I'm fucking ready
I'm fucking ready
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I will wait for localization.
>still no word on english translation
plz dont cocktease me, capcom
prepare to disappointment
Fuck you nintendo!
That tricked might've worked for MH3U, but I'm not falling for it again.
Have fun with Your 3ds port. Us sonybros will be playing Monster hunter 5
piss off, m8. don't buy it if you don't want it.
look for something during E3. im hoping for a simultaneous region release
...that's exactly what I wrote.
Was it confusing?
Getting the 3ds version, though.
Only retards and blind consumer whores are getting the switch version.
Lol what a fag. If you cant afford to have both this hobby isnt for you.
Must feel bad to have to delude yourself into not committing suicide every night
Suicide is still more fun than Nintendo games
will they update the graphics or will it still be 3ds tier?
>Persona 5
I stopped reading there but I'm sure I missed a bunch of other lies.
I still play XX daily.
I look forward to the new players that come with the Switch to get some new blood in those online rooms.
Thank god for crossplay.
It's the same models, just sharper. Look forward to monster hunter 5 for the new models, unless capcom actually decides to not make new models again.
God damn how analblasted can you roaches get
They're using new textures and a few of the environmental models look better, maybe there's a bit of AA.
same models same textures you retard cunt
If that rumor is true you do realize that means you have the worst game in the franchise, right?
Nope. The textures are redone to be higher resolution and they reworked some of the models, like the fish.
According to the rumor MH5 will be
>Open world
>No missions
>No time
It wouldn't be Monster hunter anymore
what a retard i bet you will pay 60$ + preorder for this shit game anyway
And it will sell more than any MH ever sold in the west (1.2m MH4U), which isnt hard to do and Capcom will just release nu-MH on the west from that point forward.
and for the ps4 pro xbox scorpio
>tfw comfy monhun switch at home and on the go
Why does that trailer get me hype? I've been told ad nausea that this is the worst in the series, yet it's the only game I felt excitement for in a long time.
This is retarded. They've been building s progressively stronger audience in the west with each release. They wouldn't throw that out now.
Because the complaints come from oldfags who hate change. XX fixes a lot of Generation's problems. Also, people like to judge how "good" you are based on how you would be playing with the original style, instead of how well you've mastered the actual style you're playing.
In essence: oldfaggotry.
>They've been building s progressively stronger audience in the west with each release.
NA 710k
EU 480k
NA 320k
EU 260k
Westernize it and you will sell 3m+ in the west, once that happens you can bet your ass Capcom wont bother localizing the regular series anymore.
For comparison, FIFA 17 sold almost 15m between PS4 and xBone.
>Styles are overpowered
>Still get your ass handed to you in G-rank
You know what user, you're right. I'm going to play it and enjoy it.
4U is also overrated as fuck too, GQs and Relic equipment are fucking cancer and Apex is the very definition of artificial difficulty.
A lot of people also say the story is the best in the series, but that's like pointing out which Transformers movie has the best story. They're all shit anyways.
wow it's almost like people knew that buying a half-finished game with no g rank was a bad idea
Those MH4U numbers are still pretty good. MHX is harder to judge because it wasn't advertised as a main series game, and a lot of people skipped it simply because they're done with the 3DS. If MHXX doesn't sell on the Switch, I'll admit I was wrong.
MH has had dual sticks on ps3, vita, new 3ds and wii u. It's not a new thing in the slightest.
>wow it's almost like people knew that buying a half-finished game with no g rank was a bad idea
MHX sold 2.8m on Japan.
>Those MH4U numbers are still pretty good.
MH4U sold 2.7m on Japan.
If they westernize the series they can double or triple those sales easily, once that happens they will never localize the mainline series ever again.
It's not about being new, it's about having a good control scheme again
N3DS C-Stick is pretty garbage, haven't used the CPP.
Again? All of the last main series games and spinoffs have had dual analog. I am not understanding.
What game hasnt had it recently?
>N3DS C-Stick is pretty garbage
Its not... its super responsive...
I bet you have one of those defective C-Sticks where the imput in one direction doesnt register completely so you have to press excesively.
I get what he's saying, most of the 3DS models that were sold lack a second stick, the 3DS is generally unpleasant to hold, and it's hard to get comfy when hunched over a handheld instead of on a TV.
Worse. 3 directions, one direction takes far too
to input.
>people think MH5 will change the artstyle
>If they westernize the series they can double or triple those sales easily
Westernizing has never double or tripled sales of anything
I can only play MH every few years as they're way too samey and exhausting.
I won't be getting this port of a rehash deluxe after I already played Gen.
Call me when 5 comes out on a home system.
Though I hope you'll buy this one so I can buy the relevant one.
Thats a defective nub then user.
You shouldnt need to press in any direction to move it, it should work just like a notebook nub where a micro movement already triggers it.
Not only that, but the eraser nub on the new 3ds is fucking trash. As soon as your thumb gets the slightest amount of moisture on it, it becomes completely unusable. Such a shit design
Really wish you could use the circle pad pro with the new 3ds
He makes it sound like Capcom plans to repeat DmC with that mindset, they're a dumb company though so I don't doubt it.
>Westernizing has never double or tripled sales of anything
It also has never been done before.
