Who here fell for the WoW meme again? Are you going to fall for it again?

Who here fell for the WoW meme again? Are you going to fall for it again?

I'm planning on resubbing tonight. Should I lvl my pally or warlock first?

i fell for it in cata
>"the next one will be better"
I fell for it in mop
>"the next one will be better"
I fell for it in WoD
>"the next one will be better"
I fell for it in legion
>"the next one will be better"
Fuck WoW and the devs who have been ruining the game since wrath.

Why would you even be tempted to resub? I don't understand Blizzfags

i'll play for a month after next xpac comes out

>implying mop wasn't better than cata
>implying legion isn't better than WoD

i miss my warlock goblin waifu sucks to be a wageslave

implying creating an entire new species and island which has no ties to lore whatsoever is better than the story of deathwing.

legion is worse than wod

>Friends dragged me into WoW.
>I dragged them back out.

yeah i have to kinda agree with the second one but WoD had the single cinematic between Thrall and Gorrash in a mak'gora which redeemed it for me.

Legion seems to be really reaching.

>no ties to lore
wrath baby detected

Most of my backlog is completed and I have that MMO itch. I have played FFXIV and that game is pretty but feels very sterile. BDO is shit. GW2 is shit. TOR is TOR. I dont like ESO. And fuck Archage. So WoW it is. I wouldn't call myself a Blizzfag though because I dont blindly suck Blizz's dick by doing stupid shit like buying blizzcon online passes.

i really have had a craving to play wow again and get into raiding again

i havent played legion yet, is it good?

worth getting into at this point?

Raiding is always good.

I fall for the meme every few months

I can't play the game for more than 2 months at a time. I start a new character, max them out, find a guild and do some raids, then I quit. I've never made any long lasting connections in this game.

...please. The lore is one of the most important parts of the game.

I've been clean for years. Feels good, man.

nowadays its more like, start 10 new alts, level them within a day each or 110 boost, ruin pvp and raiding for everyone else then get more casuls to join in.

>wow lore

pre-cata lore. the new lore is really just them sugarcoating stuff to make it seem legit and be totally plausible

The only real itch I have to play WoW for now, is just collecting more transmog items. But that alone isn't worth getting a token with gold, let alone using actual money for the second worst expansion.

>implying mop isn't the best expansion to date

Nah dont bother. I dont know but a few months ago me and all my mates burnt out within the same week. All the guilds on my server collapsed and more are collapsing ever week. Somewhere down the line we all just realised its really not worth it for the time invested.

Titanforging bullshit and the ap ceiling are never ending on any progression. The only people playing still are casuals in lfr or the neets who somehow haven't burnt out. Save your time and play pubg or overwatch with your mates and have fun.

lock if you have the green fire title. if you don't you might as well just delete him

this is what we are reduced to, i have tonnes of 100's and 110's that were simply just for mount farming. the only reason i would have to play was to come on and do the remaining dung/raids i needed mounts from.

Don't play overwatch unless you want a textbook copied fps with a shit meta and the worst community in existance
>Yes, i'm a TF2FAG

>Not making literal money off WoW from buying game tokens

>Literal money

Nope. Maybe when the next expac hits but not till then.

I hate this game now, everyone is shit and cant press the right rotation or avoid mechanics. I have to rely on 19 retards to get gear that some fucking BR favela monkey can titanforge from his 20 determination stack lfr guldan kill.

No cms anymore. I cant play hardcore because i had to grow up and work but i miss playing with good people and getting shit done. Ive literally found one guild that is former hardcore players 2 day a week guild - perfect but they wont let me compete against their raiders for a spot. I gave up.

>New Legendary Rings are BiS for some specs
>Add it to the already overpopulated loot table and abortion that is the legendary system

Senpai this may make me unsub until Argus. This is the most retarded shit I have ever heard. Fuck this legendary system and fire all the Diablo devs


>Add new Legendaries
>Make the Death Knight Frost Chest the most broken shit in existance
I sure hope they're not fixing it.

>liking them in the order that they got worse
>mop over bc and vanilla

>Warcraft 3 being better than Warcraft 2 outside of mods
>Wrath being good
>WoD being better than Legion

See you in the next expansion.

