Calls himself a gamer

>calls himself a gamer
>his mouse isn't pictured

Explain yourself.

lol whatever nerd

logitech are for children and shills

go fuck yourself kike

>calls himself a gamer
explain yourself

>meme "gaymur" shit
>implying g400 isn't Elder God Demonbane-tier

g502 is g400 but better

I fucking hate this "gaymurr" culture. My 3rd world shithole started overpricing things thanks to the waves of normies buying all this garbage.
>years ago
>buy $30 bucks mouse
>turns out pretty good
>few weeks ago
>want to buy an identical mouse
>$130 bucks plus tip and meme tax because "pro doom mlg players use it"

The shape sucks. Fucking hate when now devs do this blocky/angly mouse design. It's plain uncomfortable.

The shape feels like a fleshed out MX518 to my hand, fits me even better

>shit tier

Epic list my friend. And I don't call myself a "gamer", only faggots do that.

This. "Gamers" are fucking cancer, having better mouse won't miraculously make you better at vidya.

>calls himself a gamer


>$130 for a mouse

get fucked shill kike

I had this mouse for some 10 years now. And when it breaks, I'll look around amazon or somewhere to get another for however many more.

At least get a g400 to avoid the angle snapping

I have a Zowie FK1 which is nice but switched over to a Logitech G102 which seems to be the cheaper Asia version of the G502. It's small, accurate, and simple enough so recommended if you're willing to wait for shipping and can't get the 502 on sale.

Who trackball here?

The fuck are you on about, my mouse is on the top row on the left.

looks retarded, feels great.

Nevermind, thinking of the wrong mouse, it's a cheaper version of the G Pro not the 502.

>any mouse tied to logitech gaming software

the only thing that's worth spending more on a mouse for is an extra 2 buttons on the side
Everything else is meme shit

After so long I sorta automatically adjust for it, there is no determent from it for me. Guess it happens with familiarity.

I have a g-pro but I am now wishing I got a m65

I didn't know it existed when I bought my mouse and it's shape reminds me of the old g9 which was my favorite mouse of all time

ah well, the pro is fine I suppose

Well it's an objective disadvantage unless you're doing a lot of things where being able to draw a perfectly straight line is advantageous. For regular games the better accuracy is preferred
It's the same shape and all so you're not really changing anything apart from that

I have a G900 Chaos Spectrum. Better than any other mouse I've owned.

I miss my M65. I use a G502 now and while I like it's formfactor, I feel like I just performed way better on the corsair.

this is some grade A buyers remorse

who the fuck are you op, what are your gaming credentials, you play in any clans or are you just no-name scum who put together this list hoping for validation

I don't get the mouse and keyboard meme.

>Calls himself a gamer
>Plays on PC

It checks,out I guess

>mfw used a Gigabyte mouse that came bundled with my $20 keyboard for years when I built my first PC
>mfw shitting all over turbonerds who saved up GBPs for three years to buy one of these "top tier" mice
Pfffff, nothin' personnel, kids.

>he cares more about the sensor than the shape and feel of the mouse

How can you be so blindly retarded

made the mistake to buy a g700
It destroyed my ability to hold normal mice
I'm a cripple now that is bound to one mouse.

I have a G skill with all of that RGB shit I got free with the matching KB and I love it.
>Razer products not in eldershit tier.

nice one poorfag

i have a deathadder. It's nice and light. I've had it for 3 years

>30 posts
>still no mention of the G500

I'm still using mine and it's the comfiest mouse I've ever had, although it's slowly dying and I getting some dc's.
I'd replace it with the G502 if didn't look like a fucking gundam.

nice meme


calling yourself a gamer is autistic as fuck.

shit crap that cost 1$ to make

>mfw I wreck faggots in any game using a one dollar chink mouse

>mfw I don't even use any of the features my gaymen mouse has even though I paid 130$ for those features

Looks like your Logitech job is going well op

I bought the g502 last month and its fucking amazing. Went on sale for $60. Come at me, poorfags.

That shit with the silent clicks?

