It's fucking dead

Copy pasted from Neogaf. Ryce backed it up. Return of Crapcom

>- 28 character launch roster, I know all of them but 1 for sure and I think I might know who the last one is.
>- No Ace Attorney, Viewtiful Joe, Final Fight or Okami characters. No Ms. Marvel, no X-Men or F4 to speak of.
> Of the remaining cast there's one returning MvC2 character, nine characters coming back from 3 (ten if the last character is who I think it is) and only four more newcomers.
-> I know of one DLC character besides Sigma and he's coming back from MvC2, not sure if he's scheduled for this year or next year.
>Only one non-MCU character on the Marvel side


they did it again haha
incompetent fucks

>Dante is DLC for special reasons unkown.

>Ryce: A sad realization: Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, a re-release in development for eight months, had more brand new characters than this game will.

Hell even vanilla MVC3 had 36 characters.

>no Final Fight characters

So, X, Ultron, Carol, Jedah, Ant-Man, ?, ?


Wait what. He's like one of Capcom's most popular characters.

With that few new characters, a Cyberbot rep seems unlikely. On top of that, Amaterasu won't be coming. The only character I even have any hope for anymore is Luke Cage, but even then that's one character out of 28.

Exactly. They know people would pay extra for him, so why put him in the base game?

>an MvC game with strider but no Jin
But that's my favorite duo!
Dude, this is bullshit.

>still no Captain Commando or Jin
>removed wolverine

lol ok.

And mutants are slowly getting back into marvel games too.

So Capcom is the new old SNK?

How many we up to now?

>Iron Man
>Carol Danvers
>Captain America

So that's 7

>Chun Li

About 13, give or take you count Sigma.

Damn...this is disappointing.

>28 character launch roster
for fuck sake Crapcom, you have 50 characters ported and done from the previous game. If you don't wanna work creating new ones at least JUST copypaste the old ones and make it look like you have a huge roster.

What a shitfest. Into the trash it goes

Manlet Wolverine btfo

Well this is disappointing.

>Inb4 DLC up the ass about characters from previous MvC games.

>they said it would have a "huge roster"
>it's smaller than vanilla UMvC3 even wth the 6 DLC characters


Oh damn, serves me right for trusting Capcum after SFV, fuck this



We already have this thread

>No Ms. Marvel
She was literally in the reveal trailer what

Captain Marvel



Fuck you cr*pcom

I don't see Mar-vell what are you talking about.

Go back to Facebook

>No Ms. Marvel

That's good

>no X-Men or F4 to speak of

That's bad

Wolverine is big where it matters

>If you don't wanna work creating new ones at least JUST copypaste the old ones and make it look like

I mean how many sprites where copy pasted in MvC2 and people love that game. They made some new ones like Jill but the bulk where reused

But it comes with your choice of free topics!

so literally the same thing weve known for months? how is this a breaking revalation?

>that one morrigan sprite that was always used in every game.
Shit looked so bad in CvS2
I miss it.

That's good!


And even there, Jill was repurposed from Cammy's sprites with CGI'd inbetweens (Which is why she looks and moves a little weirder than other characters. Cable was part CGI as well). MvC2 was a rushed mess of a game.

The topics contain potassium benzoate


i hoped they learned something from sfv

>i hoped they learned something from sfv


>I hoped they learned from X Tekken
>I hope they learned from UMVC3


That's bad.

The last time they learned anything was fucking 2nd impact.

> tfw New Capcom is so bad, that you end up longing for the lazy porting and pallette swapping practices of old Capcom.

Given Marvel's current comics roster is literally pallette/gender swaps (Miles, Gwenpool, Spider-Gwen, Silk, Laura, Kate) having a big roster should have been a piece of piss.

can I go now

All of those games have their own individual problems, they can't "learn" if they make a completely different mistake entirely

They can't learn when their fans keep lining up to suck their dicks and defend them every time. SF5 still gets defended and marketing hype

Man...Marvel has really been shitting the bed with games of late.

>28 characters
>fucking divided by two
>only 14 marvel characters
>5 are avengers
>confirmed Spiderman, Rocket Raccoon, Ultron and Miss Marvel. Dr. Strange probably a lock too.
>only four to go
>No X-Men
>No F4

Who the fuck is it going to be? Someone from the TV Shows? I'd only be happy with Punisher desu

this fucking sucks

Show me a game that plays exactly like Street Fighter, but without any of V's shortcomings, and I'll gladly drop Capcom.
I'm waiting.

Injustice 2 shitting all over Marvel Vs Capcom

Thanks, Ike!

(Marvel Entertainment, aka Ike Perlmutter is in charge of the MvC roster).

you don't have to quit Street Fighter but play one of the older ones

Akatsuki Blitzkampf is literally a better SFIV

Strange isn't a lock as the mystic universe is low priority.

