What do you hope to see from this game besides a release window?
What do you hope to see from this game besides a release window?
Sex with Kairi
Something more than Olymp and Tangled and at least one new OST track
i just want to see more gameplay. i really hope its at E3
Some combat with depth.
For once.
Cute disney princess
>St. Canard level
>fight with Darkwing Duck
>have cool superhero costumes without having to dip into Marvel shit
>meet Launchpad and Gosalyn
>have a crash landing
>fight the likes of Negaduck, Bushroot, Quackerjack and Liquidator
>summon Gizmoduck
too bad it'll never happen
I'm not asking for DMC4 Mr. Emoticon User. All I want is something at least as deep as Kung Fu.
Saying that the KH games have bad combat is completely untrue though. The only one that does is Re:CoM
Who said the combat was bad? It's just shallow.
name something you'd like added to it then.
At this point i think it's fine if they stick with KH2 depth. I'd rather have KH2 combat with 1-2 gimmicks added like shotlock and flowmotion when it's well balanced than tons of options that give it more depth but potentially ruin the balance
Not to mention most of the depth basically comes from analyzing and countering enemies. Especially on Critical, since leaving an opening for even a second can get you killed against later bosses in a heartbeat.
Well I'd like if they removed Sora's magnetic ground-to-air flipping attacks. The way all attacks go toward the lock-on regardless of minor verticality makes mashing far too effective for airborne targets who should be harder to hit. If I want to do a rising attack, I should have to press jump and attack at the same time. I should have to hold the control stick in the direction of the enemy to follow them in my combo string.
I'd also get rid of Leaf Bracer/Second Wind/etc things that turn Cure into the ultimate get-out-of-jail-free card. Rid of those abilities and make Cure heal slowly.
I'd also implement light and heavy attacks performed by holding the attack button. Enemies can block. Heavy attacks have big recovery frames but they break enemy guard and instead of following enemies in combos, they knock enemies away, and maybe they can knock away projectiles. Something like that.
Yeah that's kinda what makes at least Kh2 so good and why BBS and DDD just can't hold up, you have tons of attacks and commands and shit in those games but every fight boils down to the same shit because bosses hae like 3 moves and usually they don't care if you block or dodge
KH kinda needs leaf bracer and second chance unless you want to be either killed everytime you do one wrong move on critical or they'd just turn it into something like FFXV where you basicly have to try really hard to die.
With the amound of enemies and combod that bosses have it's something that the games need and even then it doesn't save you for most super bosses or some normal bosses or fight in KH2 on critical
I'm most worried about the Keyblade Transformations. On average (not counting Days, ReCOM, Chi, and ReCoded), the main KH games have 20 keyblades. Assuming that each Keyblade has (at least) 2 forms, that's (at least) 40 keyblade transformations. They would either have to go below average or take extra in balancing the large number of transformations, neither of which I feel are happening.
An improvement on the bottom right image.
Maybe make the game about avoiding enemies attacks? Maybe just telegraph a little? Hundreds of other action games have figured this amazing thing out, this is not rocket science or unexplored ground at all.
Enemies do telegraph their attacks in KH, by either quotes, lighting (desperation moves), or actions.
Then why are you getting hit?
I think the games are fine, sure I wouldn't mind improved combat but considering I can list RPGs that have better combat on 1 hand I think it's not that urgent.
Kingdom Hearts has a very established gameplay style, especially as an action RPG that stems in design from the early 00's by evolving from PS1 JRPGs. The enemies already do telegraphs, it's just your movement options are limited (early game anyway) and force precise dodge rolls or guards instead of easy dodges most action games use.
You have to think of the KH games like a divergent path from Final Fantasy rather than like a beat-em-up or hack-and-slash.
Most enemies and bosses have good tells in KH2, did you even play the games?
That doesn't change the fact that you're sometimes up against tons of enemies, so you either use shit like Magnet, if you'd try to dodge everything you'd never attack again
If by "you", you mean the general players, then:
>Tried to attack while enemy or boss was attacking
>Missed the timing on a dodge, block, parry, or Limit
>Actually bad game/enemy design (Mysterious Figure)
God Hand is honestly more about learning and exploiting than reacting to telegraphs
>Kingdom Hearts has a very established gameplay style
>You have to think of the KH games like a divergent path from Final Fantasy rather than like a beat-em-up or hack-and-slash.
It seems to me that this series isn't your kind of game and you have very different expectations of what you want.
>God Hand's combat is absolutely nothing like Kingdom Hearts'
Kingdom Hearts' combat doesn't work like that because of how often and how many enemies are onscreen at any given time.
I want the series to realize its potential. I want the game I thought I was playing when I got the game on launch as a kid.
It's a webm example of dodging. That's all it is.
