>Botw Wii U game on Switch >Mario Kart 8 Wii U game on Switch >Smash Brothers Wii U game on Switch
Does it bother you as a Wii U owner Nintendo is doing this?
I own a Wii U and a Switch and it's fine. It makes since. It helps full gaps so there aren't game droughts. And most people didn't own a Wii U so it still has a huge audience.
I don't have a problem with options. I bought mk8 because it was worth it to me. I probably won't buy smash.
The only argument that makes sense is that they should spend time making new games not ports. I think they're doing both.
They could port over the entire Wii u first party library and it would be fine. I wouldn't buy 90% of it. But people who didn't own a Wii U would. And some of the pathetic "nintendo is my friends I must support them" drones would buy it Too
Luke Ortiz
i have the wiiu console. and the switch console.
>both games.
i have to buy both games to pad out my library.
need to go through my Back Log
Ryan Anderson
>Does it bother you as a Wii U owner Nintendo is doing this?
Not at all. I sold my Wii U and have a Switch. If I wanna play Wii U games I'll just play them on PC.
Besides we all know Switch will be the console getting the most use this summer with ARMS and Splatoon 2 coming out.
John Price
>it's only not ok when nintendo does it
Jordan Nelson
Persona 5 on PS4 is a port xd
Henry Sanders
It literally is Wii U that you can just take with you for 4 hours farther than toilet sit.
The sad part is that none of the Sup Forumsirgins can utilize that since they never leave their room beyond toilet.
Jordan Taylor
I think the issue with Sony is they do it So often with so little time gaps.
Like people love to shit post about wind waker. The game came out in 2003. Hd remake in 2013. That's fine. Making something in 2012 then a hd remake in 2013 is another story
>but Nintendo is doing that now.
Yeah, with Mario kart. They only make one every half of decade. They didn't want to waste it on the 12 people who owned a Wii u
Justin James
>ahaha stupid nintendo fans buying the same game twice!!
now excuse me while i buy bayonetta and vanquish again on steam
Isaac Sullivan
>Smash Brothers >Wii U game on Switch
Not confirmed
Matthew Watson
Drones will eat whatever shit Nintendo gives them >Here is a port, please understand
Ayden Morgan
>but third party support is real t-this time! Just like every time since the N64!
Logan Torres
John Foster
The Wii U launched with 30 games so in reality it was actually a better deal than the switch.
Nintendo must have played some forbidden black magic to fool as many people as they managed into getting a switch. It really is just the equivalent of an XboneS or PS4pro, except if all your old Xbone and PS4 games didn't work on them and you had to repurchase them as S/Pro editions.
Nintendo can suck my fat sweaty hairy nuts.
Cooper Carter
Kek, Switch and Nintendo truly is for virgins
Austin Clark
There's only like 8 Wii U owners out there, you're not obligated to buy every game Nintendo releases
Christopher Gonzalez
I don't mind the ports because Nintendo games tend to retain their value, so I can trade my Wii U version in for minimum 30% of the price of the Switch version. Throw in 20% off from Amazon or Best Buy and it's like I'm just paying around $25 for some DLC and the portable option. It's also not like I didn't have time to enjoy the games on Wii U years before a Switch version was even announced except for BotW which I just went for the Switch version.
Justin Adams
This. Neokikeshitendo are the biggest kikes in the industry.
>nobody debating this Cucktch-tanic truly is the greatest flop of the 2010s.
True that brother. Literally the dregs of society.
Nathaniel Morris
>purchaser Most parents buy it for thier kids. So that graph is true, you are just misunderstanding it.
Ryder Nguyen
There's not many Wii U owners, & the Switch actually works well unlike the Wii U. Switch has: >better graphics >no distracting second screen while playing on TV >better battery life >portable, can actually take it around the house & outside unlike the limited Wii U range >no input lag unlike Wii U >comfier controls >joycons work well for multiplayer while friends are over
I really liked the Wii U games like Mario Kart, but hated the Wii U itself, I'm glad they're doing ports.
Nathan King
>Switch actually works well Only if you are a cuck virgin who still unironically enjoys Neokikeshitendo
Face it, Cucktch is a fucking flop and will end this garbage company as we know it.
Save your money and spend it on a PS4 .
Julian Long
Definitely needs new IPs and third party support. Fingers crossed for 2018
Jace Lopez
>Fingers crossed for 2018 When the Cucktch dies and Neokikeshitendo goes bankrupt from how much of a flop it is?
Count me in.
Carter Cooper
> & the Switch actually works well unlike the Wii U. stopped reading there.
Carter Nelson
God I will never forget the sheep butthurt that the IGN review caused.
Cucktch-tanic is a fucking turd sandwich that will bankrupt Neokikeshitendo.
Hunter Howard
The difference is that usually with Sony you get like 2-3 games or even more and sometimes not even for full price, but the Zelda HD titles were single full price remasters
Noah Russell
Bump for Nintailure rekkage.
Cooper Foster
>Does it bother you as a Wii U owner Nintendo is doing this?
Not in the least. I was never particularly attached to the Wii U or to Nintendo, so I don't view this as any kind of betrayal.