This is your protagonist for Tekken 8.
Say something nice about him
This is your protagonist for Tekken 8
Other urls found in this thread:
Devil Jin is my main
Ching chong nippu nong, onii chan
will he fuck xyaoyou yet
Basically, Heihachi and Kazuya get into an anime as fuck final showdown. Heihachi finally dies after Kazuya throws him down a live volcano for the last time. Jin swears to kill Kazuya at the end of 7, setting the stage for 8, where Jin again becomes the main protagonist.
Looks like Devil Jin will go the way of Devil and instead of being a seperate character, will be intergrated into Jin's normal set for Tekken 8.
Seems like Jin finally has control over it
I want to marry Hwoarang. He has been my homo fantasy since I'm a kid.
The endings are fucking TRASH
Have you guy's got your copy yet?
post yfw Heihachi returns in Tekken 8
He is a very handsome man. I do not blame you, but unless you have black wings and chains he doesn't seem interested
Is there an extra mode like Devil Within and that beat em up side scroller in Tekken 3?
>Leo is 'he'
My sides
not cute enough
What are all the modes in this game?
Character stories
Treasure battle (ghost but with special modes)
What the fuck, I thought they've been advertising the story for 7 as wrapping up the overarching family drama storyline?
It's the end of the Mishima family storyline.
So now we get 20 years of Kazama drama.
Cause that is the end of the mishima saga not the Kazama saga
Harada is a genius
>Heihachi finally dies
oh boy, cant wait for devil-oni-god-zombie-demon-robot heihachi in tekken 8
This is the hottest of garbage. Tekken 4 endings a best.
Seems to me like they aren't necessarily endings and more like there will be more story/episode content released in updates or dlc
They all seem pretty fun, also longer than most endings were
>not final
These are literally from PS4 release version. Lazy endings and lazy customization, what the fuck was Bamco doing?
It's like they picked the first brazilian they found to voice Eddie, he's fucking awful.
>in Tekken 8
Brazilians have an absolutely awful voice
its all on the clock now.
>awful voice
Absolutely not true when it comes to brazilian voice actors.
What moron edited this together?
Half this shit is out of order, and I'm pretty sure a lot is missing
Anyone who's been exposed to more technical, more dynamic fighting games will quickly pass on tekken. Other top fighters, namely Street Fighter, KoF and MK/Injustice have advanced impressively in their latest installments; but the relic that is tekken just can't seem to evolve, furthermore many combos can be done simply by hitting 1-button, and the nearly "instant-kill" rage art moves are just laughably broken. Instead of a supplying a proper fighting engine, matches in T7 seem to rely heavily on "who can get their rage move off first". So many elements of the gameplay don't even require any sort of skill. In my book, slow motion over and over again also gets old very quickly. And in the end, it's more of a novelty or gimmick rather than an actual, thought-out fighting game mechanic. But hey, the casual crowd will be pleased!
If you want something a little more "button-masher-friendly," tekken might be your cup of tea.... Key word, might.
Whose the most top tier character. Jack?
Did you not read what I put?
This is the most likely case, sure. Wonder if this means Jun will come back since the Kazamas will be the focus now. Wonder if Asuka will have more to do besides Lily
t. burger
It's SPECIALLY true when it comes to actors, not really all VAs, but actors in general yes.
Dee Jay was bottom tier
jack is lower mid
D.Jin, Leo and Xiaoyu
What's your definition of awful voice? You're losing me here.
While voice directing leaves a lot to be desired sometimes in Brazilian voice overs (specially true for anime dubs in the 2000's), Brazil has a lot of really good voice actors. If the dub is being conducted by Unidub and whatever studio Guilherme Briggs is working in, it's most certainly going to be good.
As a guy that has been trying to get into Xiaoyu since Tekken 5, what did they change in her to make her so good?
I ended up maining Wang Jinrei instead because he shares some moves with her and he's no longer around so time for a second try.
>what did they change in her to make her so good?
She been good since like 5, she has better damage now and I think can punish better
Can you play as kid Kazuya outside of the story mode?
Because in the brazilian language most sounds are made on the outer part of your tongue 90% of the brazilians I've heard have the most annoying accent, like they have flu 24/7. Worse yet because you don't have to use your throat for most sounds most males never learn how to use their throat so they gain a deep voice.
>better damage
I got tired of doing a million frame punishes and juggles only for a DVJ to press a d+1 and take more from my health than I did in damage.
Wang was so great because he had straight moves that did fuckloads of damage. Hopefuly Xiaoyu can fill in for me.
Cheers user.
Can't play as final form Kazuya either
Is Kazumi any good or is she bottom tier trash?
Does Asuka do anything? and what do the new characters do in the story?
Hmm, will definitely give her a shot.
You're gonna have to wait for Tekken 8 for her to do anything besides be yuri bait with Lily
any jap tier lists?
Jack wins all the biggest tournaments.
>Dragunov consistently being top tier in tekken games
how does he do it?
>Leo is a guy now
>LC is awful
bad translation
i bet in the japanese version it's gender-neutral
happens all the time in anime subs too
What did they do to King to make him S tier? Isn't he usually mid tier?
Why is the voice acting for like every character so horrible? They all sound like they're just reading their lines.
There are only like 5 good VAs in the US and UK combined, and all the rest of them are Japanese. So if you want a character that speaks Brazilian Portuguese or Russian or some shit you basically just have to find whatever random shlub off the street and get him to read the line.
So Yoshi just straight up dropped that revenge plot with Bryan?
oesn't seem like it, they just don't fight this time cause they've done that since 5
In for many encounters they seem to have gone with lets have some odd meetings instead of repeating the same rivalries. Which I'm fine with cause many story lines had got pretty stale.
So Heiheichi was the good guy the whole time? Kazuya and his mom are a race of demons and he just wanted to kill them off after they tried to kill him?
No Heihachi did want power and to takeover whatever he could
He's a Saturday morning cartoon villain
Yo. My main is Sergei. Is he in Tekken 7?
He's a Bad Guy who got beat by a Worse Guy
he a gud boi
Does the game have any mini games?
lol. My main is top tier. Epic. This game doesn't have microtransactions, right?
In the story
reminds me of mitsurugis ending in Soul Edge
How does Akuma play into the story?
Hahahahahaha what the fuck
Harada LITERALLY just went back to the plot of Tekken 4, 5 and 6.
>at the end of 8 it turns out heihachi isn't actually dead
>it turns out Heihachi is dead
>Tekken 8 takes place 25 years into the future
I want this
>Heihachi threw his son off the cliff, thinking if he survives, then he's a demon and if not he was human and I shouldn't have thrown him, and if he does survive then I wasted my time throwing him off the cliff
What a stupid story.
Heihachi also let a bear run his office
Looks like a Hot Topic employee.
>said they'll finally wrap up the cringe family drama
>more cringe family drama incoming
Why cant japs into decent, down to earth stories?
He was cool in Tekken 3 and 4
Now he's just a faggot.
Why are Kuma and Panda different slots now?
i need a pad for my PC
is the ps4 controller good or what
>Tekken 15
>"Oh shit it's my boy Jin, whatcha been up to man?"
>"The usual, still trying to kill Kazuya and now a revived Heihachi."
>Lucky Chloe so low
What is this feeling?
Is it petty satisfaction at a trash character Harada defended being shit?
I think it is.
>Jin Cena again
I hope Kazuya kicks his ass too. Or Xiaoyu beats him senseless after he trips into Asuka's tits again. Or something. Anything but him stumbling into another victory.