>tfw just found out this character is a trap
How did Yoko Taro get away with this?
>tfw just found out this character is a trap
How did Yoko Taro get away with this?
Japan is full of fags
Um, excuse me, but the correct term is "futanari"
She's a hermaphrodite you stupid fucking donkey.
If this was a western game, Sup Forums would lose it's shit over MUH ESJAYDOUBLEYOUS
But it's okay when gooks do it :^)
She's not a trap you idiot
He got away with this by making her a grwat fucking character with strong personality and development and not emphasising on the fact she is a tranny even once. Basically she's LGBT character done right.
Technically she isn't, she was just possesed by a shadow(male).
And that happens in some obscure piece of side content.
Yeah because they don't rub it in your face
in western games she would flaunt her dick around and be empowered
kaine was bullied and beaten constantly. too the point were she questioned living
that is the true difference
Yes, it is.
First of all, it's not a trap. It's a damn futa.
Japan does it for the shock value.
The west does it because they think it's helping the world.
nah bro read the novel she does have a dick and even faps when she kills shades.
user thats lewd
>Japan does it for the shock value.
>shock value
Oh, my sweet summer child.
Unlike western games, they dont shove it in your face and try to make a message out of it.
but God I want her to shove it in my face so badly.
>Japan does it for the shock value
cock value*
Gotta love western LGBT writing!
>Hello, I might have been born as a boy, but I chose to be female and appreciate that everyone has always treated me so, on this planet, because it's completely normal to do that.
>By the way, as long as we're making introductions, I might as well tell you that my wife (male) and I got married just recently, and had no problems doing so, because it's totally legal and a normal thing for two transgender individuals to do in this universe.
>Don't you wish that things were the same everywhere? You'd have to be pretty barbaric and backward to disagree.
>Now, whattarya buying?
She's hot.
>implying this is a problem
>Unlike western games, they dont shove it in your face and try to make a message out of it.
Kaine's whole story was people bullied her because she was different (penis)
I wanna bully Kaine's penis
Kaine was a hermaphrodite
Emil was gay
Nier was ugly
Fucking retard.
>tfw Kaine will never rub her feminine bulge on your face
He's just as much of a misfit as the SJWs, except instead of being the weird guy everybody wants to shut up, he's the weird guy that's funny af and you want to have around.
So he doesn't push his fetishes or political agenda into the game, it's just there as some minor, unimportant detail.
japan does this stuff as fetish fuel. they sexualize things to normalize them.
the west does it to be progressive and realistic. this being done by japan is fine because it's normally intentionally unrealistic. the west tries hard to make it realistic and fails making it feel like shit and ruining what they're trying to push
What games do this?
I wanna be bullied by Kaine's penis
Stop fucking pulling straws. Traps and futa are the same shit. Only difference is one faggot was born with it and the other pretends. Both are defects.
Fuck off.
Because as always Japan does it right.
Japan simply implements those things, but doesn't sacrifice anything for it.
You see the west constantly tries to subtract and remove elements.LGBT inlcusion in western games can only happen by removing certain design elements that clash with what western devs see as fitting for LGBT. Often western LGBT design also comes with a "remove white cis men" notion.
Japan on the other hand, only adds. They don't sacrifice design, direction or anything simply based on whether a character has a dick or not or like men or women. Nor do they shoehorn some political nonsense in. They just do it.
tl;dr - Japan adds. The west subtracts.
>Traps and futa are the same shit
Mass Effect Androgyny, also DA Cisquisition does something similar with Krem.
I wish they didn't have it at all. Attention is what gives rise to these mental ill trends
>hermaphrodites and males are the same thing
Are you retarded?
How did he get away with writing a game about a mass murderer who teams up with a pedophile and a woman who mutilates and eats children, all of whom go on a quest to murder millions until giant babies come and eat existence?
Isn't it because there's one higher-up in Square Enix that got bored of Dragon Quest and just wanted Taro to make weird shit?
>Nobody will rub their bulge on your face
What is this life and why am I living it
Trolled hard!
>it's been 800 years since nier came out and people still believe this
The whole point of her backstory textdump is to show you she was ostracized long before she met Tyrann and for you to connect the dots.
Not to mention that in that group, the pedophile is probably the most morally sound of all of them, as he's at least shameful about his predilection and doesn't act on it.
No, she's quite clearly said to have both male and female genitals ever since birth. That was the primary factor in her becoming an outcast in the first place.
They just never make a big deal out of it in the game; they tell you like once that something was wrong with her body and only extremely vaguely imply she's a futa.
The retard is the guy that saw a post decrying "western LGBT writing" and figured it must be a post about a Japanese video game.
Are you retarded? A futa is someone that looks and lives like a girl but has both a cock and a vagina, a trap is a bonafide male dressing up like a girl. They couldn't be more different.
God fucking damn new fags. Learn what a trap is you fuckier.
Kain gestalt was female
Kain replicant was hermaphrodite because the system was failing already
The new content in Baldur's Gate.
