best cities in any videogame ever

> best cities in any videogame ever
> best facial animations in any videogame ever
> fantastic ost
> great story
> great characters
> amazing graphics
> fun cards minigame
> huge fucking world
> best DLCs an rpg ever had
> 200+ hours of entertainment

no RPG stands on equal ground with W3

Other urls found in this thread: 3 ost&sp=SADqAwA%3D

>> best facial animations in any videogame ever
That's a stretch.

Yeah, sure thing OP, but it's all negated by one simple fact:
>it's not japanese

name one equal competitor

I'm intrigued. Not trying to shill, but which games do you think are similar or better?

>not a single mention of gameplay mechanics, control of the character, quest design, open world design, combat variety, enemy reskinning, boss fights being complete shit
But dude story lmao

The combat was boring. It was like a mediocre Dark Souls

The story was nothing special, either. Half Life & Half Life 2 is what I would call a 'great story', not The Witcher 3.

I notice gameplay not included on that list.

Agreed. I love TW3 and it's faces are fine, but they don't come close to something like Uncharted 4.

I'm not him but:

i didn't mention it so autists like you would come here and start nitpicking the unquestionable list of good qualities W3 has

IMO the combat was decent and so were the quests not to mention boss fights. but "W3 has a shit combat" is a board meme i can't and am not interested to go alone against. can't beat the hivemind

The open world design is literally ubisoft-tier in its filler and POI spam, and is further destroyed by...
...the loot system, which destroys any incentive for exploration. The weapons you find are worse than witcher gear you obtained 10 levels ago, and you get witcher gear from quests anyway so its not like you have to go hunting for them.
Money holds practically no value whatsoever, and the only loot you find thats useful is alchemy ingredients. Which would be fine if...
...the combat system wasn't so barebones and bland. Throughout your 150+ hour adventure, you use one moveset, 5 bland spells, a crossbow, some bombs and optional potions. The enemy and boss design is so generic and boring though, that using all that hify shit like potions and decoction is pretty much pointless. The biggest strategy is just to mash light attack twice, backhop, and repeat. A large majority of the enemies follow this mentality, and it never truly evolves into anything more meaningful. Why does Djikstra have the same moveset as a wild hunt warrior you fight with Keira?
The game even reskins and recycles enemies in paid DLC, and then dares to call them new ones with new beastiry entries.

The only great story in the entire game is HOS and thats paid DLC.

L.A. Noire

Skellige is wasted potential at best, and the game rushes to its conclusion way too fast after Kaer Morhen. Novigrad and Velen use up a massive portion of time, and the entire point of those areas boils down to "your ciri is in another area that requires you to go through like 20 boring side missions before anything substantial happens"

The story sets up its stakes way too high, and thus makes side content break immersion to a major degree. Theres no reason why Geralt would go around killing nekkers for pennies when the literal end of the world was around the corner.

Speaking of which, the white frost, ciris powers and all of culminating at the same time is some of the most cringe inducing shit I've ever seen. Ciri can hop between time and space because "its in her blood lmao" and the white frost is just a prophecy of "dude lmao if it happens we all die lmaooooo"

Then at the end when you defeat Eredin (who is the most bland fucking villain I've ever seen, he has less lines than reskinned shopkeepers in Velen), the white frost just suddenly comes at the same exact time and Ciri defeats it somehow and everythings awesome and then yay the game ends.
Its rushed as fuck and I lost all my interest in caring about the characters during that arc.

HOS is the best content in the game, but it doesn't fix the gameplay gripes. The story is great however and has the only good antagonist in the entire game.

B&W is fine, but again has the same problems with its open world, quest design, enemy design, and even the main quest.

Overall the game doesn't have a single piece of good gameplay, and the only thing that comes close is the boss fight with Dettlaff.
Its worth experiencing because of things completely unrelated to it being a video game. You would get the same exact experience from just watching it on youtube for fucks sake, and even then it would save you money, time and most of all effort since you wouldn't have to wade through boring filler.


