Vidya opinions that legit make you mad

>vidya opinions that legit make you mad

What's her name Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

this one

>there's no mew under the truck in red/green/blue/yellow

It's fun with friends

Just about any thread related to Souls games or Overwatch.
We get it, you're all edgy and haven't enjoyed a video game since you were fifteen. Fuck off.

>Bioshock infinite is a good game with a fine story.

I mean there's a lot of shit games people like that I can see the reason for, but holy fuck what a piece of shit Infinite was I have no idea how people defend that garbage

>If youre good at a game you 24/7 no life it

>24/7 no life games
>still suck at them
el oh elling at your life tea be aitch eph ayy em.

You're supposed to state an opinion that makes you mad; not make a bait post to make other people mad.

>new vegas is the best fallout game


Not exactly a opinion but more of a behavior, I avoid most threads in this board because I know they will be only shitposting

Holy fuck are you me?

Souls threads.
West vs East threads.

Hopefully more people will be tired of it and the shitposting may die

>Nazis are portrayed as the bad guys in WW2 games


Fucking hell. I hate my Naziboos period in middle school and high school but grew out of it.

das a mean tit, mang

The witcher 3 is a good game

>hur dur nazis were bad my good goy

Fuck off

>the nazis were bad

Glad we agree.

9 shekels have been deposited into your bank account goyim, remember the 340 trillion!

>you can't say the game is shit after having played it for more than 30 hours

I find reviewers with lots of game time more trustworthy.

>TF2 is a dying/dead game

It's been getting around 50,000 players a day, and it's been getting 50,000 players a day every day since 2014. The game is still chugging along just fine, too bad you're too busy being a contrarian dipshit on the most underage board to notice.

>50,000 players a day

Half of those are bots. Half of the rest are disgusting 3rd worlders. Hence why r/tf2 has 180k subs and r/overwatch has 870k

>The game is still stagnating

>People discuss what killed TF2
>FUCKING HATS AND PAINTS REEEEE every fucking time ad nauseum
>Everyone refuses to acknowledge the gigantic esports cash cow Dota and CSGO were that made Valve shift focus
>B-B-But it was the ponies and their HATS!!!!

I hate this shitty board and their moronic logic

Yep literally this. I actively avoid new games/ coming out soon because I know it's gonna be the following:

>Shit-flinging between different consoles and PC
>Tinfoil-wearing retards who can't comprehend that people want to talk about new games and instead screech "MUH SHILLS"
>the user who says something he doesn't like is because of "muh sjw libcucks"
>the user who says "go back 2 Sup Forums xd drumpf lellelele"
>then the thread gets deleted

Skyrim is so quintessentially the overrated AAA sludge that is not so secretly garbage, that anyone trying to say it's not a bad game actually pisses me off. It's shit and deserves to be shat on at every opportunity

>[videogame] is bad because [opinion or ""argument"" that can be summed up in "It's too hard for me"]

>citation needed
>citation needed
>Using statistics of a subreddit to make claims of a playerbase

>go check out the new ac thread
>user is saying ubi is forcing muslims down on our throat with it
>others user say that muslims didnt even existed in ancient egypt
>user says "yeah but hes basically muslim"
>close tab and went to neogaf

I only play it for the loli dress up mods honestly. You can only do so much even with some combat mods it still feels bad to actually play. But damn those cute outfit mods are good.

Sorry to break it to you, buddy, but outside of Google, Facebook, YouTube, and Wikipedia, Reddit is the most popular place on the intertubez to post shit and discuss it. TF2's lack of interest means the internet denizens have cast it aside.

>hl2 is still great
No fuck you it's mediocre

Tell me upon what you base your assumption that an equal percent of the two playerbases subscribe to the subreddit, because I guarantee it's based upon nothing you stupid fuckwad

To be fair Sup Forums has had cases of marketing and shills. There was a huge fiasco surrounding the first Borderlands when their marketers got caught making tons of threads for it.

I dont think EVERYONE is a shill obviously, but to think this site doesn't get marketers is laughable at this point, this isnt 2006 Sup Forums, the sites basically mainstream at this point.

I don't touch reddit, not even with a 100ft long stick, but I'm sure it can portray its popularity. Something he forgot to add are steam forums and this

>Single player games are bad / multiplayer games are superior to single player games
Or any such variation of.
Genuine fucking anger

You're making baseless claims about bots and using statistics about a subreddit.

I could just as easily make the claim a good chunk of r/overwatch is teenagers and tumblr users who dont actually play the game and just care about fanart and shipping.

I honestly dont know why OW fanboys have to continue to get so defensive about a 10 year old game for fucks sake.

>TOR is a good contination of KOTOR
>TOR is good
I know it's been like 5 years, but I still hate these.

Why do you people get angry over what a bunch of dumb virgins think?

You better mean that the opposite statement also makes you mad.

I put 60 hours into dragon age inquisition and it's one of the worst games I've played. I guess I was just really sad and needed a distraction from the world

People shitting on Breath of The Wild just because normies enjoy it. Sup Forums never actually discussed the game in detail when it came out because the framerate differences of both the Switch and Wii U versions being inconsistent was somehow worth insulting.

It's the same with Rick and Morty over on Sup Forums. Cancerous fanbases prevent boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums from enjoying things and honestly it's next level autism.

