Get 30 gold per win, or 25 on loss

>Get 30 gold per win, or 25 on loss
>Daily quest gives 300 gold
>The average hero costs ~7k
>Oh but if you reach level 20 on a hero which takes almost 12 hours playing that one hero if you only win you get 4k gold total back

Who the fuck thinks this is a good reward system

Blizzard, because the other option is microtransactions.

Blizzard are Jews
More news at 11

It's pretty gay but I got 8-9 heroes since they started doing boxes, you got 21 free, and there are 14 on rotation at any time. They shouldn't have gotten rid of the free money for playing the brawl. But usually I make enough money finishing my quests every few days to buy new characters as they come out.

This happened

It is fucking dumb but it's the only game of the assfag genre I actually enjoy playing. I'm glad I unlocked everyone after a year and a half of playing and about 3000 games.

The same Jews that came up with hearthstone reward system

1 pack = 100 gold

You get an average of 55~ gold from daily quests

You get 10 gold every 10wins to a maximum of 100 gold per day, this can take anywhere from 5 hours to 10

Buying 150 packs will never get you all the cards of a single expansion, and legendaries can drop like every 15 to 40 packs

And its just getting more expensive since the normalrare/epic legendary ratio grows bigger every expansion

You'll never ever ever get a full card collection as a f2p player, and most of the times you don't even want all he cards since over half the legendaries become unplayable

Who the fuck even plays this game, is a better question.

2.0 has suckered in quite a few people

Having a decently sized starting roster to play with is healthy for a game with a lot of characters, who knew?

Back in my day we just played multiplayer games because the gameplay was fun

>You get 10 gold every 10wins

Every 3 wins.

I just got in to Hearthstone. Do I just craft good cards, and break down the rest in order to get that powder stuff for crafting?


You can BUY overwatch for less than it costs to buy eight heroes and that has 24 heroes + all future heroes

I have the game from the free weekend, and I can still play it even though it ended

>get crates every level
>always get 3-7 day boosters
>being too dumb to only open crates when the welcome booster ware off
>not being smart enough to use the lv25 gems on discounted hero rotations

2 months of casual play and you can unlock 50/60 roster. only dumb asses like you pay for free games this easy to unlock

Meanwhile people don't try Dota 2 which doesn't hide any characters in a paywall.

It's a pretty good game with a lot of different characters. DVA is so much fun in this game instead of being a boring shield bot.

after 2 years, and buying 20,000 gold worth of heroes with real money, i managed to get them all with the daily quest gold, ranked season gold, and the level 9 character bonuses of old.

Dota 2 has a very steep learning curve and games last an average of ~35 mins up to 60

HotS is incredibly easy to get in to and games last an average of ~20 mins capping out at 30

Dota definitely has the better business model but that doesn't mean it's especially attractive to new players

Agreed, though this has fun gameplay as well.

People just like to complain because they don't own it all when this 2.0 patch gives you so many heroes to choose from and also allows you to get them in boxes that their complaints are null to be honest.

Oh my bad, I still stand with the ammount of time it takes tho, unless you are using a bot, then it takes just an aggro deck and 0time

Man, I don't envy you.
If you're a new player without a huge collection of cards or no intention of dumping a huge amount of cash on the game, be ready to get fucked in the ass for a long time before you can play competitively with the rest.

Same people who thought HotS was a good game

Fair enough, wonder if there is a way to improve the Dota 2 entry curve without ruining it

Who do you think?

it's free to play, quit being an entitled cunt

I win 1 in every like 10 games competitively. When I save up 150 coins from quests or winning, I jump in to the arena. I usually go 1-3.

I enjoy it. I already shill out for Overwatch loot boxes, but I just play Hearthstone because it's an iphone app

I have no chance against turbo autists that have bought cards after years and years??

If you know you want to play a shitload of games and you're a (relatively) new player AND you've already gotten your free 7-day stimpack for getting player level 10, then consider getting the welcome bundle for $5 which includes $8 worth of gems (cash currency) and a 7-day stimpack and some other shit too.

Or if you just want to play casually then play every few days or so and get those dailies done; takes more time that way but not even close to as much of a grind.

If you want a collection and have ****fun**** just start paying

If you want to stay f2p, focus on a single T1 deck on standard and dust the rest to make it, if you make it to rank 5 every season you'll get a golden epic, that's 400 extra dust, if you have all the free time in the world, watch a ton of arena games and download arena related apps to get good at arena, if you don't want to spend your time in arena just buy un'goro packs or classic packs

It's all about the deck you are playing, some aggro decks are so good they play themselves and carry you to rank 5 or legend without you even noticing, don't do arena if you are inexperienced, after all these years I feel disgust for saying this but, watch Kripparian arena videos, I fucking hate his Guts now but 2 years ago I learned from him, right now and for the next months, token druid, pirate warrior, token/jade shaman and several versions of Hunter will stay strong, anything outside of these can get super expensive, but that doesn't mean the decks I just mentioned are cheap either, Hunter is reliably the cheapest one, once you get a good aggro deck you can start farming gold reliably if you want to as well, or even bot for the 100 daily gold.

You get about 1350 free crystals.

You can spend 100 crystals to get 20 Tanks, Support, or Assassin heroes. Its just a one time thing tho.