LA Noire

but is it a good game

all non-quest related things you can find on the world are copy paste boring shit
no one will talk to you unless they are quest related and you have the quest that requires them
awful ui made for consoles and only 2 consumable slots, making alch spec a chore
no resource management, you just instantly get all your potions back for whats essentiallly free
enemys have 1, maybe 2, attack that they repeat over and over, making fights absolutely boring after an hour
level system only works to the games detriment, as youll quickly outlevel everything you have to do and it will all be easier than the game already is
coming across a SKULL WARNING SIGN monster should be exciting but it's not, because you know it fights exactly the same as all the others of its kind, only with more hp.
"cinematic" controls that ignore accuracy in favor of looking more natural
even death march is easy as fuck due to a lack of enemy attack variety and every ability you can spec into being way too strong
ciri sections are boring and unneeded and only serve to rob you of what could have been the one interesting boss fight in the game.
the final moments of the story seem rushed as fuck, from oh hi crones now we fight, to im eredin i have a secret, im dying my secret is this guy tricked us and i had no plan to deal with it, to oh actually geralt i didnt trick you
majority of loot is randomized and scales to your level. Nothing you find really excites you.
all enemies have an extremely short tether that you will cross unintentionally more often than not. At this point they ignore you and start walking back to the center of the area or hang around to get hit easily
witcher senses are only ever used when the quest requires it and is just hold right click to follow quest arrow. you cant actually track monsters or anything out in the world(and why would you need to? theyre all tethered to a small location and never move away)

Damn, you got here first

It's a fucking shitposter man
He wants you to come up with a game and there are 100 of better motioncapture games and wants to look like an idiot because witcher fans are so deluded xD
He does this every day.

thing is those games are mocapped. dialogue is limited.

cdpr developed a system of procedural facial animation. with some slight tweaking you can achieve incredibly convincing facial animation in a short amount of time. and that facial animation tech works across a range of languages, whereas mocap doesn't.

don't compare apples to oranges.

L.A. Noire is an RPG?

>but "W3 has a shit combat" is a board meme
Maybe because its true.
Its serviceable and partly even fun for the first 3 hours when you're learning and getting good at it, but after that it never evolves into anything more interesting. The lack of variety isn't just in the enemies but playstyles as well, the game has absolutely zero replayability outside of muh story choices because no matter what you do you'll always be a ballerina swordman with an incredibly boring moveset that you don't even get to decide yourself - since the attacks are distance based.

That's all probably true but I really can't get into the combat.

>not a single mention about RPG mechanics, quest design and combat (all shit btw)

why am I not surprised

> best facial animations in any videogame ever
I do not see the word RPG anywhere in this sentence

Moving those goalposts already?

If you had said "best system of procedurally generated facial animation" that would be a different story

>spend half of the game just fast travelling and running places
>geralt is slow as fuck even while running
>roach controls are shit

Into the trash it goes

ok i'll give you uncharted 4. although correct me if i'm wrong that looks like 100% scripted scenes while witcher 3 has most animation generated through an algorithm they made

judging by what i see on YT i wouldn't say it's better. could say it's similar level

it's not true you have different ways and abilities to combat

Doesn't fuckin matters, it looks better. That was the only requirement.

>moving the goalposts



lol good post

Yeah W3 is really cool and such but I really like post-apocalyptic settings so F:NV will always be my favorite RPG, hell my favorite game m8.

>It was like a mediocre Dark Souls
That's giving TW3 too much credit. It was like Batman/Assassin's Creed, but with some magic.

That's still giving TW3 too much credit.

>best cities in any videogame ever
It has the best representation of a large sprawling human center with a concentration of NPCs to match, but so very little of it is actually interactive and relevant most of the extra space just feel like padding. If sheer scale is your metric for best city in vidya, okay, it's definitely the best, but I wish they would at least concentrate all services in a large market square or something.

witcher 3 has nothing to do with dark souls. next you'll be comparing gothic to dark souls. retard.

