>Best girl in game isnt even a playable character
What games other than Skullgirls did this and who were they?
>Best girl in game isnt even a playable character
What games other than Skullgirls did this and who were they?
But the best girl IS playable
But she is playable and was the first to be too
it honestly does irk me that skullgirls is a fighter without the token chinese themed fighter i was really up set she got overlooked for Beowulf of all things. That fucker really ruined the game in hindsight.
and that sure isn't her
looks like a cartoony riven
>Beowulf ruining anything
>Not LE EPIC SAX MAN everyone plays
Big Band is a fucker and I hate him.
Nah, Beowulf was one of the least interesting picks for the poll. All those people that don't even play the game just HAD to vote for him instead of one of the many cool and relevant characters.
Him too as much as i like him. I'll admit it he's got too much shit going for him to have armor on everything. the only good indie gogo characters we got were Squiggles and Robo fortune, everyone else is feels busted and unbalanced.
>Not boring as white bread with water for dipping
That's not Scythana.
Oh please, the "story relevant" characters were pure shit and I'm glad everyone just ignored Lab Zero begging everyone to vote for Umbrella or Annie.
Beowulf was exactly what the game needed.
Neat bit of trivia, never knew that before
Annie looked fun, you shut your whore mouth
Umbrella was needed though, Annie i can agree with you on that. What i really wanted was Black Dahlia to be made cause they just kept hinting her to be another big bad villain who's really active in the story but she's got like no screentime to understand why is begin.
>everyone trying to get Feng, Umbrella, Annie, etc were too busy talking about their favorite lolis to notice Beowulf and Eliza creeping into the winners circle
Blame Mike Z for making a shitty Valkyrie profile clone instead of working on SG 2
That fan voting bullshit was the fucking worst.
Never said I wanted Feng
Unbrella and Annie were no good either, but they sure as hell were better than Beowulf. Black Dahlia or Brain Drain would have been way better.
>Beowulf was exactly what the game needed.
> Hurr durr wrestling
Yeah, I remember the time where they wanted another guy and they picked both him and Big Band, only for them to find out they don't like the fucking game.
Beowulf was shit and all the people who actually wanted him were people who were never real fans of the game.
>wanting a SG2 when SG doesn't have a canon ending yet
But I guess no one cared about the story anyway
Kinda hard to care about the story when it's all just plotlines that get dropped or are never resolved.
>'we need Marie, Umbrella, and B. Dhalia to be playable for there to be a true ending'
>never planned or even tried to get them in
Both Reverge and L0 can fuck off
what is this?
>Best girl in game
Pic unrelated right? Because that would be Umbrella
I don't expect a good story out of Alex Ahad's brain. Why the fuck do I need these characters to get a canon ending?
Honestly I feel like all the bad decisions are made of because Mike Z and solely him. It's kinda happening with Indivisible too
god tier taste my friend
I dont have a pic of her alone, sorry
What bad decisions were made for Indivisible? I haven't been following news on it since the indiegogo
>Blaming Mike Z.
He's just the game designer who's the main PR guy. The main one calling the shots is the CEO.
It's been a while. How did Beowulf even win the second vote anyways when first vote finalist were Eliza, Annie, Minette, and Aeon?
I honestly think Ravidwrath is the one who did this. Someone link the interview where he said the whole point of the huge cast is diversity.
Creators were begging to not have Aeon win the votes, and Eliza's out since she won the first vote. Annie was very close to winning too.
Because Marie gets put to rest somewhat and her Skullheart is no longer as powerful, Umbrella is to take over to Parasoul who's going to die and become a new Skullgirl, and B. Dalhia meanwhile is shown to be causing a huge ruckus in the city in several endings, she's suppose to be a new major villain.
I'm surprised any guy got the vote when the game was originally waifus only. Beowulf is especially confusing since he's not mentioned previously but a lot of the finalists have appeared at some point
>they didn't want divinity in the game
huh. How did Venus do?
You hear about him a little in Peacock's story, but that's about it
>Ewww I don't want young girls
>Woah! This guy is cool! If my character doesn't win then he should!
That's literally it. Better then having Minette, could never understand her fucking appeal
Character voting was a fucking mistake
>Creators were begging to not have Aeon win the votes
Eliza is cool and all, but Aeon was my vote.
Okay, what's the problem? diversity? that isn't a problem user, you just want to make it a problem.
So, out of all the endings Parasoul's is supposed to be canon?
>Can't play as the actual Skullgirl
Glad I didn't fall into the hype and buy this game
Like most SJW based diversity initiatives it was ironically racist. The majority of the "diverse" cast were racist caricatures.