None of my friends ever want to play 3rd Strike, it fucking sucks.

Looks more like SNK than Capcom, and I hated 4.

Not a 100%, but a most likely, since he was on the previous game and is on the MCU

>tfw my nickname is Ike

I don't want to be associated with that garbage human being

Just call her Carol Danvers, less confusing.

If I were to guess, Black Panther, Ant-Man, Black Widow and...Venom.

You can't be serious

Strange has been dead to me ever since his make over. Also,
>It doesn't work under these conditions

>Make me call Ms Marvel, Captain Marvel or Carol
>Calling Hawkeye, Hawkeye is fine even though he is Ronin
Fuck off, no one likes Ms. Muslim

They won't put in Venom. They don't own the rights to his movie. That's why the X-Men got cut.


>Just call her Carol Danvers
kek old habits

Venom is fine by me, Ant Man too if they make him interesting. Black panther is not, specially if he gets Wolverine's moveset.

Ghost Rider, Black Panther, Daisy and Phil Coulson

I think she's cute when drawn by the jap artist.

pre-order cancelled

google, you turd

>forgetting the 20 comics they're rereleasing for Infinite with the characters on the covers

>forgetting that ryce/Riku stated the roster would be in between base MVC3 and UMVC3


But why would Venom get a MvC variant if he's not in?

>No Ace Attorney characters
>when its one of the few franchises Capcom still makes games for

For what fucking purpose? It's like they're actively trying to stall the series's popularity.

>Only one non-MCU character on the Marvel side
As expected. That isn't even surprising.
I thought Injustice 2 would do the same, but they at least surprised me with characters like Firestorm and Cheetah

Injustice 2 honestly really impressed me all in all.

I think he meant Monica. Is Monica there?

I said there would be "Captain Marvel". There are many people who have used the name, and no one gives a fuck about a guy whose most famous story is dying of cancer.

Honestly, this one of the biggest 180's a "leaker" has ever pulled on a fanbase. It's like he's trying to get people as pissed off as possible.

Who are these leakers and why should I trust them?

Okay first off, fuck you that story was GOTA

and second if nobody cares about anyone it's fucking Carol and her Tumblr defense squad

>I know only one other DLC character besides sigma and he's returning from mvc2


The DLC is confirmed to be 100% new

says the beta faggot

did you really think they would have a huge roster in less than a year from announcement to release?

you're allowed to complain but fucks sakes use your fucking head the smart fans already accepted this game would either be a huge unpolished mess or a smaller scale stripped down hyper fighter.

>Many people
The most famous person to use it is the first, its their fucking name. Do I have to call Bucky Captain America because he used it for a bit? Do I have to call Iron Fist Daredevil because he used to too? Fuck off.

>>forgetting the 20 comics they're rereleasing for Infinite with the characters on the covers
You guys aren't used to Variant covers. They usually mean jack shit to the book they're attached to.


Seems like Capcom wasn't satisfied with just ruining the Street Fighter franchise.

>no ace attorney, viewtiful joe or okami
But that's my team.

To not spoil shit for DMC5.

>did you really think they would have a huge roster in less than a year from announcement to release?

Considering how easy it would be to copy paste the MvC3 roster?

yeah. We kind of did.

>Human Torch, Vision, Moonstone, Power Man
Are you retarded? The most popular of a name is the one that has the most exposure, not the first.

I still can't take this seriously when they confirm Sigma and Ultron to be the villains with a fused form and everything, only to reveal Ultron by himself is in the game while Sigma is DLC.

>None of my friends ever want to play 3rd Strike, it fucking sucks.
SFV is the shittiest one yet. The game is 80% based on blockstrings and frametraps, the rest is tick throws, and random fake setups to catch people pushing buttons randomly. Hitboxes barely matter, fundamentals barely do, and combos are probably the easiest they've ever been in a capcom game besides Heritage for the Future. Your friends just want to play the most popular game, or suck at street fighter and like V because you don't have to learn shit.

Each Street Fighter has pros and cons, the only pros V has is a story mode, and graphics.

You managed to lack even more sources than them.

>be to copy paste the MvC3 roster?
something that they already did as the trailers have shown. No excuse for not bringing everyone back,

If they're only adding 4-5 new characters couldn't the just release an expansion/dlc for 3?

>injustice 2 might end up better than marvel vs capcom

Injustice 2 isnt even better than the first game

>No Phoenix Wright
>No Apollo
>No Sissel
>when Ace Attorney is one of the few capcom franchises to have games made past MvC3

Fr*ck you f*ggot

>Moonstone, Power Man

Nobody cares about these people

and exposure doesn't mean shit when it's just meme based tumblr knoweldge.

People look back on Mar with respect, in 5 years do you really think people are going to still care about YAAAAAS QUEEN!

The most iconic thing Carol ever did was serve as a power up for Rogue

they said each one is a different character