Why is this allowed?

why is this allowed?

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So both animators used the same meme video for their dance, wew.

Yes, Overwatch doesn't have an original bone in it's body. Everybody should know this by now, why do you think it's news?

jews desu

I'll see myself out

>>Sup Forums

They're both based on some aerobic video, all the overwatch dances are based on real things just like in WoW

Does anyone actually unironically enjoy Overwatch? I thought it was just a giant shitty meme.

They both recreated an old 80's/90's dance

>Overwatchfags will defend this

Funny how they did a better job of animating it in TF2.

>what is an homage


>Blizzard ripping off others stuff


>overwatch copied TF2


Just kys yourself.

The TF2 version of the aerobic championship dance sucks, it's like you don't know how to dance.


social media influencers are Enjoying It #sponsored
some of them are cute girls
it must be really good, I should play it

You're telling me Zarya's rigid-ass movements are better? lolno

Zarya and Sombra objectively have the best dance emotes

I almost wish I actually used the emote button more than once every nine months so I could justify spending 1,500 gold on them instead of the skins

>reinhardt will never dance waltz with you

>Dva's is the dance from the Voltron Robot Chicken sketch

fuck I knew it looked familiar

It's because Blizzard can't hire competent animators.
Normalfags are easily impressed by their shorts because they use a lot of the animation equivalent of lens-flares and color filters.

And TF2 does?

It's not supposed to be that fluid. There's a lot of pop and lock.

This should be the Reaper's dance

>uses a dance choreography created before tf2
>uses a bodybuilder pose created before tf2
>payload map type which tf2 didn't even invent


>I thought it was just a giant shitty meme.

Stop listening to Sup Forums, you should know better

They look like they were animated by fans in source filmmaker and most of them don't even suit the characters.

Its alright if you don't play competitive. Not worth 40$. Most of the pricetag is for the usual blizzard polish and shine. Gameplay leaves a lot to be desired and the meta is horrible.

It's supposed to be rigid, janky ass shit?
That's some shitty dance.

Why are TF2 niggers so jealous about Overwatch being popular?

>TF2fags this triggered
This is sad. Though I guess the only way to have a TF2 thread these days is to leech off Overwatch to discuss it.

You're not wrong. Stay here. Sup Forums is a Sup Forums colony anyway

Overwatch is for casual sjw's

You were the ones triggered enough to reply since you're jealous your shit game is unoriginal as fuck

Yeah hi welcome to the 80s-90s.

You say overwatch don't have an original bones in his body, but let me remind you that 70% of TF2 content were made by the community workshop : Maps, Cosmetic, Weapon, most of them are from the workshop. Valve are not original.

>They look like they were animated by fans in source filmmaker
Not really

>neither one original
>both communities full of shitters
Everyone loses


You're not fooling anyone, opie.

TF2 was the first game to use all of those in a single product. Overwatch didn't copy the source, it copied the whole arrangement that TF2 collected.

Uh, Blizzard has always been "plagiarize what is popular right now but make it better." They don't deny that, in fact some of the developers brag about that.

Where do you think flagship series such as Diablo, Starcraft, and World of Warcraft came from? All of these games were plagiarized from popular formulas. Starcraft was a plagiarism of the RTS genre and WH40k, WoW was a plagiarism of Everquest, Diablo 2 was a plagiarism of X-COM/D&D/Nethack/Tolkien.

Blizzard has been pretty open about this and the only reason you wouldn't know it is if you're underage. Lately they've been failing to deliver on the "..but make it better" part of the "steal it and make it better" concept, but they're still attempting to do that. Do you really think Blizzard touts Heroes of the Storm as a "COMPLETELY ORIGINAL IDEA DO NOT STEAL," or don't you think they sell it as an obvious LoL clone that they hoped would be better? Do you really think Hearthstone is supposed to be "COMPELTELY ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL," or do you think it's supposed to be a computerized, streamlined MtG clone that targets the same audience?

I'm not defending Overwatch, because it's a bad game for a # of reasons. But to act like Blizzard has always been some kind of bastion of originality is utterly stupid. Blizzard has always been a plagiarizer company and they've never been shy about admitting this.

yes, a dance is owned by a single video game

>Its j-just a coincidence!

>Diablo 2 was a plagiarism of X-COM/D&D/Nethack/Tolkien
This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read

I don't disagree with you on the rest, just this.

Since when is aggregating something unique?
there were map objectives akin to payload in enemy territory quake wars a whole year before tf2 had payload maps

>This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read

List of IPs Ocerwatch stole from not including homages like skins and trinkets; but actual story, character designs, and gameplay:
Taimanin Asagi
Dirty Bomb
Team Fortress
Street Fighter

Not an argument

Why is there no music for Zarya's taunt? Aerobics is rhythmic and looks stupid with no music

Overwatch is for porn.


