What went completely, terrifyingly and horribly wrong?

What went completely, terrifyingly and horribly wrong?

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>mfw I'm going bald

This fucking sucks

'Shitty Spoony' gave us the Ultima retrospective tho

Self instituted isolation, and victim complex.


DON'T. TELL. Me. How to play.

Nothing, he became alpha and doesn't let anyone talk shit to him or try to boss him around.

His ego was too big and he treats his fans like shit. But besides all that we live in a time where people get bored of just about any media they consume pretty quickly and move on to the next thing.


if you have 40 minute to kill, this will tell you everything you want to know


Letsplays became acceptable, sloth and degeneracy followed.

Stop shilling your shit.

I want the parallel universe where Spoony killed himself and JewWario kept making videos.


Just get a buzzcut if it gets bad, don't be the balding greasy hair guy

Nobody cares about JewWario, nobody ever cared about JewWario, if you think you did then you're wrong. The only time anyone cared about him was when he died.

tumblrina detected

>balding greasy hair guy

? What's that mean? I'm letting my hair grow out

> "Hey, Noah, I am kinda bored. Would mind joking about Final Fantasy so that I can laugh for a while?"
> "Sure thing user, let me make myself a drink right quick"

It's when somebody doesn't realize he is balding and still goes with the same hairstyles he used to rock older.

Fuck this dude.
I am watching this

Fuck :(

Going bald and not just immediately shaving your hair short. There's nothing fucking worse.

Just accept that you're getting old and move on.

Embrace the balding mullet


I thought that was Projared for the longest time.

go back to whatever hole you crawled out of

How the fuck does he survive with so little money

>The only time anyone cared about him was when he died.

Exploiting someone's death for your own benefit is probably the most disgraceful thing you could ever do, and they all certainly did it.

>8k a year
fucking christ he needs to get a job

People forgot about the autorenewal. Only explainable reason.


Is Jim going to do the Nostalgia Chick next? That's the only thing I can guess from "coat hangers".

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

Was it just pasta or was it true that some user that lived in the same town as him saw that he worked part time in a gas station now or something.

Likely. He said he has an hours worth of content on Linkera so we have to wait until the end for him.

>tfw balding due to severe anxiety after a trauma
someone help me
it literally hurts

Drumpf, unironically. He's screaming about Trump every fucking day now instead of making videos.

>after a trauma
What happened? Fell down the stairs?

Guy needs to get a haircut she looks ugly as fuck.

not a physical trauma
what hurts is my scalp when losing hair and when it bleeds
well it fucking furts 24/7

This is now a DSP thread

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a sad disease, hopefully science will one day cure it.

holy shit, I heard about that. Hair loss actually hurting, why don't you visit a dermatologist? it's definitely necessary at this point.


can't wait for more kwality kawhntent.