Is this the greatest boss battle in recent history?

Is this the greatest boss battle in recent history?

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It's a game that forces you to use your time travel powers to defeat a boss because it's near impossible to beat Sans in less than 5 tries.

Marge where are we

No. It was okay and an interesting idea, but it was too gimmicky for my liking.

It's very strange to think that Undertale was praised so highly when it was released in the same year as Bloodborne.

One is the best game of all time, requiring the player to use their emotional intelligence to solve problems with multiple unique endings and amazing characters

And the other is trash that requires the player to mash a button for instant gratiuitos violence with no branching paths

can you help me out by naming the last 20 games that you played to completion


>creative, unique game with memorable characters
>Souls reskin #6856854076

Well no shit. Everyone expects something good out of From Software.

Emotional intelligence is an oxymoron.

Shit game is shit

undertale's reach spread due to network effects lead by hyper-autistic homestuck fans
bloodborne is a full priced video game on one platform, and its fans don't go to tumblr and draw vitiligo art of africanized characters

You'd have to be a total idiot to deny it's existence, it's like denying evolution

>Emotional Intelligence


Glad to see Toby Fox still hangs around here.

He's barely a boss. It's just a game of memorization.

boss fights in undertale better then sans:

undyne the undiking

>because it's near impossible to beat Sans in less than 5 tries.

If you're a casual, sure.

Oh boy...

Who let /vg/ out

>gratiuitos violence is inherently bad
>no branching paths
it's like you've never even played or looked into the game

undertale fags amirite

can you tell us what mechanics of the undertale game model that implement the system that stresses emotional intelligence and how they do so

Music maybe, despite the autism megalovania is breddy sich.

>Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability of individuals to recognize their own and other people's emotions, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).
>Criticisms have centered on whether EI is a real intelligence and whether it has incremental validity over IQ and the Big Five personality traits. Review finds that, in most studies, poor research methodology has exaggerated the significance of EI.
Stop talking about it having a "guaranteed" existence if you don't even know if it exists.
Besides, emotional intelligence, whether it exists or not, has absolutely nothing to do with Undertale.

That song isn't even original to the game. It was recycled from Homestuck, which recycled it from that shitty EarthBound ROM hack from a decade ago or whatever.

spotted the autist

My "review" of Undertale

-Good music
-Good story
-Good characters at times
-Nice details
-Combat is interesting, but lacking

-Linear corridor throughout the entire game
-Poor puzzles
-Never enough gameplay that it feels interesting


>great story with tons of different edings depending on your actions
>incredible well written characters
>the whole soundtrack is memorable
>very creative combat and puzzles

>repetitive combat with almost no story and an ost that only some of the battle themes are memorable

Bloodboring couldn't even compete with his true competitor at the time (The Witcher 3)

>-Good story
What fucking story? It's just about a kid that wants to go home, but all these assholes try to kill him.

Not even the best boss in his own game.

>that shitty EarthBound ROM hack from a decade ago or whatever.
Didn't the guy who made Undertale make the hack as well?

Yeah. Hence why it was recycled, and not stolen.

>That song isn't even original to the game
I don't know which song but there's one that's literally Persona 2 battle music remixed
I still haven't played Undertale btw

Undertale doesn't have that much button mashing though.

Just pirate it, if you're like me then you would be happy you pirated it in the end

>emotional intelligence

Flowey is a faux-challenge, for story reasons it's almost impossible to lose unless you're absolutely shit at the game. Sans actually wrecks you.

Are all Undertale fans such a pretentious fags like ?

Wasn't even the best game of 2015.

Yeah, when I first thought him I thought it was literally impossible for me to lose.

Knowing me I'd probably lose.

*fought him

Only the autistic ones. So yeah, all of 'em.

holy shit, nice bait

>emotional intelligence
>everyone just bends over for the power of friendship with no effort required
toby can't even rip off smt right.

Sans was more difficult for me than orphan of kos.

Obviously I don't think undertale is on the same level as bloodborne, nowhere close. But they're both good games for different reasons and Sup Forums is retarded for hating a game because they associate it with tumblr

>It's just a game of memorization.

Perhaps the same could be saif of all video game bosses.

Sort of ye, it is fine game, but doesn't deserve the cult praise it got.
Plus muh self insertion and love and tolerance fanbase that got it massive hype and fanboi/fangurlism in tumblr from people who never even played the damn thing and who now create tons of "artistic depictions" of the characters.

