*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

>Nerve gas

more likes blacks your path amirite?


Theres already one of these shit meme threads up.


*takes you as my Persona*

I want 338 macca

Why do we love jack frost so much?

*Pierces uranus*

We don't.

So... we hate him?

You will accept all Jack Frosts as the best things in every Atlus related games

>blocks other frosts path

I'm almost at the level to get this memelord in P5
Should I?

Fuck off personafag

I haven't done P5 yet but Black Frost is usually worth the effort to have in your party for awhile. They usually have no weaknesses for starters.


ye i just got him today in p4

pretty sick and easy to get

*smacks lips*

If you have all the fusion components you don't have to be t hat level. He's pretty good for as early as you can get black frost.

except in p5 you get blackfrost at almost endgame

I don't get it.

>hee-hos down your throat



you just don't get high quality humor


Post more Futaba. Now.




>Jack Frost boss in DDS2
>Freezes your team and punch crits them to death

Holy fuck


How do I use the item that allows me to fuse Black Frost? It's been sitting in my inventory for the longest time. Persona 5


Black Frost is an advanced fusion. Use the advance guillotine in the velvet room


It's from one of the Mentos quests I'm pretty sure

No, I know that dummy. I just have an item that allows me to fuse black frost by itself.


The key item merely gives you access to the advance fusion option. Without that key item, you wouldn't be able to do the fusion.

Ohhhhh. You really awakened my brain's persona with that one. Thanks.

Stop making these threads. They're not funny, they're not entertaining, they require NO fucking effort to make, and they're shitting up my board. Take your shitty fucking memes back to you know where.

You got a problem with SMT threads friend?

w-why is he stepping on them?