Nier was not ugly you fuck
>Its not a futa, its a trap!
>Its not a trap, its a hermaphrodite!
There is no Gestalt version of Kaine.
Jesus fucking christ, you people. It's like you never even played the fucking game.
every western game ever
> Trap
We've discussed this in depth. If it has a dick and a pussy it's not gay unless your dick touches her dick while you fuck the pussy.
Also, she has girl braaaaps, not dude braps, so what the fuck am I typing? EVERYTHING IS WRONG. SASUGA TARO.
We exist only to suffer and cry. Fuck you genius sad Japan man.
Gee, Bill. Two wieners?
If it was a western game she wouldn't have a vagina and she'd be ugly as fuck.
>No, she's quite clearly said to have both male and female genitals ever since birth.
All I ever got was that the kids threw stones at her and called her a freak.
What part actually specifies her genitals?
traps arent gay
Did you miss the part where he only survived the orphanage burning down because at the time he was off diddling kids in the woods?
Because based Japan.
They say something along the lines of "you dress like a girl but we know what you really are" implying that they've seen her equipment.
>the nasty dude had a two-headed cock!
Shitty art.
>There is no Gestalt version of Kaine.
[citation needed]
What? There must have been a gestalt version of her, the whole point of replicants is that they have corresponding gestalts they're based on.
The good Nier (A.K.A. the one thay didn't prostitute his boipussy) is pretty ugly, user.
It's heavily implied in the Japanese release and Taro basically canonized it in his "Wierd games for wierd people" interview.
>How did Yoko Taro get away with this?
Because the only thing in the actual game that implies this is a vauge one line piece of text that only happens after you replay the game once.
He wasn't diddling kids, he was masturbating to the thought of doing it.
>There is no Gestalt version of Kaine.
There are a few novellas that make it very obvious and Grimoire Nier clearly lists her as a Hermaphrodite in the chara bio.
From what I remember in the game it's said a couple times that she was a monster, different from all around her, and I think there's a scene where some townspeople bully her for wearing a dress hinting it's something of a sexual nature.
It's hardly touched on in the game and Grimoire Nier only strongly hints at it. But Kaine being a hermaphrodite was publicised long before the game even released, it was one of the most widely reported parts of the game during its early promotional period.
I thought it was only gay if your balls touched hers.
It's just a generic anime girl. Stop pretending that it is any more than that.
>Leonard will never get the Seere boipucci he deserves
At least he had a cool death scene.
witha benis :D
> "Pass the controller, bro"
Not only was there an original Kainé, it's hinted that she has some connections with Tyrann, aka Yura Masayoshi.
For the last fucking time, Kaine is a hermaphrodite, not a trap. Also to answer your question, it's because its a relatively minor part of her character, and the way it's spelled out to the player is rather vague. At no point in the game does anyone go "LMAO KAINE HAS A DICK".
I was spoiled on this going into Nier, but throughout the game there are nearly zero hints that Kaine is a hermaphrodite.
It was barely touched upon in the B route, and even then you would need an extremely lucky and perverted imagination to reach that conclusion.
His death scene was phenomenal, it's one of my favourite death scenes.
Western version has zero hints to the futa thing
It's not strongly hinted at, it is explicitly said that she jerks off her murder boner after killing shades, fucks a corpse, and it goes into great detail describing what it looks like.
only if you let me suck you off while your on the mic
Western release toned things down or outright removed them, like Emil being gay.
>tfw i was just jackin it to her
feels breddy gud
wheres the porn then???
Maybe you should try actually reading it instead of going by hearsay. It does not explicitly say that at all. Or do you just not know what it means to be explicit? The girl staying with her comes out and finds Kaine, sees that she has an unnamed thing, and Kaine is strongly implied to be masturbating. There is no corpse fucking whatsoever so I don't know where you even got that from.
In the prologue of the Kaine route (Ending B)
The player is told that the kids and villagers were making fun of her because of her strange body
This is said in a fucking Japanese only lore book. I think the game has been out for so long that people are forgetting that most of the lore and plot holes are explained in Grimoire Nier and never touched upon in game.
Strange body could mean anything, like if she was a tomboy
didnt play any neir
always blame the meme translators
>looks at nep games
Western game:
>"Look at this character we created, he´s so gay"
>"His name is Gaylord Faggington and he´s in love with men of all colors!"
>"24 different romance options, from your trusty mule to the king!"
>"We even gave him a twirly mustache for extra gayness! Gay!"
>"Bonus DLC: BBC Sword and Rainbow Color Armor"
>+some tweets announcing the gayness or a character trailer that shows how cool/badass the gay character is
Japanese game:
>"This is character x"
>"X has a dark past and a moody personality"
>"Over the course of the game, you come to learn about X's dark past and come to understand X better"
>"X is also gay"
You literally cannot make Replicants without Gestalts.
what happens when two replicants fug
user, you can't be this dense.
When kids and adults ostracize a little girl from a town it's gotta be something serious.
Sure, because people, specially kids, can't be real assholes with others for petty things.