I read your post and thought "no one could have been this stupid. Literally right after that I saw the thread you were talking about. Fucking hell.

I... legit don't think i've ever heard anyone claim TOR is good. Even from the people I know who play it just say it's an alright way to kill time.

>I like 30fps games because it's a more cinematic experience.

I thought this was a meme until my friend told me this shit. Any game, no matter what it is, would look better running at 60fps. It's not a deal breaker for me if it's not 60, but saying 30 is superior is just stupid.

>[Triple A open world game is the best]
>[Okay explain why]
>They explain
>Ask them if they ever played any other open world games
>They immediately go full damage control trying to move the goalposts trying to win something that's not even an argument anymore

Guess what game I'm talking about.

Link? I cant find it

user I literally couldnt make it up even if I tried

What is there to discuss?
The reskinned bosses, the boring as fuck ost or the amnesia plot device?


Actually, unless the game is some major AAA release (of which discussion is immediately neutered), the first weeks are usually the best to discuss the game as shitposters wouldn't have begun their crusade yet. Plus it's always fun to learn new things about the game that you missed while discussion is still hot.

I certainly agree that the opposite would be equally stupid, not sure if it would make me as mad however.

>video game soundtrack is GREAT!
>it's shitty techno music


>He can't appreciate HM's soundtrack

>if you don't log into a website and talk about a game,it must be dead

That kind of faggot thinking is what gave Capcom the ammunition to kill Megaman Legends 3

Final Fantasy 7

>people don't discuss popular things at all!!!!!!!!

Kill yourself. TF2 is dead - deal with it

Who are you quoting?

people who think attempting to win in a team game is "tryhard" and just use stupid shitty tactics that make them dead weight

go play 1v1 or single player games instead of shitting up other peoples games

Christ, some of the Sup Forumstards are almost as deluded as the leftypol cunts

This post makes me mad. Bioshock Infinite is awesome. I enjoyed playing it way more than the first one.To be honest I didn't like the first one.

Half Life 2 was never good. The first one is a master piece though.



Man I've been playing TF2 since 2008 and I can safely say that the matchmaking update is the worst thing to ever happen to TF2

The only reason it's player count isn't in the 100s right is because it's free and allows people to do stupid shit like death run, they're not there to actually play the game

>People are playing the game but theyre not actually PLAYING THE GAME


totally bro, i too love playing My Little Pony Jailbreak and discount Garry's Mod XD

People who think Wind Waker is the best Zelda.

Not necessary angry but more annoyed:

>As long as a game has hot girls, it makes up for any and all shortcomings the rest of game may have

>Said girls could be completely one note and generic without any real character development but they make me horny so they are automatically good!

>People have to play the game the way I WANT and if they dont THEYRE NOT REAL PLAYERS

Nice case of "No True Scotsman"

>Dark Souls 2 is better than (insert other souls game here)

>you like ?
>you've just got shit taste, is the only good one
>what haha, play the older games, no way they're too dated

>Nice case of "No True Scotsman"
This comes up way too fucking much on this stupid website

Final Fantasy XV was a "complete" game on release day.

>Neutral routes are for fags

If this isn't a troll then consider what you just said. Especially the part about not liking the original, which was popular enough to secure funding for BS2 and the game you love so much.

>it's okay for an open world to be bland and empty because that's how the real world is

Id say ad hominem is way more prevalent

Not an opinion but the japanese and the fanboys there that seriously think that character development and actually giving your characters personalities aren't important. Just give your characters good designs and the most bare minimum of a personality and that's suppose to be good enough. You see this shit a lot in video games and it pisses me off.

Dark souls 2 is better than all the other souls games.

>when op crossposts an image directly from the frontpage of reddit.

makes me so mad hhhhhhhhh

why were you on Reddit?

>>when op crossposts an image directly fro---
When the bot*

Naturally of course

Bullshit and your a retard for thinking it.

Why are you on Sup Forums when 8 exists? Sup Forums is as much infested with normies as reddit.


>avoiding the question

It's true the series got better in every game until bloodborne and ds3. Which it got worse in.

>It's stupid for people to buy games these days
>Devs don't deserve money

Excuse me for wanting to give money to something I enjoy and want to see more of.

I fucking hate pirate scum so fucking much bunch of entitled faggots

shut your mouth

Content gets stale. I go to a range of websites. 4/420/7/8 a few subreddits. Im a neet with too much time. Oh and
>avoiding the question

I hate people like you.

Insults aren't ad hominem unless they're used as an argument.
8ch is an imageboard and, since it's not Sup Forums, fairly unknown. Reddit is a glorified bookmarking site with a cancerous format and an even more cancerous userbase.

>The Twin Snakes is better than the original game
>The Twin Snakes is good
>The Twin Snakes is tolerable

I hate people like you too so i guess we are even idiot

I hate both of you more than you hate each other, faggot

>"people" who use the term soulsborne
1st of all, there's one "borne" game, it's also the smallest installbase of players, fuck off with your shit
2nd of all, soulsborne started as a shitpost by bloodbabbies trying to ape their way into any DaS/DeS discussion, the fact that it got picked up seriously is jsut a perfect example of how quickly this place filters users.

And preemptively for the bloodbabbies
>i'm really really mad
>it's too hard
>never ever
sure you're right, i've never played BB, or DeS, or even a souls game for that matter