Rum ham healing item nerfed into oblivion

>rum ham healing item nerfed into oblivion
>Golden God perk buffed
>implications attack buffed
>Frankenstein transformation now requires way more consumables
>rat stick requires a long boring questline to obtain
>lawyer nerfed across the board
Has there ever been a better time to be a Dennis player?

>nerfing Frank to shit
>giving Dennis even more buffs
Jesus Christ the developers are incompetent, Dennis already had a pretty strong late game, his tools are really cheap to obtain

Give it two days and Deenisfags will go back to complaining about Charlies with a good Wildcard build.

>buttmad Frank mains
It's clear that the devs are trying to do away with the Frank class entirely, they're making him noncompetitive as shit, nerfing him more with every patch

Wildcard builds are ridiculously strong, I don't know why they haven't been nerfed yet
The only way to counter a Charlie going full wildcard is to anticipate it and plan in advance to deal with it
Charlie is the strongest class hand down, I wish the other classes were brought up to his level more

He was meant to be a joke character anyway, but people legitimately pick him and only him then pretend like they know anything about the game.

Any tips on how to make Frank's whip build work?

>asspained charliefags unironically attacking Dennis players
Remember what happens in the Waitress questline, charliecucks

They took away Mac's closet door sheild. The only reason to even play as him. Fuck.

keep calling Mac a faggot helps

Yeah, that's sounds good and all but...

What is the status of the spaghetti policy?

The only winning move is not to play Frank
As OP said, Frankenstein was the only thing he had going for him and now you have to grind forever to get the consumables required for it
His massive starting gold really doesn't help you

It's kinda weird that guns are super easy to get with the Frank class, but he's the worst at actually using them.
I mean, what's the point? Trashman build is just objectively better, you'd only wanna go Pieces if you don't know how to make money.

>invest countless hours and money on rickety cricket
>lose my previous class and charisma drops because of frank

>mfw a zone is marked as a no spaghetti zone
It's so bullshit, Charlie already has so few useful consumables, the only viable one left is paint which tanks your stats slowly

>it's another "Sup Forums pretends a popular TV show has a video game" episode

they're entertaining, unlike your shitty meme of a post

>mfw watching rickety cricket players get slowly cucked out of one of the better classes
Every fucking Rickety Cricket update comes with a few buffs but more nerfs, it's hilarious
I mean it's to the point that you can get dominated by basic dog enemies

Frank main spotted

I'm thinking of rolling an alt, is Dee any good? Free flying sounds good, but everything else is putting me off.

Did you guys know you can unlock the Halloween level by spiking the drinks with LSD?

It's just a trashy and poorly made zombie level.

Dunno why y'all complaining, I just run rush downs through the McPoyal family. They're super good with assists

fuck off, these threads existed before people even memed that dumb phrase into existence

>watching this show after season 3

did people actually do this?

>picking up dennis
>when hes about to be patched out
lol moron


t. reddit

You seem upset

dude dennis is ruined with the baby DLC being his next story quest. don't expect any good dennis main quests for at least another 2 expansions

>they will never bring back the Country Mac class

>game has an MMO available to play within an MMO
Best game

>tfw the dev team is so incompetent that they create a class so good they can't even make it fair so they just remove it entirely

>Dee build
>can't steal anything without tripping and hitting a car

For good reason that class was broken and steamrolled everything.

When will Blackbelt Mac get a fucking buff?

Also his Ocular Patdown skill is STILL fucking bugged, hasn't worked since release.

How to counter that fucking donkey-brain DoT..

>tfw the dev team are also the classes

Dee is really situational, but she has really strong qualities
I'm gonna let you in on a secret though, Dee players act like they're mediocre and kind of incompetent to hide when they're really effective so the players don't catch on and start abusing her
They don't want her nerfed

Mac is just fundamentally broken, the devs are going to fix him, which makes it even funnier that Mac players think they're the shit

how the fuck does mac have the minecraft level

You need to do a sidequest to get a certificate that makes you immune to Donkey Brains and if you're not Frank or Charlie, lets you use a weaker version of it.

this show isnt really any good


Season 5 is literally the best one

level 6 here how do you get out of the pool? does the water actually fill up the pool? is it just a fucking waiting quest?

With Frank how do I get real weird with it?

Dude, that quest has been bugged for ages. Your only choice is to wait for a GM to bail you out or reroll.

Try to summon a delivery NPC and use them to get out
Failing that, I guess just ask in all chat for help, or even ping the admins

I stopped playing after I reached the troll.

The toll was just too damn high and I wasn't going to grind for months with Charlie's uncle to pay it.

Meet up with an Artemis player at the dumpster behind the Wendy's raid and follow the button prompts

Did you complete Artemis questline yet? Thats a prerequisite.

you must be 14 then

fuck i'm a retard. thanks, gents

The queue times for this water park raid are horrendous.

>le pretend a normalfag tv show is actually a video game maymay xDDDD
fresh off the boat from reddit i see?