>it's not true you have different ways and abilities to combat
woo yeah, you have so many choices right?
You can choose to wade through the boring easy encounters with a broken melee build, a broken alchemy build or a broken sign build. All of which at the end of the day gets summarized with "spam the overpowered unbalanced shit at everything" because the enemies are so braindead easy and unimaginative that they have no way of countering you

No matter which build you do, you'll have seen it all within 2 hours. The enemy variety doesn't change, the enemy movesets dont change, and you don't get new weapon types

MGSV, or Uncharted 4.
TW3 only has actual facial animations other than moving the mouth (which was done by a program) sporadically.

weebshit opinions need not apply

camera lock, stamina, blablabla. Even the dev told it.

You really proved your point man, congrats, you are the most intelligent you I've ever saw or read or comprehend in any other way. Is there a way to vote for you in some country? Or they do not allow monkies to take office there?

>while witcher 3 has most animation generated through an algorithm they made
Yes, that algorithm transforms dialogue into lip moves automatically.
Uncharted 4's were made with mocap and then edited by hand.

>dark souls invented lock-on
>dark souls invented stamina

Souls games shit on Witcher when it comes top best rpg games

too many weebs on Sup Forums though
you'll just get a whole bunch of people who nitpick every tiny flaw in it

they're the best cities in terms of aesthetics too. and you have merchants and quests what would you even add on top of that

i wasn't saying it's the combat system to end all combat systems i was saying it wasn't bad which it isn't especially for an RPG which isn't a genre known for it's combat to begin with

>moving the goalpost again.

>Uncharted 4's were made with mocap and then edited by hand.
and for all their budget naughty dog can get maybe what, 2 hours of facial animation. the witcher 3 can achieve hundreds of hours of facial animation, just keep feeding it audio and it will produce realistic facial animation.

Holy shit you guys have no clue what you are talking about.

bamham bad cuz easy xDDD

>game excels in anything but gameplay

what did he mean by that?

>i wasn't saying it's the combat system to end all combat systems i was saying it wasn't bad which it isn't especially for an RPG which isn't a genre known for it's combat to begin with
A combat system that peaks in 2 hours and never evolves into anything else is a bad combat system.
If you enjoyed that repetitive garbage for 200+ hours, go right ahead.

I only enjoyed Witcher 1. I think it's a masterpiece.

2 was consolized garbage, with a shitty story to boot.

Is 3 even worth bothering with, if I outright hated 2?

>doesn't mention gameplay, the single most important factor in a GAME, constituting 99% of its enjoyment value

I wonder why.

>none of this is actually true

Thats right man. Bamham is the cancer of gaming that came along with the x360/ps3 gen. It fucks up your brain.

Try playing it on hard.

How many hours does TW3 achieve?
I mean actual animations, not just lip movement generated by a program.
Expressions, emotion.
How much is there of actual work?

> game excels in gameplay and nothing else

mario kart is that way

every game in the series is diffrent. but in general terms i'd say yes W2 was the weakest game in the trio

why don't you address these points with actual proofs then?

>why don't you address these points with actual proofs then?
Because the burden of proof is on you.

If you managed to enjoy the Witcher 1 you'll be able to enjoy just about any game in existence

holy shit please learn to write properly

> best cities in any videogame ever
fuck me if i ever know a game with bigger and more well done cities. haven't played every game in existence but considering W3 is a relatively new AAA game if something better came along SOMEONE could've addressed this point by now
> best facial animations in any videogame ever
some guy here posted uncharted 4 and i gave it to him as having better animation. although it's short cutscenes made with mo cap and not hours of animation made by an algorithm
> fantastic ost
you have ears straped to your head? pick your poison: 3 ost&sp=SADqAwA%3D
> great story
> great characters
an opinion agreed on by most people who played this game. you can have your special snowflake one i can't help personal taste
> amazing graphics
an objective fact. one of the leading games in this field today
> fun cards minigame
one of the strongest selling point of W3. turned standalone game now
> huge fucking world
objective fact
> best DLCs an rpg ever had
BaW as a DLC won more awards than actual full games
> 200+ hours of entertainment
measured time of a full run. i clocked at 225

