Nerfed Difficulty
>Boring long stages
>100% it is even more of a chore

Things it does well:
>Interesting reuse of characters
>Interesting lore
>Interesting powerups
>Fun minigames

But that's it.

>incredible amount of text

Not him & I don't mind it personally but it does have a shitload of text, even compared to TTYD.

The amount of prologue dialogue you have to read through for a MARIO GAME is ridiculous.

In TTYD it's long sure, but SPM intro takes years to get through.

The combat was more active, which was refreshing after a healthy dose of TTYD and M&L's "stand there and take it" approach. But the flipping got old REALLY fast and cluttered the combat.

But SPM was utterly abysmal in the story department. I would call TTYD gloomy or dark instead of edgy proper, in the face of SPM's utter trash.

I think Miyamoto has overcorrected ever since. The young fan's "artistic response" to SPM probably scarred him for life.

Super Paper Mario is a visual novel with some platforming slapped on. I think it was two different projects that merged together, or the director/producer's pet story idea that he managed to get a budget for by sneaking it into a Mario game. It reads like an isekai light novel, which it probably was before the Mario conversion. It's an unholy abomination like Kingdom Hearts or Twilight Princess and I love it

its arena levels are rlly gud

Better for me, although I liked the style, side characters, and world depth of Thousand Year Door better. But Super had better writing, a better overarching story, and had a better pace to it.

Kind of related, but what was everyone's opinion on Partners in Time in the M&L series. I was playing through the M&L series a few months ago having never played past the first and I wasn't very impressed with PiT, there was just something about the game I didn't really like and by the end I was forcing myself to finish it.

Too bad that visual novel aspect is not only mandatory to read through, but is shoved in your face first before you get start 1-1.

Holy shit, I understand people want different styles of Mario but if it becomes the main focus over the gameplay then there is a serious fucking problem.

The reason why SPM sold so well is because it was the first 2D Mario platformer on a HOME console for the FIRST TIME IN YEARS.

YES. EVEN BEFORE NSMBW hit the shelves a year later. I bet a shit ton of people were disappointed in the amount of text.

Just fuck my spacing up.
The weakest of the M&L series. Lacks the charm and replay ability that the others have.

>Complaining about padding in SPM
>When TTYD had backtracking out the ass

it has some funny jokes (especialy the whole nerd chameleon section) but the complete removal of the battle system and partner were a bigass huge downgrade

and that 100 floor dungeon was an incredibly boring chore, i can't believe i did that

I don't defend TTYD for that.
Still doesn't compare to the ridiculous padding in SPM.

it's literally worse in every way compared to TTYD you fucking idiot. but its still good.

TTYD > 64 > SPM > Color Splash = Paper Jam > Sticker Star imo

Super Paper Mario has a fantastic ost. I loved the new abstract pixel style they incorporated into the game. It really made it stand out.

I played it a while back, got up to Yoob's stomach or Thwomp Volcano before stopping.
I remember it being fine.

It was alright in the beginning, but I just started losing interest in the story, I didn't like how the world was designed, didn't really enjoy the platforming and puzzle solving.

exactly, not a bad game but completely different from anything else in the series so it gets a lot of shit

I'm like one of the only few that feel this way (you'll almost always see it or Paper Jam as the least liked in the series) but PiT is my favorite M&L game. I like the time travel part of it & the whole alien invasion mix of it. Also the enemies being as destructive as they are put the stakes higher for me compared to other games. I also liked the areas such as Holli Jolli Village, Toad Town, Yoshi's Island, Thwomp Volcano & etc.

This is actually a common complaint with the game but I like how the bosses take a bit to actually kill, people call them sponges & I know other versions drained their HP a bit but I liked it since Superstar Saga I killed everything so fucking fast, like Bowletta at the end took 1 or 2 turns for me to beat when it comes to the first phase, it was disappointing. Oh yeah, this is a big thing to me but PiT has the least amount of mini-games in the series & I'm so glad about that, I fucking hate the mini-games in the other games, especially BIS, I prefer my games sticking to the main gameplay.

The only downsides to PiT I feel are Peach's Castle being like a Hub World and how the Bros. Items are a thing, it doesn't help you can get a Badge to give you infinite Bros. Items from Fawful.

2-3 best level

Can you emulate Paper Mario without issues these days? I haven't tried in over 6 years.

Yeah, I will give you that BiS had a bit too many minigames, but I still ended up enjoying it quite a lot. I tried to like PiT, I greatly enjoyed the first M&L, but it just never clicked, I just started finding it boring and tedious to play, forcing myself to finish through the last level.

Emulate the Virtual Console version in Dolphin, it's actually the best way to emulate it as funny as it sounds.

Can't speak for the original Paper Mario, but TTYD emulates without any real issues, I would assume SPM emulates well as well.

SSS and BIS were better, it was alright but definitely not the worst in the series

I just replayed TTYD a few days ago with several texture mods, hardmod hacks, and widescreen hacks. Hard to go back to the original.

Works flawlessly on Dolphin. IF you do plan on it let me know because there is one weird bug that happens if you put on a certain hack.

I agree that you should have been able to skip every cutscene and just play through the levels if you wanted. Better level design would have helped SPM's reputation immensely too.

It plays like an extremely shallow platformer while having the pacing of an extremely slow turn-based RPG. It's the worst of both worlds.

The puzzles, worlds, and story are kinda neat though.

Why does no one talk about Dream Team? I just started it and it's pretty decent so far.

gameplay is better

People find Dream Team generally boring & that there are too many tutorials. I enjoyed it a lot personally.

>too many tutorials
Yeah, this is it's major flaw for me too. I still like it but the game breaking dow, every little thing for you like you're a retard is annoying.

Dream Team is stellar in my opinion.

It has the same 2D SideScrolling that everyone seemed to love from BiS (I wasn't a fan at first, but I got used to it). There were new and unique characters, which are another plus. I really enjoyed the battle system(s), too. I couldn't tell you why people seem to ignore it, but have fun with the game, I know I did.

I'd assume it would work if you're using GlideN64 and not some outdated piece of shit like Jabo's.