>mop over bc and vanilla
but MoP has the tightest gameplay of all of the expansions


>vanilla unsatisfied
>WoD satisfied
either this is bait or i doubt you were even born when the first two RTS games came out, nevermind actually played them

>Get the mmo itch
>think about resubbing to WoW
>realize i have no friends and is less social than i was back in high school
>don't sub
Will I ever be able to play mmos ever again? ;_;

It was also even worse with the scripted phased quests than Cata.

Impeccable taste.

>dude dailies that unlock even more dailies lmao

See you next expansion.

you could always play a private server.

stopped after wotlk.

>Not absolute shit with zero content or class variation ontop of ez mode raids and constant server issues
And this is how you spot the underage retard who never actually played vanilla when it was current.

I wonder what triggers whom more: dogs to Asians or pork to Muslims.

>skipped WoD and Legion because I saw what was coming when Pardo, after surprisingly coming back, left promptly

found the nostalriusbaby
global cluelessness is what made the game the best it has ever been, and between farming mats for gold, spamming UBRS/scholo/strat and grinding your pvp gear there was plenty to do
datamining and minmaxing is what killed the game

>constant server issues
worked fine on my machine, maybe you shouldn't have been playing on private servers

Doesn't every expansion other than WoD do this?
Vanilla and BC
Wrath to MoP
>dude dailies that unlock even more dailies lmao
>dude world quests to get welfare legendarys LMAO

MMOs weren't relatively popular (and coincidentally stable & decent internet wasn't either) before WoW release.
For most gamers, regardless of age, it was their first, thus an amazing experience.

Vanilla wasn't about endgame content, all battlegrounds and raids had to be added in later on, classes were plenty varied, raiding wasn't "easy as fuck" because it wasn't about mechanical execution. It was about time investment and directing 40 clueless monkeys to pull on the same string.
Are you sure that you played vanilla and not just on some faggy private server?

I really liked WoD, it had some really nice content. The problem was there was hardly any content. I don't know how you can complain about that and be satisfied with it.

I have a bit of fun playing at the start of expansions, so I guess I did fall for the meme.

I play the trial account and get too depressed to try again whenever I get the itch

MoP had an obscene amount of dailies that forced you to run/fly all over the island for recipes you needed to raid
even the fucking argent tourny dailies were a joke compared to that

WoD had only the assault on X daily precisely because people complained about them so much in MoP, and since blizzard has no concept of balance so they went from one extreme end straight to the other

Dailies were a mistake.
Heroic / mythic dungeons was also a mistake.
Mythic+ keystones not being farm-able is a mistake too (don't know if you can get a new one now, stopped last winter).

>Heroic / mythic dungeons
Heroic / mythic dungeons lockout*

My bad.

this, exactly this
to this day and age i still don't understand how people were never bothered with the concept of paying 15 bucks for up to 5 potential raid lockouts
i heard mythic dungeons are also on a weekly lockout

are people this oblivious to the fact their subscriptions are being milked?

once upon a time hitting the level cap and raiding wasn't the end all be all of the game.

>Mythic+ keystones not being farm-able is a mistake too (don't know if you can get a new one now, stopped last winter).

atm if you fail the timer on one you get the same dungeon, one lower level key

it's fine, i like the system, high m+ is fun

Literally the perfect picture to describe wows downfall.

Who cares

a vast majority of the population since the game started.

I fell for it again. It's not as fun a story vanilla to wrath but I stopped playing for like 6 years and I'm having fun with it. The dungeons and encounters are really fun and I have a good guild so I don't mind.

I long accepted that the "first MMO" wonderment most of us got from WoW has long disappeared.

What I wanted to convey is that Blizzard doesn't want you to set your own pace.

Because of lockouts (and keystones scarcity) you're kind of forced to play the content on lockout if you don't want to miss on an opportunity to get an upgrade.
But, you also can't farm it if you want to go hard because of the lockout.

If it wasn't there, you could set your own pace, and either go hard or ignore it for a while without missing on anything, or both at intervals.