proceed to kill yourself


>measured time of a full run. i clocked at 225
willing to bet 200 of those hours are interactive movieshit where you just watch two characters talk to eachother

As long as it's entertaining, it's fine.
Persona is mostly interactive animeshit.

no it isn't so you can go fuck yourself

Not him but i'll reply :

>fuck me if i ever know a game with bigger and more well done cities. haven't played every game in existence but considering W3 is a relatively new AAA game if something better came along SOMEONE could've addressed this point by now
>some guy here posted uncharted 4 and i gave it to him as having better animation. although it's short cutscenes made with mo cap and not hours of animation made by an algorithm
Good you aknowledge that you were wrong the first time.
>fantastic ost
i agree
>an opinion agreed on by most people who played this game. you can have your special snowflake one i can't help personal taste
Popularity =/= good. Otherwise mcdonald is the best food and you should have start with that arguement so we won't even have a debate.
Btw, tw2 story/characters >>> Tw3.
>an objective fact. one of the leading games in this field today
Thats sooo wrong. Your average ubi open world game looks better at every thing. TW3 was downgraded so hard that it didn't even meet the basic "next gen" standards.
>one of the strongest selling point of W3. turned standalone game now
>huge fucking world
Though divided in 3 areas.
> best DLCs an rpg ever had
Thats not Diablo 2 extension or BB.
>measured time of a full run. i clocked at 225
thats because you have autism.

>measured time of a full run. i clocked at 225
How?? I have 2 playthroughs (first without DLC's) and im sitting at 208h, i even went 90%+ with the POI's on my first playthrough.

nah I guarantee most of it is just wandering aimlessly around the world

the amount of actual quest based content in the game is nowhere near 200 hours
the main story can be beaten comfortably in about 30-40 hours 50 at most which is not even particularly long by RPG standards

>LA Noire has better facial animations

Take the three seconds to google pic in-game shit, not the E3 press crap. Your memories are obviously shit, refresh them.

i played gwent too, but left some untouched PoI. you probably have missed or ignored quests

so we have one game with a a better city that a different kind of game altogether? i haven't played GTAV but i can accept this

>some guy here posted uncharted 4 and i gave it to him as having better animation. although it's short cutscenes made with mo cap and not hours of animation made by an algorithm
Good you aknowledge that you were wrong the first time.
it's not the same circumstances though they couldn't have done that for half the amount of time W3 requires

>fantastic ost
i agree
>an opinion agreed on by most people who played this game. you can have your special snowflake one i can't help personal taste
Popularity =/= good. Otherwise mcdonald is the best food and you should have start with that arguement so we won't even have a debate.
Btw, tw2 story/characters >>> Tw3.

well maybe you can give me your iron citeria for story telling so i could address it
>an objective fact. one of the leading games in this field today
Thats sooo wrong. Your average ubi open world game looks better at every thing. TW3 was downgraded so hard that it didn't even meet the basic "next gen" standards.

you could find several games that have better graphics (especially games like HZD that came out two years latter) but it doesn't disprove what i've said. it's one of the leading games in graphics
>one of the strongest selling point of W3. turned standalone game now

nice argument you have there
>huge fucking world
Though divided in 3 areas.

doesn't change what i've said
> best DLCs an rpg ever had
Thats not Diablo 2 extension or BB.
nice subjective opinion again. that doesn't revoke the point i've raised either
>measured time of a full run. i clocked at 225
thats because you have autism.

see above