>Toy Story world
>Jecht super boss fight on Destiny Islands with Tidus in your party
i hope they show tidus as a teen now.
Then you'll play similar to this autist if you don't at least take it a bit slow.
No borrowing from the trash that is FFXV
An ending that doesn't set up a bunch of spin offs and a sequel.
You act like you don't have to fucking do anything except spamming the attack button non stop in KH. Do any of the org fight or LW even on normal without dodging and then come back. Not every game need to be DMC or GH.
>realize it's potential
What potential? It's a game for fucking kids that has some good fights here and there.
A cancellation window.
stop playing the damn kids card. most people who play these games are in their 20s.
There's nothing wrong with wanting the base combat to feel better and have some thought and more activeness to it instead of the standard Kingdom Hearts structure of "throw in a gimmick and call it a day"
>Oh boy pokemon
>Oh boy weird command attacks that make you invicible
>Oh boy drive forms which, uh, make your mashing a bit flashier for a couple minutes?
>Oh hey, flowmotion, that's a bit rough but it's pretty coo-- oh it's gone
>What about these secret optional bosses at the end of the 30 hour campaign
Dang you btfo me
>It's a game for fucking kids
Then why are you playing it?
>Oh boy drive forms which, uh, make your mashing a bit flashier for a couple minutes?
really? each drive form has different properties and changes each magic.
Bosses in BBS and DDD attack whenever they feel like it, with no windup or tell. You can either spam magic or counters.
>There's nothing wrong with wanting the base combat to feel better and have some thought and more activeness to it instead of the standard Kingdom Hearts structure of "throw in a gimmick and call it a day"
But.. it does. Sure it's boring at first, but once the game starts throwing more enemies at you, usually things get more intense and thoughtful. Kingdom Hearts 2 refined 1's combat while the Nobodies promptly swept in to take a shit on the average player that thinks hacking and slashing all day will net them a win. I wouldn't even call KH2 gimmicky, seeing as the Action Commands and Drive Forms compliment the gameplay rather than serve as a focus.
Also Flowmotion is being retained for 3. The Fragmentary Passage that is basically a KH3 gameplay testbed demonstrated rather handily that gameplay is still evolving even though they're going back to the KH2 style combat.
this game has such shit animations
Yes, fantastic, my lightning attack now has three hitboxes instead of two. And instead of running, I slip slide around.
>He thinks Kingdom Hearts is easy and doesn't require any amount of skill or thought
So you didn't even fight them? Then leave this thread, you can rush through it in 3-4 hours if you want
Please stop
>quickrun's iframes
>MP hastega and magic finisher boost
>driving restores all MP and HP
Don't talk about things you don't understand.
Doesn't stop it being an extremely intense several minutes
>all this bait
At least post speedrunnners or some shit, Liam litearlly doesn't even care about the games he plays anymore
He cared enough to do all the secret bosses, and he genuinely enjoyed playing through KH1 for the first time.
Never played god hand for more than an hour but it looks super easy and all you do is button mash but let me give you my opinion on it
This is how speedrunners do Final Rape
you barely described anything.
valor form gets a special attack initiated with the square button instead of the usual x, which ables you to do a quick break through enemies defenses. valor form, while it doesn't have a block, you can parry enemies by attacking the same time. also high jump and haste
wisdom form has an attack thats incapable of being parried. it also enhances magic greatly, such as firaga in a swift circular motion.
master form has no magic finishers making magic really viable in between combos. tornado finisher is great and also some of his air combos feel as devastating as finishers where you could juggle big enemies
limit form has guard > zantetsuken, and etc
final form has devastating combos, insane magic, and auto-parries weak attacks. if you stop pressing x mid combo he'll do a keyblade clashing finisher.
But then again KH1 is broken anyway especially if you pick staff you're almost invincible once you get cure.
>Dissing drive forms
You have one chance to bait me into a serious argument. Give me your best shot
I wouldn't mind if they dropped HJO from the voice cast. His voice work peaked in KH2 and it's gotten worse ever since. Trying to make a 30+ do a teen boy's voice is cringe now. Get someone else.
Jesus christ at least put a few more hours into the games and beat the super bosses.
>i mashed my way through DMC wtf why is everyone praising the combat
HJO is great, he just has a bad script to work with sometimes. Him forcing the younger voice for ReCoM and DDD was awkward, but his older Sora is still good. Don't get the hate on his 0.2 performance either.
this could be alright actually
New non-3D Disney worlds.
Fantasia 2000 world.
A world based on a Disney TV show.
World plots that aren't just word-for-word rehashes of their source material and actually tie into the main story.
New Final Fantasy characters. Even Lightning would be fine.
A Final Fantasy boss that isn't Sephiroth.
Interesting level design, not just flat corridors.
More of a focus on Donald and Goofy, bring back that great team dynamic.
