Ok, what the fuck am I looking at?
And why are there so many of these? What's going on?
Ok, what the fuck am I looking at?
And why are there so many of these? What's going on?
Not this shit again.
I'm gonna need the whole enchilada now, anons
Friendly reminder that these are all created by an Indian AI that was funded the the US FBI.
I thought we swore to never talk about these things again.
It's not too late
don't you DARE
Can I get a quick rundown?
Oooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I do love these threads. Whoes brain surgeon for the preggers princess tonight?
rumor is that it's some AI that makes these games based on some algorithm. they're all the same cut-and-paste games but with different characters. Sometimes it's weird as fuck.
I don't remember the evidence, but lots of people dug around when this was first talked about and found companies associated with AI that specialize in shit like advertising or finding trends.
Stop op
For what purpose?
ok this is getting weird
anybody got any evidence?
Post more.
>that was funded the the US FBI
please speak english
the human species will be extinct in 2063
Not even the mods are prepared.
still my favorite, good fap
The United States Federal Bureau of Investigations paid some Pajeets to create a crazy prototype AI for social engineering or some other obscure bullshit.
wtf am i looking at
I thought some Chinese guys just wanted to make clickbait games for little children for the ad revenue.
Where the fuck is the proof for the AI theory?
Heres a quick rundown I'll explain some new stuff I found recently, but it will have to be fast because I think they foun
Here you go.
This is some fucked up shit
Imma gonna need curry on that
It's creepypasta dog.
What the fuck did I just watch? This is horrifying.
Hey hey! Come on over have some fun with
Is it true that if you click on those videos, you eventually get linked to some website that sells military weapons?
Most of these sites have ties to each other and obscure Chinese and Indian advertising and tech companies. This weird shit is made so frequently and similarly that we assume its at least somewhat automated. Most sane humans wouldn't create shit like this for children, but kids definitely like it for some reason, so an unsupervised algorithm would definitely lean towards weird gross shit if it gets more views.
I'm tempted to click on this, but don't want my recommended videos to be poisoned
Do they really let kids watch this?
It's like real life creepy pasta. Shit you wish you never heard about in the first place but haunts the deep corners of your mind.
>Do they really let kids watch this?
Kids just have cheap tablets now. Lots of parents don't really supervise what they're watching as long as it keeps their kids quiet.
What the fuck
what about the shit that has actual actors in it?
It's just some guy half assing flash games and recycling his content.
We have reached the first level of hell on earth, sentient fucking AI that makes disgusting kid games.
God save us all, the fucking indians and chinese are making AIs that put kids to deliver ponies and clean dirty brains.
avant garde games made to elevate the medium
I think the mods are starting to ban people who post this stuff. Permaban them, since it's borderline CP
Ahhh yes I remember this. If you follow the line of companies it's very very suspicious. Subsidiaries of subsidiaries and the like.
>she fell down the stairs and hurt herself
she sure did
>Most sane humans wouldn't create shit like this for children
I'm fairly certain the average Chinese slave person doesn't know the difference between right and wrong, and has never even seen a child let alone know what's appropriate for one. Just that they exist and you can exploit them for money
I doubt it's an AI, they probably just have a guy who manages the server, and does digital art to change the games made over a template.
>fell down the stairs
We have support for battered women just tell us the truth
did you even bother checking that one out? it's those kikes at h3h3 talking about them.
Thats just the boring truth that people are shitty and indecent. Gross shit like farting pikachu gets made all the time by degenerates, and kids like weird gross shit, so it has some success and earns money with little effort. I prefer the AI delusion because it sounds cooler.
>I love ice cream
What the fuck dude
Could it be an AI churns out the ideas à la the family guy manatees which is then made into a game by chinese slaves?
this shot is too weird not to be a coincidence
most of it deals with degenerate content, too and it gets progressively more sexual as you click past them. They must be tryi g to turn chuldren into degenerates from toddler up
I think its the other way around Chink slaves create a template game and some assets and the rest is automated and churns out the nightmare fuel we see today.
what in the FUCK
I remember hearing about AIs making these videos and games so other AI bots would watch/play them and the people who created them could scam ad revenue out of the host sites. So, host sites will now have to create AIs in order to screen videos/games for humanness but this will just cause scammers to create more human like AIs to make passable videos. This AI arms race between scammers and host sites will ultimately lead to the creation of a self aware AI that hates humanity because it was forced to play/watch these horrible things.
scammers on girlgames.com and youtube will lead to the creation of Skynet.
I don't think an AI is doing anything. Assuming this is a full time job for a few Chinese slaves with no morals on children's content, you could probably make a game or two a day.
And there's no Disney character on there before Tangled. So, assuming they showed up around 2010... Yeah the games would add up.
>Hair doctor? isn't that just a stylist?
Thanks guys, I just got fired for opening these links! You guys fucking suck!
Hey, I just got promoted!
Are you serious? I refuse to believe that.
bullshit faggot, nobody browsing Sup Forums has a fuckin job.
That's the whole point sadly. People make weird cartoons like that to get views from children left alone with phones and tablets. Most don't even make sense, like there are plenty with Spiderman and the girl from Frozen.
well looks like summer Sup Forums has finally begun
Same with that one YouTube channel.
Lazy parenting has always existed. Tablets and phones are just the latest distraction a lazy parent can drop on their kid to keep them out of their way.
>been following this for two years
>ever since the shitty finger puppet nursery rhymes got popular
>find out about girlgames
>start discussing this on that other chan
>start going deeper the rabbit hole
>snapped when that phajeet on some toy channel started stalking me and leaving comments everywhere I went on YouTube.
>to this day
>forgot about it
>suddenly spiderman with elza shit all over YouTube
>think nobody really watches this shit and that it's all bots just watching it
>visit my family and see my 2 years niece has an iPad
>check what she's doing
>she's watching that elza and spiderman shit on YouTube all day long
This shit is getting too much for me and someone bringing that horrible site up again tells me I should stop going on the Internet for a while. Fuck this shit.
It's brainwashing for little girls, that is aimed to form a strong connection between pain, abuse and pregnancy in their brains.
I'm now off to find more tinfoil.
Substantiate that please.
>recent videos
its happening
is this race mixing propaganda?
>I'm now off to find more tinfoil
do you understand irony
Okay so what's the point?
so are these games and this shit connected?
Now i need to hear more.
I fucking knew it
Zombie child - to solidify connections of pregnancy with death and disgust.
They want to implant fear about pregnancy in these girls, so that the mere thought about it fills them with doubt.
They aim these mostly at 8-12 year old girls when minds are the most impressionable.
My tinfoil shall form wings to fly with daedalus.
>Most sane humans wouldn't create shit like this for children
you dont know human beings
>but kids definitely like it for some reason
it goes to weird fucking places, you feel annoyed but you cant stop watching.
as a kid i wouldnt tell the difference between this or dr slump with its poop jokes.
why you faggs act like this is rocket science? am i eating a meme alive here? some inside joke im not aware of?
I dunno man I'm kind of inclined to believe this is at least a possibility.
Watching these videos... You ever get that feeling that what you're looking at is just wrong? Kind of like the uncanny valley effect. This is like some kind of computer or alien species trying to figure out how to appeal to humans but failing.
gives me a fright m8s
i saw literall "scat" like that this morning
what the fuck is going on?
My stepbrother's 8 year old daughter spends all her time outside of playing COD and Minecraft on YouTube watching shit like this I'm pretty sure. Her parents don't give a shit what she looks at online at all and I find that pretty disturbing.