Is Bird With Teeth still the same? Or worm hat

Just partner up with Frank or Charlie, if you want a slower but more involved time go for Dennis. Mac and Dee are literally the worse quest lines there

You are trying to fit in too hard. Keep lurking.

>Dennis and Dee get permanent debuffs after the mandatory welfare story quest
Why is this allowed

Hey guys, I think my Mac build is glitched. No matter which Applebee's I've gone to so far, my Power Card won't work. Anyone else having this problem?

because they're crackheads

>Choose the Mac class with the suburban build for the cooking skill
>All they make is mac and cheese

Fucking hell, it's not even a good buff item.

Getting around in this game can be tough which is why Charlie is so ridiculously powerful, the sewer zone only accessible by him and Frank is OP as shit, but Frank is useless so Charlie is the only one who can effectively use it

How do I increase my chances of getting the Rude Man Who Shushes encounter?

>there are people who don't play Cricket 24/7
His luck stat is fucking garbage but his unique perk that increases every one of his other stats for each serious injury makes him OP as shit

>He didn't attune Lethal Weapon Frank.
>He didn't see the buffs to Trouser Pistol and Clean Drinking Water.

Frank shat on pubs with Dr. Mantis AND Rum Ham.
Lethal Weapon Frank is god-tier spec and is the only viable spec except for Troll Toll when playing with Dayman/Nighman for 3s.

>Mac players
It only works in certain zones you troglodyte, how many times do you need the game to tell you that

>frank main chasing after you for trying to kill rickety cricket

How many Applebee's have you tried?

Your not the only one. The Devs are aware of the problem too but its not a high priority for them. At least you just got a big buff last expansion with that permanent homo passive.

that's what you get for drawing first blood

>Also his Ocular Patdown skill is STILL fucking bugged
I heard they're actually going to nerf it real soon. I really wonder ho exactly thy'r going to even do that

dee can use it too if you begin one of the thunder gun quests and never complete it. it's tedious but it pays off since dee player's car is always fucked

It involved going to a public PvP zone and spamming all chat with nonsense in caps
Another player gets randomly marked if they say anything back and you have to go find them
I think it's pretty neat that the quest system actually makes other players objectives

I dunno, I haven't tried the one out in the Franklin Mills zone yet.

How the fuck do I sneak out of the Texan mansion? I would have leveled up stealth if I knew this shit was gonna happen.

Man the thunder gun level is bullshit as frank. The police always arrive on time to arrest me.

Just walk out nigga

>Using Dennis build against the 3rd boss.
>20 minutes of battle.
Finished the battle with an S rank.

>Using Dee build against the 3rd boss.
>20 minutes of battle
Finished the battle with an 5 rank.

What the fuck devs??

>going on a raid with my party
>pick up some newbie on the way
>he kicks everyone from the raid while I afk


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See you there, fellow Redditors!

>railroaded quests that some characters are always doomed to fail
What other game has features this bullshit?

who are you using? That questline is one of my favorites since every character has some viable builds that can beat it.

You think that sucks, try getting the artifact out of there in one piece. I almost feel like it's not even worth the bounty.

Any tips for a cricket main? I always get cucked by dee and my weakness to edges makes me so fucking vulnerable


>afking with randoms
You deserved it desu
I bet you're a Dee main

stay the fuck away from dogs and always aim for the eyes with sand

build a cleric build you'll be able to resist dee a little but not too long so be careful, dee is still a counter

It won't matter. Even if Patdown gets nerf, people will just use Leather Duster for the intimidate bonus or swap to Nightman spec for Dangerous Cateyes.

Cricket's main strengths are his ridiculously high agility and his sand attack
The Dee questlines don't help you at all, just bypass them and do different quests and you should be one of the strongest players in the game since most cricket players beeline the Dee quests because MUH WAIFU

Do the Dennis and Dee podcast appearance sidequest. You get immunity to Dee for just turning up.

I wish i could bypass it but between Dee's questline and the green man castle, there is a 12 level gap, where do you think i should farm ?

This, the only way to not end up with a weak as shit character is to ignore what the game wants you to do
Disable story quest notifications, stay the fuck away from other players, and just grind alone and you should be golden
Doing raids with other players is where you make the mistake since cricket had a hidden tag that makes him take all the aggro in any given area no matter what other players you're with or their stats

Grind at the church and don't go anywhere near the alleys, the alleys have mobs that inflict permanent, serious debuffs on cricket players

thanks for the tips fellow cricket mains

>just about to grind cricket out of useless level and start ascending to OP status
>random Frank player with Trashman build wrecks me with a surprise ambush
>stats get tanked and character becomes useless
Ffs, time to reroll again

>10 episode seasons
>this season ended with Dennis quitting the gang, Mac coming out as gay and Charlie knocking up the waitress
now that it's always sunny is dead what other show is going to take its place the the best comedy of all time?

>Main Frank and call out Bruce Mathis for being a pedophile
>no one believes you
>years later same guy gets caught diddling kids

Arch- oh wait