I'm pretty sure pharah's emote where she spin her weapon is a copy of another soldier taunt and torbjorn "laugh" emote is a copy of engineer taunt.

OW porn sucks though

>Taimanin Asagi
Jesus christ, I fucking wish.

There's no music for any of them, except for Pharah's because she's playing a guitar.

Can overwatch copy the Kazotsky kick next?
i wanna see both these fucks dance with each other

Is her emote where she does a spinning jump with fist in the air just a blatant copy of a shoryuken?

Combining 4 things and adding something (action element) is not plagiarism.


Their flagship IP warcraft, was originally a warhammer game but they got the license taken away, so they just released it and changed some shit up.

Not only that, if you were around during the big MMO boom you'll notice that any little gimmick a new MMO was coming out with, Blizzard would steal if for WoW. Achievements and Titles? Warhammer: Age of Reckoning. Keep Seiges and warmachines? Age of Conan. Flying mounts? Aion.

>casual the fuck out of genres
>making it better

The differences are simple.

One is boring trash with a shit community and everything is about Hats.

One is boring trash with a shit community and everything is about diverse equality and tolerance.

reminder that WoW started all of this

ask the 30M users faggot

.............Are you fucking stupid? David Breivik talks at length about his inspirations and lists all those.

The 2 large influences were Moria and Angband but I know you faggot 15 year olds on Sup Forums don't know what those are so I omitted those; also, those weren't highly popular games at the release of Diablo 2 specifically, so it was pointless to list those because of the point I was making with my post. I listed more popular and more minor influences instead that still backed up my point.

What's Lia looking like now?

Last time I checked she grew some nice tits

You could dance in Everquest.

It was fun for a while but when you realize theres a very low skill ceiling it gets boring fast
plus the movement is shitty

it's fun with friends. which is what the average Sup Forumsirgin has 0 of

plagiarism =/= inspiration/influences

>implying you'll ever get enough credits to fill a bowl from white and blue dupes


Whether you agree or disagree that Blizzard is actually accomplishing the goal, it doesn't change the fact that that is their publicly-stated design philosophy. I won't be able to find it now but there is a developer interview video somewhere where a Blizzard North developer is talking about how they "steal it and add the Blizzard touch," which was a strategy that worked for all of their most important and best-selling franchises.

Use your eyes dumbass.

Some of the animations are off-putting.
Hes right too, most of the dances I don't fit the characters at all. Bastion isn't doing the robot. Winston isn't doing the monkey.
McCree's, Widowmaker, Mei, Reaper and Roadhog's fit well. The rest are shitty or idc about them.

so what is an sjw exactly?

A proponent of political correctness, which you'd know if you were here before GG.

yes but they didn't reference any popular dance moves which wow popularized

Sure, it's fun in comp mode and good for fucking around in other modes specially with the new custom servers. Sup Forums's level of salt towards this game is prob the best part of the whole experience though.

Do you really think changing the wording to "inspired by TF2" would satisfy OP? Your annoying attention to detail adds nothing to this discussion..

The point is that Blizzard is not a completely original developer that releases all-new concepts and ideas. They have always been a company that "steals," or "gets inspired by" (whichever wording satisfies your autism) existing source material.

most of those are blast from the past
they're so great and they fit so well
also, i prefers those dance because the reference are more known than the ones in overwatch which are more obscure.


Yeah they did.

a very sensitive joss whedon

I used to really like it but the prioritizing of loot box sales killed my enjoyment

Whatever, retard.

no they didn't

Die clown.


user no

Yeah they did

>are off-putting.
I disagree, but lets assume they are. Which ones and why

so with your thinking, there wouldn't be any video games are you fucking stupid? all kind of media is based in something books art music etc you fucking stupid fuck neck yourself.

Fuck you faggot what have you got against clowns?

the only good dance in a video game


i remember watching moi lolita on much musics French kiss show way back when they actually had music videos

they couldnt even give soldier the thriller dance
bunch of retards blizzard are

no they didn't

I still enjoy TF2 and Overwatch from time to time, they play quite differently from each other so it's nice to go back and forth between them every so often.

>le nothing is original meme

Unoriginal people made that up to make themselves feel good about being uncreative sacks of shit.

why is there so much salt?
everything bitch about it is either:
1. old practices that they never bitch this much about before ($30 WoW horse mounts, recycled/copy animations in other games, etc)
2. the RNG in loot boxes

yeah they did.

How would one go about ironically enjoying it?

no they didn't

why would someone like 76 listen to Michael Jackson? We all know he only listens to dadrock.

duck season

All of them. They suck. Come play TF2 and CSGO with me

no one here likes video games