>game is universally beloved by all
>user doesn't like it and vehemently shitposts about it
>thinks he's an enlightened gamer, a conduit of objectivity in corrupt and broken a industry
>doesn't acknowledge that maybe he's the problem and has shit taste
Game is universally beloved by all
>thinking that a circlejerk thread = universally loved title
>still ignorant of blatant guerrilla shilling on the web, including yer 4chins
I saw a Youtube comment the other day that said OoT has "slow, clunky combat".
Sometimes I think these people just have a list of generic insults they pull from to insult games they've never even seen footage from.
>me and friends are talking about a game in class
>make a comment about one thing I dislike about it
>people are super faster to try and defend the game
>tell them other objectively bad things about the game
>they choose to defend it with no actual reasoning
The fuck is with these people?
You have no friends.
There's nothing wrong with DaSII, you asshole
It's called "contrarianism" OP, it's the the big ironic meme these days
There are problems with it, but I still like DaS2. They were talking about Skyrim though.
Look he showed up
How can it be universally loved if there's people who don't like it?
Because autism never counts
>Everyone likes thing. Therefore, I must like thing too and you must too or else you have bad opinions. We all must follow the mass.
>these days
Its the foundation stone of Sup Forums in general famalan
Fuck swans. They deserved to be kicked in the head everyday
yeah but why do people like the witcher 3?
>popular opinion = good opinion
>argumentum ad populam
Yeah, reflect on your shit taste lmao
I recognize my opinions are occasionally spawned by nothing more than cognitive dissonance or stubborn irreverence, they will not always be rooted in fact or objective analysis, and it's my job to filter them into something actually worth listening to and considering,
but Knights of the Old Republic is only loved because it caught its audience at a perfect age of impressionability and has been thriving on the teat of nostalgia ever since. It's not a good game, and no, it's not a good Star Wars game either, in fact it's everything that was BAD about the OT.
>game is shallow and beloved by casuals
>casual tries talking about it on Sup Forums
>people tell them it's shit
>doesn't acknowledge that maybe he's the problem and has shit taste
hey man you're allowed to think what you want
but if you're going to criticize something bring some criticisms