Basically but only because it's like the only ending that still keeps the skull heart relevant i think. I can't remember Filia's ending or anyone elses.
Angular, revolver rifle cowboy conquistador> poofy jacket Grampa with a stupid looking gunblade. Even if the original wasn't that great.
who's the CEO? I didn't think Lab zero was a big enough dev company to have Ceo yet, or do you mean the CEO of the company they're making Indivisible with?
Filia fixes whatsherface and gets to live a normal life but winds up developing a heart disease due to being overweight
people like cute clumsy girls, and Minette provides only that.
Valentines would work too I guess, she wishes to become the next Skull Girl and wants Painwheel to fight her and avenge herself.
>it isn't diverse enough until we've removed all white men
fuck their backwards thinking
I know the feeling
Removing the better design in favor of an awful one.
Just make him black for all I fucking care. If the design on the right was white, people would still complain
Stop giving a shit about DeviantART: The Game. You might as well be playing MOBAs at this point.
Well these people have shit taste.
>No longer exists now due to a retarded fan
Someone post the comic where it feels like it's an NTR ending
They kinda need to be caricatures though, it's the best way on how'd you make they're nationalites stand out. The thing about diversity is that it gotta be an extent of "racist" in order for it feel like it's diverse and it matters. SJW diversity of just taking a character that make them a brown shade of skin and calling them x is the worse kind of diversity that every one really hates. So long as not your using the caricatures to bash in a negative and hateful message about the race then it shouldn't be a problem.
Didnt he also got fuckall of the monetary compensation he was getting for breaking the NDA?
The mobile is fucking shit, glad i uninstalled it
Yeah he opened his fucking mouth and pic related happened
yeah, your opinion been dropped. go fap to some anime porn or something .
Fuuka is the bestest!
You mean get fucked out of all of the creator's comp? Naturally, i think when he started blabbing about Juju, she hadn't even been put officially in the game yet so he couldn't collect shit.
Giving up already? Pathetic.
Fuck off retard
wow r00d
no post Parasoul instead please, she is better than Valentine
Absolutely hillarious!
I'm still hoping for a beat'emup sequel so they are free to explore the setting instead of pumping tons of resources on making a single character.
I hated how almost every story mode ends with Skulkheart being destroyed.
Post both
From what I heard, he broke it almost immediately after the NDA was put into effect and were going to make Juju a thing. Everything crashed and burned only one day after.
I thought Isaac was really cool sounding
I wanted the fish girl and Adam, only because they were going to be slightly based off of Phoenix Wright and Maya
The fuck was the point of creating and showcasing all these unique looking characters if only like 4 of them got in and a robot clone?
Nigga you arent the only one, old man Doc Brown and Ludec were in my top five out of that campaign list.
>People still bitching about m-muh characters/waifus not in the game
There was a whole catalog of characters and only the winners got in, get over it autists
They can't release a full roster, but they sure are quick with a mobile game, all the money has to go somewhere, right guys?
>Reusing the sprites
>Expecting they put serious money in it
What a fucking retard
Nah man fuck off, even the people who voted for characters that one admit that hindsight they shouldn't have one compared to what they were put against in the campaign.
>and they're still making more money with all the gacha P2W purchases
Feel bad for the people that kickstarted this
Your favorite is my favorite just from her one scene in the Beowulf story.
I voted for Beowulf because he looked cool and I'm happy how he turned out, he's got some really fun shit
Big Band is boring to play for me but I can understand why others thought he'd be cool
Just because you care about muh lore characters doesn't mean everyone else does
Faggot, none of the characters we got were boring. Beowulf is based anyway. I did want Dahlia though.
>tfw no one ever mentions Panzerfaust again
He was close to winning a spot too. Why does no one ever talk about him?
Literally Potekmin just like Annie being Sol, boring as fuck
The wehraboo in my wants to sumarily execute whoever came up with that.
I want to execute you for that post you made.
he was in the tutorial for Skullgirls Mobile, if that counts for anything
Nice grammar
>Not even new art
>Just the same picture as the one that you replied at
Lame as fuck
Neat. Do they use any other unused characters?
>egrets are supposed to be ss soldiers
>they wear pickelhaubes
>no new art
There's new character intro animations and pic related
The game got new intros too, and that probably is an animation reused, are there any videos about the game?
I think they're just a mishmash of militaristic German aesthetics that looked cool to Alex. I don't think there was any specific era in mind for uniform consistency when he made them.
Molly, Adam, Minette, the gangsters from the beginning of Ms Fortunes story, Andy the Anvil, they're all there to give a small backdrop of narration while you battle bots
That's pretty cool. I'm glad they're at least doing something with them.