>People legit think by using the word "westernize" it'll guarantee millions of units
This was the last time Capcom tried westernizing something
There hasn't been another DMC game since
>implying a open world watered down MH without the grindfest wouldnt be 1000x more sucessful in the west
How is that westernized?
It'll still have the name "Monster Hunter" on it
Gameplay change would not give more sales
>How is that westernized?
>Britpunk MC
>Scrubbed of any anime influence
>Westernized evil scientist tropes
>Sonic 06 environments
>>Scrubbed of any anime influence
This is the only good part.
And, you know, being developed by a western company.
Before that, this was the last time Capcom tried Westernizing something
There hasn't been a Final Fight game since
models =/= textures
the models are the same, the textures are higher resolution
Because you haven't played it yet?
Fucking duh. Moment you do you'll realize why its shit.
MH4U sold 1m in the west, no need to westernize
>instead of how well you've mastered the actual style you're playing.
I would agree with you if any of the new styles took any skill at all instead of being massive crutches
But I suck at MH so I welcome styles, MH isnt fun being hard anyway, the monsters should just die a in few minutes so i can play dress ups and jerk off to my unicorn outfit
I hope in mh5 they make it so you have infinite healing and stamina too, these oldfags are holding back what makes mh great
>he thinks selling 1m units in the whole west is good
For the 3DS I'd think so
I hope you like using (one) weapon type only for G rank
Mantis beats all other weapons
For a series with a 5 yen budget that's pretty decent.
But that's false. There are better weapons with better raw out there.
All mantis has going for it is the 3 slots since purple got nerfed.
>underestimating how expensive good AI and monsters are, as well as the minor tweaks that make MH great
You dont have to play much of a MH clone to realize Capcom does put a lot of work into MH to make it MH. There are so many subtle things that make it great, that all together take a lot of time and money to perfect.
There isnt because of those 3 slots
Nice try /mhg/ fag
3 slots is not exclusive to mantis and you're exaggerating the usefulness.
You're wrong.
>The every single person who plays xx is wrong
Okay user, see you online using Mantis later
when will they drop the tank controls?
Mh4 took 80 million USD to make.
I play XX and you're exaggerating the amount of mantis weapons that are actually useful. There are better choices for SnS, DB, IG, HBG, LBG, Bow, GS, LS, and the list keeps going.
Still wrong and will forever be.
...wut? MH has never had tank controls.
Best to take your NA 3DS version of Generation and get all the gather quests and repetitive early game hunts out of the way so you can just transfer your save to MH CrissCrossAppleSauce Switch ver.
I'm already playing it for free and with and English patch so i know what to hunt and what I need for weapons and armor. Really no need to go out and get a switch for this game if you already have a hacked 3ds.
Brave style Great sword is amazing
Source? That's a pretty crazy number.
I don't believe this figure
>the monsters should just die a in few minutes
But they already do if you aren't shit. :^)
There's no exact figure for any of the MH games development. But MH4G alone (not MH4) costed several billion yen (amounts to several tens of millions of usd), 200 staff and 1.5 years of devtime.
>several billion yen (amounts to several tens of millions of usd), 200 staff and 1.5 years of devtime
OK yeah I'd say anywhere between 15m-40m USD is plausible. It's just 80m that would be crazy.
>got exited to see monhun on the switch
>decide to finish 4u
>La nd R buttons don't work anymore
>game is downright unplayable
this better be getting localized and nintendo better be having restocks soon
I'd rather they move on and don't bother translating Double Cross Switch.
I'm glad you're ready for MHXX my friend, you have fun.
I'll personally wait for MH5 and hope it doesn't have styles, but if it does I'll probably still buy it because I love Monster Hunter.
I think you'd probably be waiting a year until another game comes out, not counting localization time. It'd also be weird to not do it since the 3DS got a year basically tapped onto it with the 2DS XL, some of the older games, like Tri, had the original and enhanced versions
Let's hope that they announce it at E3. I see no reason why they wouldn't.
Nintendo is trying, but apparently ther eis currently a shortage in some of the component, so Nintendo is fighting other company for what's avalaible.
>>La nd R buttons don't work anymore
Curious, do they just not click in anymore? I had this trouble too, and I had to get a screwdriver small enough to open my 3DS, and it turns out the R button's screw wasn't in place anymore, and putting it back together made it work perfectly.
They're probably going to show it at E3. It would be a pretty big Western push for MH in general.
Not him, but my shoulders on the XL no longer click. Causes them to sometimes stay pressed down and send inputs when they're not supposed to.
How'd you open it?
>I think you'd probably be waiting a year until another game comes out, not counting localization time
I'm okay with that, I still get my times worth with 4U, Generations, and the older titles.
4 months between 4U JP and NA.
XX has been out for 2 months already. I am confident of August being a worldwide release date for the game.
I love Monster Hunter, and it's because I love Monster Hunter that I won't buy MHXX. Not on the 3DS, not on the Switch.
I hope my voice is heard that I disagree with the inclusion of styles and arts, and hope Capcom will leave them out of MH5. However if they stay in the series from this point on; I will have to move on. Thanks for the fun while it lasted capcom.
they "click" but they don't respond. tried doing that anyway but i don't have screwdrivers small enough to unscrew past the second plate of the 3ds
With one of these puppies. Obviously one that has a Phillips small enough to fit into the 3DS ones.
So you just unscrewed the back plate?
That's all you need to access the shoulders?