What do they have in store for E3?
What do they have in store for E3?
What would you like to see from the Sony conference?
Ape Escape 4.
Tomorrow Ape Escape will be 18 years old
They should have a big titted girl for most of the show.
Works for Nintendo
Anyone else going to the Playstation E3 Experience thing?
They've "won" this console cycle, so they're going to do their best to fuck it all up
Sony is arrogant as fuck and is just waiting for an excuse to drain more money from their consumers
Failure like every other year. They couldn't even compete with a single fucking trailer last year, what makes you think that they'll do better this year?
>this fucking faggot with his Ape Escape every single time in every Sony related thread
That game is fucking horrible, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Going to watch it in the theaters for free.
>getting made for having shit taste
We get it, you're a faggot.
Only thing I'm looking forward to is seeing Caramel BTFO
Playstation All Stars Battle Smash Bash Crash & Knuckles Brawl
Horizon 2 electric boogaloo
This time with lesbian romance
Bet on it
Have fun getting IP range banned. I hope it was worth it.
New games? Probably nothing.
But I bet they will show a new trailer of God of War, The Last of Us 2 and Kingdom Hearts III. Two movies and a game.
Nice meme
>Nintendo and Microsoft shoot themselves in the foot
>PS4 collapses across the finish line ahead of the self-inflected abortions of its competitors
>claims it's the fastest man alive
PSP3. Will never happen though
They'll have a death stranding gameplay demo, a live RDR 2 demo, a last of us 2 demo, spider-man, and some other crap, and it's gonna be a huge hit with normies.
I wish it would. I'd buy one for sure. I got a HUGE amount of use out of my psp and vita.
Same exact thing as every other conference
Wow you sure showed me you god damn moron.
>See one of these threads again
>Same replies as earlier versions of the thread
Did you?
Are you a weeb faggot who watched anime on it?
Silent Hills
Same, especially if it would have backwards compatibility. But let's be realistic here, Sony massively cut all its unprofitable divisions and there's no way they are going to release a new portable for a shrinking market.
New FROM exclusive, maybe BB2.
Sony's finally figured how to win the American public
Lie to them.
Works for politicians.
>Trailer of something we have already seen
>Trailer of something we have already seen
>Trailer of a game pretending it's exclusive (it's not)
>Trailer of a game pretending it's exclusive (it's not)
>Trailer of a game pretending it's exclusive (it's not)
>Trailer of a game pretending it's exclusive (it's not)
>Trailer of a game pretending it's exclusive (it's not)
>And before leaving...
>Trailer of a subpar game everyone already guessed was coming (probably GoW this year)
How is that lying
It's "lying"
>Game coming soon! Buy now!
It's misleading. It's not coming soon.
It's like a politician saying that "This is very important to me and I'll look into it"
And they do the opposite
They technically never lied but implied the opposite
Sony tricks plebs into buying a PS4 for things that don't even exist yet
>drones are this fucking delusional
How do you even live?
Sounds about right
They did this in the other threads, too.
They figure that announcing a game that isn't releasing IMMEDIATELY RIGHT NOW is some sort of huge fraud, when sony does it.
He has a point and it's just something Sony has always done, from the moment they started marketing games without using a single one in-game footage image
How many games shown at E3 last year can you buy now?
See here if you've forgotten.
Thats not lying, just stop being a impatient little shit
Don't feed the trolls.
Step up from a food analogy but not good enough. You have to be clinically retarded to willingly take a bullet to the foot by your own hands.
>It's like a politician saying that "This is very important to me and I'll look into it"
>And they do the opposite
>They technically never lied but implied the opposite
>from the moment they started marketing games without using a single one in-game footage image
Does anyone else remember back when KH3 was announced in a sony conference and we had people learning that it wasn't exclusive literal months after it?
Same shit happened with the FFVII remake, the whole "Exclusive (not actually exclusive)" thing reached meme status a long time ago.
Cry some more faggot.
PS+ now comes with a cute 2D girlfriend or boyfriend.
Maybe you should stay out of politics.
movie games
cinematics with no gameplay
How is it lying dumb ass? It is coming soon.
Why are drones so fucking stupid?
>Does anyone else remember back when KH3 was announced in a sony conference and we had people learning that it wasn't exclusive literal months after it?
It was announced the next day it was coming to Xbone as well. Back then, everyone said "Oh well it's practically exclusive because the PS4 version will be the best". So I wonder what the excuse will be when the PS4 version won't be the best way to play KH3.
>Sony is arrogant as fuck and is just waiting for an excuse to drain more money from their consumers
You can say that about all the companies with conferences at E3.
I don't think you know what crying means. His post clearly violated the board rules and it got deleted.
cinematic garbage that would get 9-10 thanks to paid reviews
Yes of course
It's just that they're "winning" now and therefore feel like they can get away with it
MS "won" the PS3/360 Generation, so they tried to force the Kinect Meme with the Bone.
Wii won a race against itself and then released the WiiU.
It always happens like that
>muh paid review meme
So why didn't the order get 9-10 reviews?
He got triggered over nothing.
they didn't pay enough
The movie was too short and it didn't make the "critics" feel like they were real gamers
Remember that game critics are 35 year old men with English degrees and good networking
They can't play video games worth shit but they call themselves a gamer because they "I play Zelda and Mario, Heck yeah!"
That's the type of people who review games.
Games that get high reviews make them feel like they're really good at games while also dazzlingly them
It's why "cinematic open world games" are the meme rage.
Because open world gives the illusion of choice and difficulty.
Just enough to fool critics into thinking that they're good
>paid reviews
Why does Sony induce so much ass hurt on Sup Forums? Nobody else goes out of their way to write shit about PC or Xbox like this.
It's always been like that with consoles.
Sup Forums has a hate boner for Sony. They can't stand it. Sometimes it's funny other time it's kinda sad like this Nothing wrong with competition mind you, but it feels like some take it a little personal, like Sony fucked your mom or something.
Sony fucked my mom.
But really it's just console wars this shit has been going on for ages you should learn to lurk moar