Vanitas and Larxene boss fights.
Billy Zane back as Ansem/Xehanort's Heartless, even if it's just for a few lines.
Tech EXP.
A kickass final boss (normally for Kingdom Hearts that's a given but with modern Square-Enix I'm worried).
Stop playing like a retarded scrub
I guess I was just Playing The Game Wrong on critical, right? Sort of pointless to include all these little tools if there's no reason to use them, aside from contributing to the visual fanfare.
In good action games you have to use a lot more of the tools you have available to you if you wish to play on the hardest difficulties. Kingdom Hearts on Critical feels like a good action game on Very Easy.
How do I unlock KH1 Sora as a Limit Form?
Seriously, it sounds fucking awful. Mickey sounds pretty bad too.
>get to the final door leading to Marluxia
>it needs a red 3= card
>don't have any
>don't have any Roulette Cards either
Didn't the original voice actor of Mickey die?
>In good action games you have to use a lot more of the tools you have available to you if you wish to play on the hardest difficulties. Kingdom Hearts on Critical feels like a good action game on Very Easy.
Jesus Christ quit lying, you're making yourself look retarded.
You'll get the form automatically in story progression for FM+, after the second visit to Twilight Town alongside the Oathkeeper.
Maybe just Easy instead of Very Easy.
>Didn't the original voice actor of Mickey die?
user, I...
Just a question, but did you also beat the aditional bosses on critical? Unless you tell me they don't count or some shit
Please don't make me go back to fucking Agrabah. Less disney shit = better.
I mean the one before the current one
>doesn't bother experimenting at all
You do realize these tools you were too stupid to use would've helped you play the game well?
>no reason to use them
what about having fun with them? i know it sounds dumb, but i always loved drive forms because they completely altered my playstyle and animations
More belts.
If a game has to rely on "fun" as a reason to use a mechanic, it's not a good game.
Nothing desu. They'll add shit that doesn't fit the KH world like fucking marvel and star wars. I can't believe people actually like the KH series without nostalgia playing a factor. Having wasted money on the KH collection on PS4 having loved the games when I was younger I came to realize just how cringy it is. Literally all of KH2 is reliving the disney movies only way worse because it's a PS2 game with terrible OC characters added into the mix and a terrible overarching nonsensical plot.
Yes. Wayne Allwine.
>It's bad for a game to add variety and fun to the combat if it doesn't help you win faster
>In good action games you have to use a lot more of the tools you have available to you if you wish to play on the hardest difficulties
Not really, you can beat God Hand with 3 moves and DMC on harder difficulties can be cheesed easiyl with 1-2 good weapons and attacks and you can always lame shit out if you have enough time. 99% of the shit you see in combo videos is totally useless unless you want a good score, but that's not part of this discussion
I beat all the secret bosses in KH1.5 and a couple of the ones in KH2.5 but I just got tired of the game at that point. It's a detriment that they back-load so much of the engaging content. That hall of remembrance? God, why can't the whole game be like that? Isn't that the point of there being a difficulty setting?
It's not like I didn't use drives, I just never memorized all the little changes because there was no reason to. Yeah when I pop into magic form I use magic, duh.
I like that the areas are bigger so far, I really hope they manage to make them more interesting than the ones in 2 and not as tedious as the ones in 1. There should also be more to do than just the story and very minor exploring in the worlds.
>Sex with Riku
ok bye lol
How did you get tired of 2.5's post game bosses? They were fun as fuck. I'm too much of a pleb for Critical mode, but playing on Proud was pretty rough still against the Data assholes and Terra.
If you beat KH1 bot got tired of KH2 then i don't know what to tell you, it's just not your series i guess and it doesn't have to be. And it doesn't need and wants to be a full blown action game or hard as God Hand because 90% of the playerbase are huge casuals or disney and FF nostalgia fags
If you didn't know the benefits of going into certain drives you clearly had no idea how to use them optimally. I doubt you used limits and summons too and probably don't know how to use reflect probably just stuck to mashing x and dying.
Partner combos that surpass Riku+Sora's
Dark RIku mode
Keyblader Wielder HOarde fight
>i played the game on the easiest difficulty and it was too easy wtf
I mean KH isn't exactly hard on critical either if you level up except for the optional bosses and some story bosses.It does what it can while still being a disney+ff+oc fanfic.
But it's not a series for everyone though, for some reason it's always the same people that complain about it and act like it needs to play like another game.
To be fair...I almost never used Wisdom except against those XIII Mushroom assholes and to grind for everything. I like going ham so Valor, Limit, and Final were my jam. I like most of Master, but the one attack where you create a cyclone takes way to long and leaves you too vulnerable against bosses
Bro it seems like you really don't understand the mechanics of the game so why did you come in here talking hot shit?