Aka porn and insertions.

Technically, it IS impossible to lose.
You always start back at where you were progress wise, and it's not like you never not get a chance if you lose too many times.

Arguably the same with sans except it's more strict.

Only the shitty ones.

>that time when Toby sent a copy of his game to the pope

It was just about the only challenging part of that game. Senator Armstrong is a better final fight though.

What? It was a cringey faget from Game Theory

>die over and over until you know every single phase of the fight and can do it without any effort
Telegraphed attacks were a mistake.

that was matpat you fuckboi

This is like 99% of all games in existence. Do you only fucking play VNs?

>die over and over until you know every single phase of the fight and can do it without any effort
You mean like every boss fight that has ever been made?

Only in games made for controllers.

Undertale's pretty overrated, desu.
Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 had way better boss fights.
Hotline Miami did the furry meta angle way better than Undertale did, too.

What's a game that doesn't do it then?

>Hotline Miami did the furry meta angle

No. He wasn't even the best boss of that game.

Asgore and Undyne the Undying were better boss fights than anything else Undertale had to offer.
Sans is just overrated Pattern Recognition, you can't really die against Photoshop Flowey and Asriel is a cutscene disguised as a Final Boss.

Are you so retarded that you can't spot bait?

I beat him in one try, you just suck user.

if this is bait you're a fucking god
if you were being serious, get ye gone


It's not a perfect emulation of the game,
but it's alright.

Any old PC multiplayer shooter before "realism" was the norm. High tier Quake and HLDM players are fucking brutal.

played this game the second it came out because like a bunch of people i was really interested because of the demo
i was dissapointed
not going to say i regret playing it just saying it wasnt what i expected it to be from the demo
then i just watched it turn into homosuck 2.0

*blocks ur path*

>Le 4th wall breaking meme

Haven't seen that before in the game

Imagine being so mentally handicapped that you consider undertale a good game

>comparing melee combat to fps shooters
Apples and oranges.

>great story with tons of different edings depending on your actions
There's literally two different endings, with an extended version of one ending.
I get the feeling people think Undertale is some incredible achievement in game making simply because they have not played many other RPGs.

This whole thread is lousy bait that everyone is falling for and you should all be ashamed.


I find Boss Baby memes funny because the actual movie was decent, especially the imagination scenes.

Barely got it on the first REAL try. (That is, the first try after I didn't kill myself for fucking up the first part.)


>>Great story with tons of different endings depending on your actions
Bloodborne also has this but does it better. You should play the game a find out before shitting on it, retard.

>>Incredible well written characters
Bloodborne also has this but does it better. See Ludwig, The League, Vilebloods, Eileen, Gehrman, and even the Doll are way better written than the one personality slates that exist in Undertale.

>>the whole soundtrack is memorable
Bloodborne also has this but does it better. Almost every boss theme is a fully orchestrated masterpiece. I fail to see how Undertale could even compete.

>>Very creative combat and puzzles
Bullet hell combat isn't creative and the puzzles are extremely easy. When the puzzle looks like it's going to be even a little to difficult fucking Papyrus just auto solves it for you.
Undertale is an alright game, but when paired with Bloodborne it looks like a steaming pile of shit.

>it's not a perfect emulation
>yet it runs at 60 FPS

I'd say it's an improvement.

You guys know Undertale is just Mother 3 written by tumblr right?

melee combat can also be fast if the controls aren't intentionally crippled.

This is retarded.
Undertale gameplay is just memorization?

Absolutely not. That boss fight was deliberately shit and Genocide route was deliberately shit. If you want a good fight, try Undyne 2. Flowey would be amazing if you could actually lose it. I beat it on the first try so I didn't figure it out until later.

So what's the deal with the sweat? He's always shown sweating when he's attacking in art for some reason. I never finished genocide route but I know the gist that he has 4th wall breaking powers or something like that. Does attacking strain him or something?

also, Armstrong

>all these responses
Is this place seriously that far gone

I don't think he is that hard but I still needed about 20 tries.
I am playing Ys Chronicles 1 and while the game's super fun the final boss is legit salt on the wound because I am playing on Nightmare.

Every time you attack him, he dodges it. Eventually he starts tiring and sweats as a result.

Sans is a lazy cat

You'll know eventually. Just attack him like always and dodge.


>image for ants

i can't read that shit
also nice watermark

learn to ctrl +

Quit making shitty excuses

also, post the fixed version


couldn't find it, thanks user