Its fucking garbage

>he can't use his mouse as a phone

But it is
It's right there in the top left

My G502 is great for accurately clicking the reply button

>Not using a WMO
I don't know why faggots like you spend so much time arguing about what mouse is in 2nd place.

I have a g502

I need to buy a mouse without click sound
anyone help?

Got one of those too but the mouse feet have turned to absolute shit, I need to order new ones.

Anyone know what the best settings are?
Am I supposed to turn DPI all the way up and sensitivity down to get the best result or do I sound like a retard right now?

>stuff kleenix under clicker
>problem solved

Brother had this and it's absolute sex to hold, very comfortable and not to many buttons.

Probably meme tier, but i won two Steelseries Sensei i think like 5 years ago and i'm still using the first one of them. Works perfectly fine, doesn't have tons of useless buttons and looks alirght

g900 cuz im not poor kek

Who G403 here?

It's just a mouse.jpg

>still use mx310
>still works perfectly
>2 spots worn off on M1 and M2 showing where my fingers are

I have one.
It's a nice mouse that was the least gamer pleb shit looking on offer.

feels good, was getting tired of replacing the micro switches in my g700

g900 is too esspensive

G900 here, moved up from a G9X after it finally died.

Falling for the wireless meme went surprisingly well. It's a damn good mouse, and if you're especially autistic you can just plug it in and it acts as true wired.

Had mine for about 4 years now, it's pretty nice.


Any good palm grip mouse?

What is wrong with it exactly?

>No OG Intellimouse Explorer

You had one job.

>DPI buttons

Does anyone really use these?

Went from some shitty little MS usb mouse from 2004-2009 to a Logitech G9 from 2009-2016 to a G502.

My fellow aboriginal. Been owning everyone and everything for over a decade with a shitty mouse I got from the flea market.

Will this give me sweet cred with people on anonymous image boards?

>hurr gamrz r ded

meme harder tumblr cuck

>buying gaming accessories
>not just using your pre-9/11 office equipment

fucking kids itt

>microsoft discontinued this
I have one now that is completely worn out and I can't find anything that feels similar
either the wheel is too small, or it's too far up on the mouse making it hard to click
I just want a simple mouse that's comfortable, not any of the stupid "gamer" shit in OP. sigh.

I think this is mine

Stand aside

But mine is the g502

Keep your gamer glasses on, nerd.

Yes, the standard max sensitivity is awful.

why does buying a new mouse have to be like buying a new pair of shoes? It feels like I'll never get comfortable with this new thing.

Shut up Jerry

>Scream One in god tier.

I don't think anyone has said anything good about that piece of shit. Even Scream doesn't use it.

Shit's going to wear out eventually.
You'll be trying to single click something only to have the mouse suddenly click five times, or you'll be dragging something to a folder only for the click to "let go" despite you not letting up on the button.
You'll be scrolling through a thread on Sup Forums but the wheel won't scroll. Etc.

Why not have it on the bottom of the mouse like the zowie FK? Or why not set the sensitivity in windows?

I have a Sades S8 gaming mouse that I got on amazon for $10 during prime day I think. Has enough buttons I need for it on the mouse and can be customized with macros or other keys. Has some good DPI settings that change color based on what you set them as.

>the sarcasm flew right the fuck over your head

Is this the sort of retard we are dealing with on Sup Forums thses days?

>reddit and memey

Like I said, the max sensitivity that Windows offers is terrible.

As for putting it on the bottom, I'm not sure how that makes it not a button.

>hurr cartoon is bad because it's popular

My sarcasm detector is broken. Sorry.

>the default tint setting is always too high

You are literally as stupid as Jerry shit up

season 2 sucked dick
and so do you

>Dude, lets pay 100 extra dollars for a led and call it "GAYMUR"
Out with this shit.

Step aside

What a tremendous waste of money.

>friends asks what mouse I use
>"Razer Naga"
>Wtf why, user that mouse is for MOBAs and MMOs why would you use that?

I don't play MOBAs or MMOs, but there's a ton of games with abilities, weapon switching, just general stuff that works better bound to something I can press without moving my hand. Is that so strange?

>calls himself a gamer


Season 2 was hilarious

I use a grandpa mouse.