This and cross-realm stuff (merge them already ffs!), including group finder, boggles my mind.

The only thing that has a lockout is raids, and even then you can extend them across weeks

I play off and on. It's a fun skinnerbox with a big open world to dick around in.

Why play this shit when fucking FFXIV exists? That game does everything better in every aspect and has a new expansion coming.

Personally i play it like any game. The expansion and sub for a month is about the same price as a game and ill get more hours out of it than most titles anyway. The end game is where they shit their pants but getting to that point is usually fun.

Mythic / heroic dungeons have one too.
Keystones are a form of lockout too (I know that you can join any group as a tank/heal via lfg, but still, there's also that chest at the end of the week).
Daily quests, are also gating progression.

My point isn't about extending it at all.
It about it being there to stop you from being hard, or force you to do it before it expires (depends how you want to play).

It's weebshit

that they're obviously never going to remove the WoD cancer like pruning, follower missions, mobile app, work orders, etc kills any desire to play

>FFXIV fags so desperate they have to come into WoW threads and beg people to play thier game

eventually i got so burnt out doing world quests. and the ap grind didn't seem worth it, especially when they nerf your shit up

I actually like Legion. Sure there's a couple things I'd change like the Legendary System and Artifact Knowledge, but everything else has been good.

I'm waiting for ToS to open srsly. stopped playing like a month ago.

desu is pretty fucking good

Nah, I don't have any desire to play it anymore. I've played it for 12 long years, it's time to let go.

I've only just recently resubscribed with in-game gold so I could play with my ERP partner but beyond that I don't have any desire to play it. Thank god I didn't spend 15 dollary-doos for what will amount to a few hours of play time over the course of this month.

Got back into it because a friend did, quit off and on after Wrath. Was okay for a little while farming transmog and playing the AH but in the end didn't even make it to max level because just anticipating the garbage AP grind and legendary RNG really turned me off.

Tried every class trying to find SOMETHING I'd enjoy but they all play roughly the same with no complexity. They removed so many skills, it became super boring. Even the new class Demon Hunters are boring as hell.


Legion has been third best since bc and wotlk.

I fell for it and I will continue to do so for 3-4 months every expansion. Kill me.

Are they going to take another vacation when the expansion comes out?

Actually we're just laughing at you. It's easy to spot in the game when a wowrefuge joins a party and cluelessy only heals without also doing dps. I always fuck around with those people with my friends and try to make them rage quit. Nobody likes wowfugees in ffxiv and they shall get the day of the rope.

Not a solid argument.


havent touched legion, cant play nuWoW anymore after the travesty that was WoD

but i have been playing elysium
vanilla wow best wow

Vanilla was shit, no matter how hard you samefag.



How grinding can be a good experience?

Shut the FUCK up you autistic tween.
Played WoW for like 7 years and then went to FFXIV. It was a good game but I felt like continuing to play MMOs is the dumbest mistake I could make in my life besides birthing a child.
Anyway my point is: MMOs are trash in general. The genre is outdated as fuck and you all know it's true.

Legion (raiding) could have been great if they had just upped the difficulty of everything. I saw the design intentions to try to bring back some difficulty when it comes to raiding, but they just couldn't go through on adding numerical difficulty, too.

So no, I will not be falling for it again. I gave Blizz the chance on just one thing and they went half way with it. With the rest of the idiotic things in Legion, it's obvious they will never go back to making PVE difficult. Considering the state they left PVP in, it's obvious Blizz will never give attention to PVP. There's simply no reason to play anymore.

Nope, I've skipped Mists of Pandaria and Legion as of now. Feels good.

Lurk more you filthy ESL.

pork to muslims
asians eat dogs. its pretty much calling you a bitch

vanilla was probably a piece of shit but being 16 i felt like a god damn retard who didn't know how to play and would like to relive that dead experience with my knowledge now.

guild applications were cancer though.

literally me but there won't be a next time. Fuck Blizzard and fuck WoW



You can tell they gave Legion their best shot but for all that it's just so mediocre and it's done nothing to stop the game's slow death.

Been playing again for about a month, playing using gold is awesome