Was just DMing a dev I know twitter (rather not say who the person is) until he dropped this info on me. Here's notes I took of what he said and I wasn't expecting for him/her to drop this on me like that
>New mainline Metroid title (not prime) coming to Switch >Switch exclusive >Retro studios is not developing it >the studio behind it appears on the Switch partners list: says they have a close relationship with Nintendo >Developemt for the game is quite advanced >A reveal/teaser is set to happen at E3; most likely a surprise reveal during Nintendo Spotligh
OP here. This is the switch partners list the person was talking about
Logan Jones
I was just DM'ing the same dev and he says that youre a fucking liar, OP
Isaac Bailey
>platinum making game for switch but won't say >new metroid >platinum known for sexy lady games
Austin Foster
This 'leak' isn't even interesting enough to care about desu. At least bait a little bit and say samus is trans or something
Elijah Sullivan
OP here again, it turns out I'm a lying faggot.
Blake Sullivan
>Metroid title is Switch exclusive what a fucking shock
Michael Reed
The spotlight will almost assuredly be all 2017 shit, development should be finished by now. Aint buying your shit, OP
Ethan Bell
>New Metroid
Kekus maximus, see you when you make this thread again.
Jordan Jones
well nintendo is known for stupid decisions and could make the next metroid on 3ds
Michael Ramirez
Sounds dangerously close to Other M. Also they're pretty shitty when it comes to IPs they didn't make.
Carson Russell
Seriously. there is only 13 fucking days till E3.
Stop this nonsense.
Brody Turner
Nier is one of the most memed games around here, m8, they would do fine with a Metroid game. I mean, it would be an Other M scenario where "exploration" is gimped, but at least it would be competent action
Ayden Powell
>Here's notes I took of what he said and I wasn't expecting for him/her
Levi Flores
>Switch >Getting games Kek, it will just be more blunders, ports and indie shit
Adam Turner
I began doing my in field practices on EA redwood (yes college) and all i have learnt from the ee is that its pretty much going to be kinda shitty because its open to the public and there will be less demostrations, that sony is paying companies to support the ps4 pro and that the nintendo switch at PEAK performance, optimisation and proper use of resources can reach semi xb1 performance. And it is more powerfull than the wii u in handheld mode.
Nintendo is forbidding any big name vidya company from making touch only games.
Project scorpio has an edgy release name (dont know)
And that sony may release a new handheld (this one is mire like a joke i guess because i heard it from one self proclaimed "important dev")
Easton Ward
I was DMing a dev I know on twitter and he said all of this is false, user.
Gavin Flores
Who hurt you?
Dylan Hall
Actually sounds pretty legitimate, and nothing really shocking. Pretty much anybody who isn't a retard understands that proper optimization with the Switch means you can get games close to XB1 performance due to FP16 support.
I hope the Switch gets Super Mega Baseball this fall
Camden Barnes
I hate to come here and start seeing people trying to sound smart with "fp precision blast processing ram cock cores" any given chip is able to perform differently depending on the task, optimization is just increasing efficiency, you cant get 100 efficiency out of anything, its a fact
Logan Perez
>L-l-look b-bros! I posted it again! Will you let me into your members only Sony reddit n-now? P-please?
Jordan Garcia
>There's dipshits that buy into it every fucking time one of these threads show up
If you're one of them you're legitimately no better than those people that believe fake news articles on facebook.
Adrian Garcia
Stage 1: Denial
Nathan Cooper
>220 times
Holy Christ, that is legitimate autism
Hunter Long
He posts it every thread, I'm surprised the number isn't higher
Wyatt Baker
I'd say it's more fear.
Luke Lopez
Lmao what a sad, sad little bastard
I bet he's canadian
Jayden Collins
the word blunder really has lost its meaning by now
Parker Turner
If I had to choose or predict I'd say it's either Platinum or Inti Creates
Brayden Brooks
Looking at whats already been confirmed, I'm inclined to believe this.
I love Zelda, and the Switch is a fun system, but it really needs some more games.
Adrian Gray
Adam Cook
I want attention seeking bullshitters off of my board
Connor Phillips
Getting real sad at this point.
Isaac Carter
>yfw metroid made by from software
Hunter Phillips
Metroid made by [/spoiler]Bethesda
Jaxon Martin
Nintendo almost always goes past the dates they say their events will cover. 2017 is going to be their focus but there will assuredly be stuff for 2018.
Charles Gomez
Levi Davis
plot switch its dena and metroid is mobile candy crush like
Kayden Lee
>Switch >Games Top kek
Wyatt Martinez
>Inti Creates God please no. I like their games but their history with metroidvanias is spotty at best.
Camden Ramirez
Post DM's or get the fuck out.
Gabriel Clark
Even if OP wasn't lying, Metroid will bomb on the Switch. No one cares about that series besides the 6 people on this board who keep posting about it
Angel Rodriguez
Here's your (YOU) dude...
Ayden White
@378592541 not even worth a (You)
William Fisher
Leo Sanchez
Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux! Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, Il sait porter la croix! Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.
Mason Lee
You're right that Sun and Moon were blunders. No way Zelda was.