Reflex mode

>Reflex mode
>immediate alert status
>needing to beat a mission to unlock the difficult modes down the line
>overpowered weapons to begin with

How do you fuck up this bad? The animations, the framerate, the controls are perfection. It's a shame Kojima was the one making decisions.

>complaining about MGSV
Its been 2 years.

It could've been the game to last a lifetime.

It's lasting you quite a while of despair.

I stopped playing at episode 12 and never went back. What a shit game.

don't forget
>less cqc options than in 4
>less movement options than in 4
>online mode worse than in 4 (like fuck this shit, autists have worked then fucking years to make mgo 2 playable on every ps3 just because it was THAT good. can you imagine anybody doing that for mgo3? people literally don't know it exists. how the fuck can you go from a literal gem to literally nothing!? yes i mad.)
MGSV is bad. kojima is bad. he deserved to be fired.

The game is alright at most, could've gone without reflex mode though. And toned down the alert status reaction time. the game doesn't start to get super shitty until later in the game.

you retards know you can disable reflex mode right?

>Reflex mode
You can turn it off.
You can also turned those off.

Imagine of Metal Gear was a girl.

I liked it. It was a fun game

>>Reflex mode
You can turn it off

>>immediate alert status
Stop whining

You can turn them off

>>needing to beat a mission to unlock the difficult modes down the line
Most game do this.
>>overpowered weapons to begin with

>Equipping over powered weapons in the first place.

If you use weapons higher than level 5 and if you equip anything higher than the lowest quality silencer you are a massive shitter.

Stop hating a game that is only guilty if giving you all the options possible to make your own game style.

Friendly reminder that if you have to handicap yourself to create your own challenge the game sucks.

Of course, that's why the previous games disable the soliton radar on higher difficulties :^)

But I guess is right if the game does it for you. Oh wait, MGS2 actually lets you turn it off whenever you want. hmmm

Its just like Hitman, turn off the babby options and it becomes one of the best stealth games. Story is meh though, but then again so is PW and 4.

>>reflex mode
Turn it off, you fucking baby. The game literally gives you a bonus for it.
>>immediate alert status
Get good.
Turn it off, you fucking baby.
>>needing to beat a mission to unlock the difficult modes down the line
>>overpowered weapons to begin with
Oh, that explains it. You're a fucking retard who plays Metal Gear like a goddamn cowadoody game. This isn't Gears of Halo, you fuck, grow the fuck up and play it like a goddamn stealth game. You shouldn't fucking be using weapons.

I spent most of the game listening to ONLY TIME WILL TELL and the song finally made sense at the end. The lyings over

>Its been 2 years.
what the fuck

>no caramel yet



>I can't into manual difficulty select

You faggots are the worst.

I think it is this faggot, Either that or he off'ed himself because he vanished from the Ruse Cruise thread


You can play MGS1 just by looking to the radar and no one ever complained about it.